Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog,Dog breed,Canidae,Snout,Skin,Companion dog,Carnivore,Wrinkle, Dog Health 08.02.2021

Kennel cough - If your dog coughs, you should know this disease

What is kennel cough? Does my dog have the kennel cough? How do you get it?

Kennel cough-If your dog coughs, you should know about this disease.

Your dog can get a cough too. Kennel cough is uncomfortable for the dog.

Symptoms of kennel cough

Kennel cough is manifested by a strong barking cough accompanied by cramps. The dog suffers from shortness of breath and nasal discharge, possibly conjunctivitis with purulent discharge. The larynx and trachea are inflamed. So your dog is in pain. Its immune system is weakened. It chokes frequently and is shaken by cramp-like coughing attacks. The disease can affect the entire upper respiratory tract, such as the trachea and bronchi. If the dog appears weak and tired, and fever and mucous sputum are also present, it is a severe course, which also includes pneumonia.

Is kennel cough contagious?

If your dog is infected with kennel cough, it should be quarantined. Kennel cough is highly contagious and infectious. Viruses and bacteria are the causes of kennel cough. Not only can dogs infect each other, but kennel cough can also be transmitted from cats to dogs. Transmission takes place through droplet infection, i.e. via the air.

Kennel cough in dogs

Duration of the disease kennel cough

After infection from dog to dog, the first symptoms appear in the time frame of two to ten days (incubation period). As a rule, the symptoms of kennel cough subside after one to two weeks in a normal course. In severe cases, secondary damage, such as pneumonia, can occur.

When to take your dog to the doctor

If you recognise the typical symptoms of kennel cough in your dog, you should take him to a vet you trust immediately. The vet can then diagnose kennel cough on the basis of the symptoms. In order to detect all pathogens, the doctor usually takes a swab from the mucous membranes. From the swab, it can diagnose all bacteria that are involved in the course of the disease.

How will your dog get better?

The vet will prescribe your dog an antibiotic. In addition, the dog will be prescribed rest until he is back on his feet. Additionally, the dog should be given cough syrup that the vet prescribes. The sick dog should be kept away from conspecifics during the recovery period.

Can the dog be vaccinated against kennel cough?

You have the option of having your dog vaccinated against kennel cough. Vaccination against kennel cough is especially recommended for high-risk dogs. These are dogs that live in close quarters with several other dogs, such as breeding dogs or shelter dogs. However, your dog can also catch the disease from another dog while out for a walk. A vaccination does not protect against kennel cough, but only reduces the symptoms somewhat.


If your dog shows symptoms of kennel cough, you must separate it from its peers, as the disease is very contagious. The dog should always be presented to a veterinarian with symptoms to be able to mitigate the course of the disease. In severe cases, kennel cough leads to pneumonia, which in the worst case can lead to death. The dog must be given medication to contain the kennel cough. Its immune system must be slowly rebuilt and also strengthened in the future through varied and nutritious food and adequate exercise.

Banner: Shutterstock / Ezzolo
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