Italian Greycrested:Chinese Crested Dog and Italian Greyhound Mix

Hybrid Breed

Chinese Crested Dog + Italian Greyhound


Italian Greycrested: The Italian Greyhound and Chinese Crested Dog Mix.

The Italian Greycrested, a mix of the Italian Greyhound and the Chinese Crested, is a rare but fascinating dog known for both its elegant appearance and its loving and affectionate nature.

The parent breeds of the Italian Greycrested have long and interesting histories. The Italian Greyhound has its roots in ancient Egypt and was popular in Europe, especially Italy, during the Renaissance. The Chinese Crested, although it has China in its name, probably originated in Africa and was later developed in China.

Suitability and keeping

The Italian Greycrested is ideal for individuals, couples and families. Since both parent breeds are relatively small, Italian Greycresteds are well suited for apartments and smaller living spaces. They usually get along well with other dogs and pets, especially if socialized from a young age.

Alternate Name -
Origin China - Italy
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level low - high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

Italian Greycresteds are often affectionate, lively and intelligent. They inherit the loving and people-oriented nature of the Chinese Crested and the elegance and energy of the Italian Greyhound. These dogs are often very attached to their people and love to spend time with their family.

The Italian Greycrested is an affectionate and lively mixed breed dog that can be a unique and fascinating addition to any home. With their loving nature and need for activity, they are a good fit for active families and individuals. Their size and adaptability make them a good choice for apartments and smaller living spaces. As with all dogs, it is important that the Italian Greycrested receives proper care, nutrition and exercise to live a healthy and happy life.

Grooming and health

  • Coat Care: Coat care depends on the genetic influence of each parent. Some Italian Greycresteds may inherit the hairless gene of the Chinese Crested Dog, while others may have the short coat of the Italian Greyhound.

  • Exercise: these dogs are quite active and need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.

  • Health: Potential health problems include hip dysplasia, eye disease, and skin problems that may be inherited from the parent breeds.

Italian Greycresteds are usually small dogs, weighing about 4-7 kilograms. Their coat color and texture can vary greatly, from completely hairless to short coat, and in a variety of colors.

Fur length long - short
Fur wavy - flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Tilt-ear
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy slim, slim, dainty, sporty
Size ♀ 4 - 38 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 38 kg
Size ♂ 4 - 33 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 38 kg
Suitable For -
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • The size of a mongrel is usually difficult to predict, but they are usually small dogs.

  • These dogs tend not to be very enduring due to their small size, although they are willing to run some medium distances.

  • Since both breeds have different coat colors, the mixed breed can have anything from black, brown, blue, white and many other colors.

  • This hybrid breed is very energetic, intelligent and affectionate. They are also very interested in everything that happens around them and try to learn everything.

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