Blue dogs

Dog breeds with a blue coat color fascinate with their unique, shimmering appearance, which ranges from silvery blue to steel gray.

What does "blue" coat color mean?

The blue coat color in dogs is caused by a genetic mutation that dilutes the color pigment in the coat. This results in a soft, bluish gray tone that shimmers in the sunlight. Although this color is rare and particularly attractive, it can also lead to health problems, such as sensitive skin or a tendency to certain skin diseases.

Why can the blue coat color be harmful to health?

The genetic mutation that causes the blue coat is sometimes linked to skin problems such as alopecia (hair loss) and dermatitis (skin inflammation). Dogs with this coat color can be more prone to sunburn and allergies as the skin is often more sensitive. It is important to ensure responsible breeding when buying a dog with a blue coat color to minimize the risk of such problems.

Discover 5+ dog breeds with blue coat color

In this blog post, we introduce you to dog breeds that can have a blue coat color. You'll find out more about their characteristics, the special care they need and which health aspects you should consider. From impressive working dogs to gentle family companions - discover the fascinating world of dogs with blue coats and find out what you need to look out for when keeping them.

American Bully

Ein schöner amerikanischer Bully-Hund auf der grünen Wiese Depositphotos /

The American Bully is a powerful, friendly and loyal dog that often has a short, bluish-gray coat. He is known for his muscular build and gentle nature with people, especially children. Despite his impressive appearance, he is a social and affectionate family dog who needs a lot of attention.

Bouvier des Ardennes

Bouvier des Ardennes in Showposition Depositphotos / riha.martin13

The Bouvier des Ardennes is a robust, loyal and hard-working dog that often has a dense, bluish-grey coat. Originally bred as a herding and herding dog, he is alert and protective of his family. With its intelligent and friendly nature, it is well suited as a family dog and versatile companion for active people.

Border Collie

Border Collie Hund vor einem weißen Hintergrund stehend Depositphotos / eriklam

The Border Collie is an intelligent, eager to learn and energetic dog that is known for its herding abilities. Its blue merle color is more common, giving it a distinctive bluish-grey coat. His stamina and loyalty make him an ideal working dog and loyal companion for active families.

Shar Pei

Shar Pei Welpe sitzend, 10 Wochen alt, isoliert auf weiß Depositphotos / lifeonwhite

The Shar-Pei is a unique, loyal and independent dog that stands out with its distinctive wrinkled skin and often bluish-grey coat. This rare coat color gives it a special appearance. However, the Shar-Pei is prone to skin problems and breathing difficulties due to its heavily wrinkled coat, which is why it is considered to be a torturous breed.

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler) schaut zur Kamera auf, Nahaufnahme ihres Gesichts Depositphotos / MadeleinWolf

The Australian Cattle Dog is an intelligent, persistent and hard-working dog that often has a characteristic, bluish speckled coat. Originally bred for herding, he is particularly loyal and protective of his family. With its energy and willingness to learn, it is ideal for active people and demanding tasks.

Australian Kelpie

Ein Hund der australischen Kelpie-Rasse spielt auf Sand und in einem Fluss Depositphotos / bazilpp

The Australian Kelpie is an intelligent, energetic and loyal herding dog that often has a smooth, bluish-black coat. It was bred specifically for herding and is characterized by its stamina and alertness. His eagerness to learn and adaptability make him an ideal companion for active people and demanding tasks.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Porträt eines muskulösen blauen Hundes. American Staffordshire Terrier auf unscharfem Hintergrund Depositphotos / yurkovska

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a powerful, intelligent and loyal dog, often sporting a smooth, bluish-gray coat. He is known for his courage and his close bond with his family. With the right training and socialization, it is a friendly and affectionate companion that is particularly valued as a family dog.

Mastino Napoletano

Porträtfoto eines Neapolitanischen Mastiffs im Freien Depositphotos / Madrabothair

The Mastino Napoletano is an imposing, loyal and protective dog that often has a wrinkled, bluish-gray coat. It is known for its vigilance and strong protective nature towards its family. Despite his powerful appearance, he is a loving and loyal companion in close company, requiring consistent training.


Windhund-Rennfahrer im Ruhestand auf weißem Hintergrund. Depositphotos / duplass

The Greyhound is an elegant, fast and gentle sighthound that often has a short, bluish-gray coat. Known for his endurance and speed, he is an excellent racing dog and at the same time a loving companion. Despite his athleticism, he is a calm and relaxed dog in the house and enjoys a lot of attention.

Bedlington Terrier


The Bedlington Terrier is an agile, intelligent and courageous dog known for its lamb-like appearance and soft, often bluish-grey coat. Originally bred as a hunting terrier, he is an attentive companion and at the same time a loving family dog. His friendly and playful nature make him a charming companion.

Italian wind chimes

Italienischer Windhund auf weißem Studiohintergrund Depositphotos / vivienstocks

The Italian Greyhound is an elegant, gentle and affectionate sighthound, often sporting a smooth, bluish-gray coat. Known for its grace and speed, it is a loyal companion that bonds closely with its people. With its calm nature, it makes an excellent family dog and loves to spend quality time together as well as exercise.

Australian Silky Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier auf dem grünen Rasen Depositphotos / CaptureLight

The Australian Silky Terrier is a fun-loving, intelligent and courageous little dog known for its silky coat. Despite its compact size, it has a big personality and is an excellent watchdog. His loyal and playful nature make him a wonderful family dog and faithful companion.

Terrier Brasileiro

Brasilianischer Terrier vor weißem Hintergrund Depositphotos / cynoclub

The Terrier Brasileiro is a lively, intelligent and courageous dog that sometimes has a short, bluish-gray coat. Originally bred in Brazil, it is an excellent watchdog and a playful family companion. His eagerness to learn and his loyal nature make him an active and faithful friend who needs plenty of exercise.

Blue Gascon Griffon


The Blue Gascon Griffon is a robust, persistent and intelligent hunting dog known for its rough, bluish-grey coat. Originally bred in France, it impresses with its alertness and excellent scenting ability. His friendly and loyal nature make him a faithful companion for active people and families.

Bearded Collie

Bearded Collie Hund, sitzend auf Gras Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Bearded Collie is a lively, intelligent and friendly herding dog that often has a long, bluish-gray coat. It is known for its eagerness to learn and stamina, which makes it an ideal family dog and working dog. His playful and loyal nature ensures a close bond with his humans.

Lakeland Terrier

Lakeland Terrier Hund stehend auf Gras Depositphotos / slowmotiongli

The Lakeland Terrier is a courageous, energetic and intelligent dog, sometimes sporting a wiry, bluish-grey coat. Originally bred for fox and badger hunting, it is an attentive and loyal companion. His friendly and playful nature makes him an ideal family dog who likes to be active.


Löwchen (7 Jahre) vor einem weißen Hintergrund Depositphotos / lifeonwhite

The Lion is a cheerful, intelligent and affectionate companion dog, sometimes sporting a soft, bluish-gray coat. Known for his lion-like haircut, he is a playful and friendly family dog. His love of learning and affection for people make him a wonderful, loving companion in everyday life.

Shih Tzu

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Leber,Begleithund,Gras,Spielzeughund,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Shih tzu, Pexels / Pexels

The Shih Tzu is a cheerful, loyal and intelligent little dog that sometimes has a long, bluish-grey coat. Originally bred as a companion dog, it is affectionate and friendly towards its humans. With his playful nature and loving character, he is a wonderful family dog and loyal companion.

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