Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Dachshund,Austrian black and tan hound,Hunting dog,Hound, Dog Husbandry Tips 07.06.2021

Hiking with dog in Vienna - the most beautiful routes

Hiking in Vienna is also possible and with a dog it is even more fun.

The most beautiful hiking routes for you and your dog in Vienna.

Do dogs feel comfortable in a big city? Do they get enough exercise or do you have to walk your dog between the many cars? Vienna has wonderful walking routes, from easy trails to challenging hiking routes. Through forests and vineyards, across meadows and fields or paths that take you through large park landscapes.

Hiking with dog in Vienna

Whether Neustift am Walde, Nussdorf or high up at Cobenzl, the big city of Vienna has 700 hectares of vineyards and about one fifth of the city area is covered with forest. A lot of nature that you can explore on foot with your dog.

From Nussdorf to Cobenzl

You hike with your four-legged friend from Nussdorf along the Danube promenade via the Nasenweg up to the Leopoldsberg. Once you have completed this stage, you walk along the Höhenstraße to the next stage destination, the Josefinenhütte. You will then reach the Kahlenberg and hike across the Sulzwiese to Cobenzl.

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Hiking in the south of Vienna

The Laaer Berg in the south of the city is made for a hike with dogs. The Kurpark Oberlaa is worth a visit at any time of the year. After a short rest in the spa confectionery, the trail continues through the Laaer Forest until finally reaching the destination, the Bohemian Prater.

The park in the Vienna Woods

The starting point for your hike with your four-legged friend is the Manameierei in Hernals. From there you can walk directly into the forest or you can walk along Höhenstraße to Schwarzenbergallee. At the Manameierei you will not only find a parking place, if you arrive by car for the hike, but you can also enjoy culinary treats in the middle of nature. A bowl of fresh water is also available for your pet. The hiking trail also leads you to the Tiefauwiese and there is a very large dog zone. Your darling can romp around without a leash and will certainly make new friends quickly.

Pure nature in the Lobau

The most beautiful hiking trail in Vienna for you and your dog leads through the Lobau. Pure nature in the middle of the city of Vienna. Enjoy the peace and listen to the birds chirping. The Lobau is a nature reserve and it is not uncommon for a deer to suddenly cross your path. It is therefore very important that you keep your dog on a leash. In summer you should plan a break at the Mühlwasser. Dogs are allowed and your four-legged friend can cool off in the cool water.

Unique hiking trails in Vienna

A special feature in Vienna are the well-signposted city hiking trails. The thirteen hiking trails are all accessible by public transport and along the hiking routes there are a variety of places to eat out, from cozy Heurigen, to rustic hats to modern restaurants for an entertaining stay for refreshment.

The city hiking trails at a glance:

  • City hiking trail 1 - Kahlenberg
  • City hiking trail 1a - Leopoldsberg
  • City hiking trail 2 - Hermannskogel
  • City hiking trail 3 - Hameau
  • City hiking trail 4 - Jubiläumswarte
  • City hiking trail 4a -Ottakring
  • City hiking trail 5 - Bisamberg
  • City hiking trail 6 - Zugberg-Maurer Forest
  • City hiking trail 7 - Laaer Berg
  • City hiking trail 8 - Sophienalpe
  • City hiking trail 9 - Prater
  • City hiking trail 10 -Franz-Karl-Effenberg hiking trail in Donaustadt
  • City hiking trail 11 -Urban community building hiking trail
Banner: Shutterstock / Shedara Weinsberg
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