
Norbottenspitz Breed description: Character & Co



Origin and history

The Norbottenspitz has its roots in the Nordic regions of Sweden and is particularly at home in the Norrbotten district. Historically, it was used by the Sámi, an indigenous people of Scandinavia, primarily as a hunting and guard dog. Over the years, the breed experienced ups and downs in its popularity. In the 1940s, the Norbottenspitz was even considered nearly extinct, but experienced a renaissance in the 1960s.


With proper socialization and training, the Norbottenspitz proves to be an excellent family dog. An overview of his most important characteristics:

  • Loyalty: He is fiercely loyal to his pack.
  • Activity: As a former working dog, he needs a lot of exercise.
  • Alertness: He is naturally alert without being overly aggressive.

Final Thoughts

If you lead an active lifestyle and are looking for a loyal, alert companion, the Norbottenspitz may be just what you're looking for. With its rich history and adaptability, it's at home in both urban and rural settings. But remember: proper socialization and training are crucial to getting the most out of this wonderful dog.

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Northern Spitz female dog, sitting and looking for a treat. Free-range dog park in Northern California. Dog sitting and relaxing in the sun
Alternate Name Norrbottenspets, Pohjanpystykorvat
Origin Sweden
Life expectancy 14 - 17 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group Nordic Hunting Dogs
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised


The Norbottenspitz is not only a visual highlight, but also inspires with its unique nature. As a breed originating in the northern regions of Sweden, it brings certain character traits with it:

  • Loyalty: a Norbottenspitz is exceptionally loyal to its owner.
  • Intelligence: He is very smart, learns quickly and often shows a high degree of initiative.
  • Energy: Originally bred for hunting, he has a high level of activity and energy.

Nature and Behavior

In handling, the Norbottenspitz shows itself to be very social and affectionate. He builds a close bond with his family and would prefer to always be there. His most important traits:

  • Alertness: he is an excellent guard of the house and warns of strangers.
  • Adaptability: Despite his energy, he can adapt well to different living conditions, provided he gets enough exercise.
  • Friendliness: Towards children and other animals he is usually friendly and tolerant.


If you want a four-legged friend who is intelligent, loyal and full of energy, the Norbottenspitz is for you. He does bring a lot of activity, but with the right guidance and activity, he will make a wonderful companion in any home. It is important, however, to meet his need for exercise and mental workout.


Care requirements

Grooming of the Norbottenspitz is generally straightforward, but some points should be noted:

  • Coat Care: His dense, medium-length coat should be brushed regularly, especially during annual shedding seasons.
  • Bathing Requirements: Bathe only when necessary to avoid stripping the skin's natural oils.
  • Claws and Ears: Claws should be clipped regularly and ears checked for cleanliness.

Health Overview

The Norbottenspitz is generally a hardy dog, but like all breeds, it has certain health susceptibilities:

  • Hip dysplasia: A common condition in many dog breeds.
  • Eye Disease: Occasionally, eye problems may occur.

Regular veterinary examination is recommended to ensure that any health problems are detected and treated early.

Breeding Information

When breeding the Norbottenspitz, attention should be paid primarily to health and temperament:

  • Breeding Requirements: There are specific breeding specifications and standards set by clubs and organizations.
  • Health checks: Before breeding, dogs should be tested for common diseases to minimize the spread of inherited diseases.


The Norbottenspitz is a wonderful breed, but it also requires attention when it comes to care and health. With proper care and attention to breeding standards, he will be a long-lived and healthy companion.

Nordic Spitz Dog sitting

The coat of the Norbottenspitz is one of its most outstanding characteristics. It is described as dense and straight and can be of varying lengths:

  • Outer coat: Straight and quite harsh to the touch.
  • Undercoat: Dense, soft and good insulator. Protects against extreme weather conditions.

Visual appearance

The appearance of this Nordic dog is impressive and distinctive:

  • Coat Color: Mostly white with markings of various colors, such as black, brown or gray.
  • Eyes: Almond shaped, often a vivid brown.
  • Ears: Erect and pointed, giving him a wary appearance.

Size and weight

The Norbottenspitz is one of the medium sized dog breeds. Exact measurements may vary, but generally fall within the following ranges:

  • Males:
    • Size: 43 - 46 cm
    • Weight: 11 - 15 kg
  • Bitches:
    • Size: 40 - 43 cm
    • Weight: 8 - 12 kg

Final note

The Norbottenspitz convinces with its unique appearance and dense coat. Although he is not one of the largest dogs, he attracts attention with his appearance and charisma. If you are looking for a medium-sized, robust, yet elegant dog, you will find it in the Norbottenspitz.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail rolled up
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 40 - 43 cm
Weight ♀ 8 - 12 kg
Size ♂ 43 - 46 cm
Weight ♂ 11 - 15 kg
Suitable For -

Other medium dogs

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