Silkshund:Australian Silky Terrier and Dachshund Mix

Hybrid Breed

Australian Silky Terrier + Dachshund


Origin of the Silkshund

The Silkshund is a hybrid dog resulting from the cross between the Dachshund and the Australian Silky Terrier. The origins of the Silkshund go back to both Germany and Australia, combining the sturdy endurance of the Dachshund and the fine elegance of the Silky Terrier.

The Silkshund is a small to medium sized dog, weighing approximately between 5 and 12 kilograms. His coat is usually silky and can come in a variety of colors such as black, brown, red or a combination of these colors. Its body is often long and low, similar to a Dachshund, while its face has the fine, dapper features of the Silky Terrier.

Alternate Name -
Origin Australia - Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 16 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Suitability and character traits

The Silkshund is an active and curious dog with a strong personality. With its medium energy and adaptability, the Silkshund is well suited to many different lifestyles. However, he can exhibit a stubborn stubbornness that is often found in both parent breeds. Therefore, consistent training from the beginning is important.

This mixed breed dog is friendly and loyal to his family and usually gets along well with children and other pets. However, since both the Dachshund and Australian Silky Terrier have strong hunting instincts, the Silkshund should always be well supervised and kept safe, especially in areas with lots of wildlife.

Health and care

The potential health problems of the Silkshund can be similar to those of the parent breeds, including skin problems, eye disease, hip dysplasia, and spinal problems. Therefore, a responsible owner should ensure that the dog receives regular veterinary check-ups.

The Silkshund usually has a medium-length, silky coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting. Brushing once or twice a week is recommended, as is regular grooming by a professional.

The Silkshund is a small to medium sized dog that weighs approximately between 5 and 12 kilograms. Its coat is usually silky and can come in a variety of colors such as black, brown, red or a combination of these colors. Its body is often long and low, similar to a Dachshund, while its face has the fine, dapper features of the Silky Terrier.

Fur length long - short
Fur flat coated - rough-haired
Ear shape Standing Ears - Floppy Ear
Tail short
Anatomy slim, square, strong
Size ♀ 17 - 25 cm
Weight ♀ 3 - 9 kg
Size ♂ 17 - 27 cm
Weight ♂ 3 - 9 kg
Suitable For -
  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Dermatophytosis

    Dermatophytosis (synonym dermatophytosis, from ancient Greek τὸ δέρμα derma, German 'skin' and ancient Greek φυτόν phyton, German 'plant') or tinea (Latin for 'woodworm', 'moth') is a skin fungal disease caused by specific fungi (dermatophytes).

  • Ureteral ectopy

    Ureteral ectopy (also known as ureteral ectopia) is an inherited condition where the ureter (known as the ureter) does not end in the bladder as usual due to a misalignment.

  • Dachshund Paralysis

    By dachshund paralysis (discopathy) veterinarians mean paralysis of the limbs in dogs.

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • This mixed breed is a very lovable, intelligent and affectionate breed. They are attentive, friendly and extremely accessible to all family members.

  • As a hybrid breed, the Mongrel is very variable in size and weight. Usually this breed is born somewhere between 10 and 12 pounds and can reach up to 24 pounds.

  • The life expectancy is 7 to 15 years.

  • The hybrid breed is easy to train and responds well to praise and reward. Regardless, owners should have regular training sessions with their dog to encourage positive behavior.

  • Despite the long strands of fur, the care of the Silkshund is very simple and requires little attention and time. Once a week grooming is usually enough, unless there are some shortcomings in the coat.

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