Italian Cavalier Greyhound:Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Italian Greyhound Mix

Hybrid Breed

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Italian Greyhound


What is an Italian Cavalier Greyhound?

The Italian Cavalier Greyhound is an unusual mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Italian Greyhound. With its charming personality and elegance, it captivates many dog lovers.

Origin and history

While the exact origin story of this mixed breed is unknown, its parent breeds both have long-standing pedigrees. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been known as a companion dog of the British aristocracy since the 16th century. The Italian Grey hound has an even longer history, dating back to ancient Egypt and becoming popular over time as a hunting dog and companion dog throughout Europe.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - Italy
Life expectancy 9 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits of the Italian Cavalier Greyhound

  • Friendliness and Loyalty: The Italian Cavalier Greyhound is known for being friendly, loyal and affectionate. They build strong bonds with their families and make excellent companion dogs.
  • Intelligence: They are also very intelligent and capable of learning, which makes training relatively easy.
  • Calm: Despite their energy, these dogs are also able to be calm and relaxed, making them a good choice for families.
  • Energy: Like the Italian Greyhound and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the Italian Cavalier Greyhound is lively and full of energy. They enjoy being outside and romping around.

Care and health

Grooming the Italian Cavalier Greyhound is fairly straightforward, as it does not shed much. Regular brushing helps to remove loose hair and keep the coat healthy. However, due to his short coat as well as the possible lack of undercoat, he requires extra protection in cold weather. Bathe him only when necessary and use a mild, dog-friendly shampoo to avoid skin irritation. Also, check his claws, ears and eyes regularly.

It is important to encourage his physical and mental activity to ensure his well-being and support his agility. Longer walks and doggie games are ideal to channel his energy and keep him happy and healthy.

While they are generally healthy dogs, Italian Cavalier Greyhounds can be prone to some of the health issues that affect their parents. These can include hip dysplasia, certain heart conditions, and patellar luxation . Routine vet visits and good nutrition can help minimize these risks.

Breeding the Cavalier Greyhound

Breeding an Italian Cavalier Greyhound should be done responsibly. It is important for the breeder to screen the parents for possible health problems so that they are not passed on to the puppies. As a rule, reputable breeders are committed to improving the stock and health of this mixed breed.

Visually, the Italian Cavalier Greyhound is a small, slender and elegant dog. Its proportional features vary, depending on the ancestor from which it inherited most of its genetic traits. Its coat colors can vary and include white, black, brown, fawn and more. The coat of the Italian Cavalier Greyhound is usually short to medium length and smooth. It tends to be glossy and close-fitting, resembling Italian wind chimes. However, in some cases, the coat may be slightly wavy, as in the Cavalier King Charles.

The weight of this hybrid dog is usually between 3.6 to 8 kg, which makes it a small to medium sized dog . The height usually varies between 27-38 cm. However, in rare cases, it can be slightly larger, depending on the size of the parent breeds.

Fur length medium - short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Tilt-ear
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 4 - 33 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 38 kg
Size ♂ 4 - 33 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 38 kg
Suitable For -
  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • valvular insufficiency

    Heart valve diseases in dogs are among the most common heart diseases. Most often it is an acquired change in a heart valve.

  • Mitral Valve Diseas (MVD)

    Mitral valve disease in animals and dogs, respectively

  • Curly Coat Dry Eye

    Eye disease in dogs.

  • This mixed breed is adaptable and intelligent, affectionate and lively. They are also very loyal, which makes them very suitable as family dogs. They need a lot of love and attention; regular exercise is essential.

  • No, they tend to be easy to train. However, they must receive consistent training and be given clear boundaries.

  • Yes, just like both parent breeds, this mixed breed needs a lot of exercise to stay fit and healthy.

  • Yes, they are generally very playful and affectionate. They need a lot of love and affection and are also very loyal.

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