Drooling Irish Setter dog looks into the camera Dog care 23.04.2024

Is it normal for the dog to salivate heavily

We explain why it's normal for your dog to salivate a lot.

If your dog is salivating heavily, this can raise many questions. Is this behavior normal? Or could it be a sign of a health problem? In this blog post, you'll find out what heavy salivation in dogs can mean, what causes it and what you can do about it.

What does profuse salivation in dogs mean?

Profuse salivation, also known as hypersalivation, is a condition in which dogs produce an unusual amount of saliva. It's important to understand that occasional salivation can be perfectly normal, especially in certain breeds such as Boxers or St. Bernards, which are known for their 'drooling' characteristics. However, if your dog suddenly starts salivating more than usual, this could be a warning sign.

Possible causes of heavy salivation in dogs

There are numerous reasons why a dog might salivate heavily. Here are some of the most common causes:

  1. Oral and dental problems: Dental infections, inflamed gums, trapped foreign objects or tumors in the mouth can cause heavy salivation.
  2. Heat and dehydration: In hot summer months, dogs may try to cool themselves down by panting and salivating profusely.
  3. Anxiety and stress: Anxious or stressed dogs may salivate more in response to their emotions.
  4. Poisoning: Consumption of toxic substances, such as certain plants, chemicals or harmful foods, can lead to heavy salivation.
  5. Breed-related: Of course, it is also possible that your dog salivates due to its breed.
  6. Diseases: Various diseases, including distemper, rabies or gastrointestinal diseases, can also cause severe salivation.
Geifernder Irish Setter Hund in einem heißen Sommer Depositphotos / Elegant01

Excessive salivation in dogs due to breed

Yes, excessive salivation can be breed-related. Some dog breeds are known to drool more than others. This is usually due to the structure of their mouth and lips. Dogs with loose, hanging skin around the mouth tend to produce more saliva and often have difficulty keeping it in their mouths, leading to increased drooling.

Breeds that typically drool a lot

  1. St. Bernard: This large breed is famous for its friendly nature and large, pendulous lips, which can lead to a lot of drooling.
  2. Dogue de Bordeaux and Great Dane: Also known as French Mastiffs, these dogs have a very loose lip structure that often leads to drooling. The same goes for the Great Danes.
  3. English Bulldog: Due to their flat facial structure and drooping lips, they tend to drool regularly.
  4. Newfoundlands: These gentle giants are known for their love of water and their drooling behavior.
  5. Mastiffs: Several Mastiff species, including the English Mastiff and Bull Mastiff, are also known for their heavy drooling.

It is important for owners of such breeds to understand that a certain amount of salivation is normal and to be expected. It is still important to watch for changes in drooling behavior as these can indicate health issues. Regular check-ups with the vet can help to ensure that the drooling is actually normal and not the result of an underlying problem.

What can you do if you think it's no longer normal?

If you notice that your dog is salivating abnormally, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check the inside of the mouth: Check for foreign objects such as blades of grass or pieces of bone. Also check the gums for redness or swelling.
  2. Pay attention to other symptoms: Observe for other symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea or behavioral changes.
  3. Cool your dog down: If it's hot outside and your dog is panting, provide cool, shady areas and plenty of fresh water.
  4. Calm your dog: If your dog is anxious, try to remove the cause of the anxiety and create a calm environment.
  5. Contact the vet: If you suspect poisoning or a serious illness, or if the symptoms do not subside, you should consult a vet immediately.

Preventive measures

To avoid future heavy salivation, you can take the following preventative measures:

  • Regular dental check-ups: Ensure regular dental checkups and cleanings by your veterinarian.
  • Safe environment: Keep toxic substances and dangerous objects away from your dog.
  • Stress management: Work to minimize stress triggers for your dog and provide a calming environment.
Ein liebenswerter französischer Bulldoggenwelpe, dem aufgrund der sengenden Sommerhitze unkontrolliert Speichel aus dem Maul tropft. Depositphotos / praditkhorn.gmail.com

Heavy salivation can be a sign that your dog is experiencing discomfort or even serious health problems. It's important to find out the cause and act accordingly. With the right care and precautions, you can help your dog stay healthy and happy. And if you are unsure, the vet is always the best person to contact.

Banner: Depositphotos / Elegant01
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