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Hiking in Carinthia with a dog - these hiking routes with a dog are the best

Every dog owner must know these hiking trails in Carinthia.

Hiking in Carinthia with a dog - these hiking routes with a dog are the best ones

You would like to get out of your own four walls again, but don't want to leave your four-legged friend alone, love hiking and want to combine all this? Carinthia offers everything for dog and master. Whether a leisurely walk along the Wörthersee and a refreshment in the cool water, a hike eye to eye with wildlife or a more challenging march to the mountain pasture - here everyone gets his money's worth. You can find the best routes for you and your dog here:

For cozy:

Klagenfurter Hütte:

From Bärental, it's around 400 metres in altitude to the Klagenfurter Hütte. The hiking trail runs mostly through the forest, but offers a view of the mountain panorama in some places. If your dog still isn't tired after this (and you can stand a little exercise yourself), you can add a hike on the Kosjak. The way there is quite steep. The two of you can really let off steam! You and your four-legged friend have to overcome another 400 meters of altitude, only then it is done and it becomes comfortable again!

brown big dog with long straight hair that looks like a labrador but is a flatcoated retriever

Bodental - sea eye and fairy tale meadow:

Located at about 1000 meters in the Karawanken in the last corner of Carinthia you hike with your dog about 3 kilometers over a small road and some meadows - sniffing experience guaranteed! Then you are at the Meerauge, a turquoise water hole, which can be hiked around comfortably. A fun experience for dog and master. Past the Bodenbauer inn, which offers culinary delights for both of you, you'll be at the fairytale meadow in another 3 kilometres.

For curious fur noses:

Carinthia's Rosegg Zoo winds around a wooded mountain. Animals are everywhere here and become an experience for dog and master. Your dog will be able to see hyenas, deer or emus and inhale their scent, but be careful: the ibexes are running around freely! That's why it's compulsory to keep your dog on a leash - we don't want to risk any unpleasant encounters.

Afterwards you can make a detour to the Wörtersee and refresh yourself in the cool water.

Basset sitting on a pile of leaves, Dog with long floppy ears, Dog that looks similar to Beagle, This dog tends to be overweight, Brown white small dog

For those with stamina:

The water hiking trail in Liebenfels leads partly over old footbridges along a stream close to the cool water. In hot months your darling will get quite a splash. Again and again, information boards on the 7.5-kilometre-long circular trail provide information about the former mills.

For mountain lovers:

The Gurktaler Alps as well as the Nockberge or the Karawanken offer a lot of fresh air and exercise, but also fantastic views and reward with many new impressions. Maybe your four-legged friend will even have the opportunity to meet a marmot eye to eye. So don't be shy!

Reaching the Kölnbreinsperre is an experience in itself. The 14-kilometre drive along the Malta High Alpine Road takes you past numerous waterfalls and rock tunnels. At the end, the reservoir, the Kölnbreinspeicher, awaits and promises not only cooling, but also a cosy rest at the Hotel Malta, where your darling is welcome.

If you both want to go high up, then visit the Airwalk. All-round view - forwards and downwards - guaranteed! 200 meters of unobstructed view through the glass floor offer many a wonderful view! Please keep your furry friend on a leash.

Banner: Shutterstock / GerryP
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