Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Carnivore,Poodle crossbreed,Goldendoodle,Spanish water dog,Sporting Group, Dog guide 08.05.2023

9 Water dogs: origin, character and care

Discover water dogs: fascinating breeds, character traits, care tips and great pictures that capture the charm of these dogs.

Water dog breeds delight dog lovers worldwide with their unique adaptability and playful nature. Typical characteristics of these dog breeds include:

  • Water-loving: they are known for their love of water and excellent swimming abilities.
  • Rugged Coat: Their dense, often curly coat provides protection from cold water and harsh weather conditions.
  • Intelligence and trainability: they are highly intelligent and eager to learn, making them versatile working and companion dogs.

The history of water dog breeds goes back a long way. Originally, they were used as working dogs for fishermen and hunters, where their natural water skills and keen minds were especially valued. Breeds such as the Portuguese Water Dog, the Spanish Water Dog, and the Poodle are prominent examples. Their varied histories and unique traits make water dog breeds a fascinating choice for dog lovers.

9 Popular Water Dog Breeds Profiled.

This section profiles some of the most popular water dog breeds. Each of these breeds has their own unique traits, strengths, and characteristics that make them great companions. Learn more about their origins, character, and special needs to get a better understanding of the fascinating variety of water dogs.

Portugiesischer Wasserhund schwarz weiß, Hund ähnlich Pudel, hypoallergene Hunderasse Shutterstock / Brook Robinson

Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog originated in Portugal and was traditionally used by fishermen to assist with work at sea. This breed is characterized by its playfulness, energy and loyalty, is very intelligent and easy to train. The Portuguese Water Dog is excellent for various dog sports and makes an excellent family dog.

In terms of grooming, the Portuguese Water Dog requires regular brushing and occasional trimming of the coat. A balanced diet and adequate exercise are essential to keep the dog healthy and fit. When training, positive reinforcement, patience and consistency are critical to success. This is how the Portuguese Water Dog becomes a loyal and happy companion.

Fun Fact: Barack Obama, the former President of the United States, chose a Portuguese Water Dog because his daughter Malia Obama suffers from an allergy to dog hair.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Fleischfresser, spanischer Wasserhund, Hund ähnlich Lagotto romagnolo, Sporting Group, Rasse ähnlich portugiesischer Wasserhund, mittelgroßer weißer Hund mit braunen Ohren, Schlappohren, Hund für Allergiker, hypoallergene Rasse, Rasse von Barack Obama Shutterstock / Jne Valokuvaus

Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish Water Dog is an old breed of dog that originated in southern Spain. Originally, he was used as a herding dog for sheep, goats and waterfowl. Today, he is valued mainly as a faithful companion and working dog.

The character of the Spanish Water Dog is characterized by intelligence, willingness to work and loyalty. He is an active dog, well suited for sporting activities and builds a close bond with his family.

In terms of grooming, the Spanish Water Dog requires little coat care, as its curly coat hardly sheds at all. However, the coat should be brushed and trimmed regularly to prevent matting. A healthy diet and adequate exercise are important for his well-being.

Training the Spanish Water Dog is usually uncomplicated, as he is very docile. Positive reinforcement, patience and consistency are crucial for successful training.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Barbet, Sporting Group, Fleischfresser, brauner Barbet mit Haarspange im Fell liegt vor grauem Hintergrund Shutterstock / Ysbrand Cosijn


The Barbet also belongs to the water dog family and originates from France. As a skillful retriever, he was particularly valued for hunting waterfowl.

The Barbet is characterized by its friendly, outgoing character and intelligence. He makes an excellent family dog, forming a close bond with his people. His thick, curly coat requires regular grooming, including brushing and trimming to prevent matting.

Training the Barbet is straightforward, as he is very eager to learn. With positive reinforcement, patience and consistency, this water dog can be trained to be an obedient and happy companion.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, weißer Lagotto romagnolo, Sporting Group, Rasse ähnlich Labradoodle, Barbet, Trüffelsuchhund Shutterstock / Dora Zett

Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is an Italian water dog originally from the Romagna region. Formerly used as a retriever in hunting, today he is best known for his skills as a truffle hunter.

The character of the Lagotto Romagnolo is friendly, intelligent and alert. He is well suited as a family dog and adapts quickly to different living conditions. His thick, curly coat requires regular grooming, including brushing and trimming to prevent matting.

When training the Lagotto Romagnolo, it is important to rely on positive reinforcement, patience and consistency. Thanks to its intelligence and willingness to learn, this water dog will quickly become a loyal and obedient companion.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Standardpudel, Pudel, Fleischfresser, Begleithund, Sieht zwar aus wie ein Goldendoodle ist aber reinrassig Shutterstock / Anna K Majer


The Poodle is one of the water dogs and probably originated in Germany or France. Originally used as a retriever for hunting waterfowl, it is now one of the best known dog breeds in the world.

Poodles are known for their intelligent, active and friendly character. They make excellent family dogs and come in a variety of sizes, from Toy to Large Poodles. Their curly coat is hypoallergenic and requires regular grooming, such as brushing and trimming, to prevent matting.

Training a Poodle is usually straightforward, as they are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. With positive reinforcement, patience and consistency, the Poodle can be trained to be an obedient and happy companion.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, spanischer Wasserhund, brauner Irish Water Spaniel steht im Feld Shutterstock / Julie Morrish

Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel belongs to the water dogs and originates from Ireland. Originally he was used as a retriever for hunting waterfowl and today he is a valued companion and working dog.

The character of the Irish Water Spaniel is characterized by intelligence, energy and playfulness. This breed makes a good family dog and is also suitable for dog sports such as agility. Its dense, curly coat is water resistant and requires regular grooming, such as brushing and trimming, to prevent matting.

When training the Irish Water Spaniel, positive reinforcement, patience and consistency are important. Thanks to its intelligence and willingness to learn, this water dog quickly develops into a loyal and obedient companion.

Amerikanischer Wasserspaniel braun, American Water Spaniel schokoladenbraun, kleiner Jagdhund mit welligem Fell Shutterstock / Steve Bruckmann

American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel is a rare water dog breed that originated in the United States. A versatile hunting dog, it was bred to retrieve waterfowl.

The American Water Spaniel's character is affectionate, intelligent and energetic. He is an excellent family dog that is also suitable for dog sports. Its wavy coat requires regular grooming, including brushing and occasional trimming.

Training the American Water Spaniel is straightforward, as he is eager to learn. With positive reinforcement, patience and consistency, this water dog can be trained to be a loyal and obedient companion.

Hund, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Hund ähnlich amerikanischer Wasserspaniel,  Rasse ähnlich irischer Wasserspaniel, Spaniel, Sporting Group, Fleischfresser, Wasserhund, Curly Coated Retriever, Schaut aus wie ein Pudelmischling ist aber ein reinrassiger brauner großer Hund mit Locken Shutterstock / Otsphoto

Curly-Coated Retriever

The Curly-Coated Retriever is a special breed of water dog that originated in England. As an efficient retriever of waterfowl, it is in no way inferior to its relatives. It is considered the oldest of the retriever breeds.

The Curly-Coated Retriever is characterized by its self-confident, clever and independent character. He is a loyal family dog who is also enthusiastic about a variety of dog sports. His distinctive curly coat is water resistant and requires special grooming, such as regular combing and selective trimming.

For training a Curly-Coated Retriever, a creative approach and varied exercises are recommended. This will keep him motivated and learning effectively. His resourcefulness and willingness to learn new things will make him a reliable companion.

Säugetier, Hund, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Hunderasse mit Wischmop Fell, Hund mit langem Fell, großer weißer Puli, besondere Hunderassen Shutterstock / Volofin


The Puli is a Hungarian water dog breed, originally used as a herding dog and prized for its ability to jump over bodies of water.

The character of the Puli is energetic, alert and intelligent. He is a loyal companion and is suitable for active families who can provide him with enough activity. His unique, corded coat is water repellent and requires special care, including regular trimming of the fur strands.

Training a Puli requires patience, consistency and varied exercises to keep his attention. Thanks to his ability to learn and agility, he will develop into an obedient and versatile helper with the right guidance.

Banner: Shutterstock / Daz Stock
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