Swedish dog breeds

Swedish dog breeds and dogs in Sweden

Sweden, a Scandinavian country with deep forests, impressive lakes and a long coastline, has a long tradition regarding dogs. This is reflected both in the variety of Swedish dog breeds and in the way dogs are valued in Swedish culture and society.

Modern trends

While traditional Swedish dog breeds remain popular, many international breeds have also found their way into Swedish households. These include the Labrador Retriever, the Golden Retriever and the Border Collie. Sweden is known for its high awareness of animal welfare, and there are many regulations in place to ensure that dogs are kept in a safe and caring environment.

Role of dogs in Swedish society

Dogs play a central role in Swedish life, whether in rural areas where they are often used as working dogs or in urban areas where they are beloved family members. Sweden also has numerous dog clubs and organizations dedicated to the education, training and breeding of dogs.

Challenges and prospects

Sweden faces few challenges related to dogs, as the country has strict animal welfare laws and a high awareness of animal needs and rights. However, animal welfare organizations continue to advocate for dog rights and work to ensure that all dogs in Sweden have safe and loving homes.

Known Swedish dog breeds

We show you below the most famous dog breeds from Sweden that you should know.


Ein schöner Blick auf einen Drever auf der Straße Depositphotos / wirestock_creators

The Drever is one of the best known Swedish dog breeds and represents the country's rich hunting heritage. Originally derived from the Westphalian Badger in Germany, this breed was further developed in Sweden and finally officially recognized as the Drever in the 1940s.

Characteristics and traits

  • Appearance: the Drever is a medium-sized dog with short legs and a robust build. It has a short, dense coat that comes in a variety of colors, including tri-color, red, and black and white.
  • Temperament: The Drever is known for his lively and determined temperament. He is an avid hunter with a keen ability to follow scent. Despite his hunting abilities, the Drever is also popular as a family dog as he is friendly, affectionate and gets along well with children and other pets.

  • Uses: While the Drever is primarily used as a hunting dog for deer in Sweden, it has also made a name for itself as a companion dog. His keen sense of smell and endurance make him an ideal dog for tracking work.

Role in Swedish culture

The Drever is highly regarded in Sweden, both for its hunting abilities and for its friendly nature. The breed has an integral place in Swedish hunting culture, with many hunters appreciating the Drever for its ability to track game animals over long distances without needlessly rushing them.


The Hamiltonstövare is a Swedish dog breed named after its founder, Count Adolf Patrick Hamilton. This dog belongs to the group of running dogs and is often praised for its elegant appearance and tricolor markings - black, brown and white.

Originally, the Hamiltonstövare was bred for hunting fox and hare. His fine hearing, endurance and keen sense of smell make him an excellent tracking dog. Despite his hunting instincts, as a pet he is known for his friendly and even-tempered nature. He is sociable towards people and other dogs and usually shows no aggression.

Like many hunting dogs, the Hamiltonstövare needs regular exercise and mental stimulation. He loves to explore his surroundings and needs ample space to run and play. Training the Hamiltonstövare should be consistent but loving to get the most out of his intelligent and sometimes stubborn character.


The Jämthund, also known as the Swedish Elkhound, is an old Nordic dog breed that originated in northern Sweden. Characteristic of this breed are its strong build, dense, weather-resistant coat and proud appearance. The coat can vary in shades from gray to silver, with the head, ears and front of the legs often darker than the rest of the body.

Traditionally, the Jämthund was used to hunt moose. Thanks to its endurance and intelligence, it is perfectly suited for this task. Despite his hunting instincts, he is a calm and loyal companion at home, developing a deep affection for his family. However, it is important to exercise him physically and mentally to ensure a harmonious life together.

When properly socialized, he gets along well with other dogs and animals. However, his dominant nature can sometimes lead to conflict, so early socialization and consistent training are important. Overall, the Jämthund is an impressive and versatile dog that can shine as both a working dog and a family pet.

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