Dogs with wavy coat

Dogs with wavy coat usually have a long coat. Some go more in the direction of curls but not quite as pronounced. This coat is visually beautiful, but also quite high maintenance.

The fascination of the wavy coat: special dogs and their extraordinary features.

In the world of dogs, it is often those with special features that attract our attention and conquer our hearts. One of these remarkable features is the wavy coat that can be found in some breeds. This page will discuss the peculiarities of these breeds and the fascination of their wavy coat. The breeds that will be considered below include the Golden Retriever, Biewer Terrier, French Spaniel, Hovawart, Clumber Spaniel and the Yorkiepoo.

  1. Golden Retriever: One of the best-known dog breeds, the Golden Retriever is characterized by its long, wavy coat. The dense undercoat and water-repellent outer wool allow the dogs to thrive in a variety of weather conditions. The friendly and intelligent nature of this breed is especially appreciated, and their excellent abilities as family dogs, therapy dogs, and rescue dogs are often highlighted.

  2. Biewer Terrier: A relatively rare breed, the Biewer Terrier is distinctive for its long, wavy, silky coat. The colors of the coat are usually a combination of white, black and brown. The breed is known to be happy, playful and affectionate and is often used as a companion dog.

  3. French Spaniel: A medium-sized breed, the French Spaniel has a medium-length, slightly wavy coat that is often colored white and brown. The breed is known for its endurance, intelligence and adaptability. They are often used in hunting, but are also valued as family dogs.

  4. Hovawart: An old German breed, the Hovawart has a dense, slightly wavy coat that comes in a variety of colors including black, blonde and black marks. The breed is known for its alertness, loyalty and intelligence and is often used as a guard and protection dog.

  5. Clumber Spaniel: The Clumber Spaniel has a dense, medium-length, slightly wavy coat that usually comes in white with orange or lemon markings. This breed is known for its gentle, calm and friendly nature and is often used as a family dog and therapy dog.

  6. Yorkiepoo: A cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle, the Yorkiepoo has a wavy, curly coat that often comes in a variety of colors including black, silver, apricot and chocolate. This breed is known for its intelligence, playfulness and adaptability and makes an excellent companion and family dog.


It is important to note that these breeds are often particularly challenging to care for, as the wavy coat requires regular grooming and possibly professional grooming to prevent matting and skin problems. Therefore, before acquiring a dog with a wavy coat, careful consideration should be given to whether the necessary time and commitment to grooming the coat can be made.

Despite these additional grooming requirements, these dog breeds are the ideal choice for many people due to their unique characteristics and the allure of their wavy coats.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Rasse ähnlich Labrador, Fleischfresser, Rasse ähnlich Golden Retriever, Begleithund, Sporting Group, Hovawart, großer blonder Hund, creme farbener Hund mit langem Fell und Schlappohren Shutterstock / AnetaZabranska

Dogs with wavy coat

Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,English cocker spaniel,Cocker spaniel,German spaniel,Carnivore,Spaniel, Poodle breed description 1234
Cockapoo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Anatolian Shepherd Dog Temperament, breed description of a great breed from Turkey.
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Origin Turkey
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Watchdog, Shepherd Dog
Breed description Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Origin UK
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog, Therapy Dog, Guide Dog
Czech terrier dog isolated
Czech terrier
Origin -
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Companion Dog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Breed description of the Field Spaniel, temperament, brown dog.
Field spaniel
Origin UK
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog
Dutch Partrige dog, Dutch dog breed with brown white coat, family dog, tri-coloured dog breed
Drentsche Partridge Dog
Origin Netherlands
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length short
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
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Miniature American Shepherd
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Family Dog, Sheepdog
Chinese Crested Dog or Naked Dog Breed Description
Chinese Crested Dog
Origin China
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Bolognese dog breed description, small white dog with black spots, dog with straight hair gets curls, puppy with straight hair, small dog breed, calm dog breed
Origin Italy
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
dog, mammal, vertebrate, dog breed, canidae, carnivore, terrier, muzzle, small terrier, light gray dandie dinmont terrier lying on white background
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Origin UK
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Hunting Dog
Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier in the garden
Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier
Origin Ireland
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Hovawart puppy breed description
Origin Germany
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Watchdog, Working Dog
West Highland White Terrier character description and more, small white dog with STehohren from Scotland Dwarf poodle profile picture
Westiepoo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Portrait of a blue Picardy Spaniel
Blue Picardy Spaniel
Origin France
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Large Munsterlander, 1 year old, against a white background
Large Münsterländer
Origin Germany
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Hunting Dog
Phalene or Continental Toy Spaniel
Origin France
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Watchdog, Companion Dog, Family Dog
Nederlandse Schapendoes Temperament, breed description of the Dutch herding dog
Origin Netherlands
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Herding Dog
Portuguese shepherd dog portrait
Portuguese Shepherd Dog
Origin Portugal
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length long
Usage Sheepdog
American Spaniel, Water Spaniel, American Water Spaniel Breed Description
American Water Spaniel
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breed Description Dwarf poodle profile picture
Yorkiepoo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
Biewer Terrier breed description, character, small dog breed for seniors, dog for old people, small breed, hypoallergenic breed
Biewer Terrier
Origin Germany
Size ♀ small
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Clumber Spaniel breed description, massive dog, hunting dog from Great Britain, English dog breed, retriever dog, white dog, spaniel breed
Clumber Spaniel
Origin UK
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
American Cocker Spaniel Dog
American Cocker Spaniel
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog
Dog, Mammal, Vertebrate, Canidae, Dog Breed, Carnivore, Irish Red and White Setter, Breed Similar to French Spaniel, Dog Similar to Brittany, Sporting Group, Irish Red and White Setter with Long Floppy Ears Hairy
Irish Red and White Setter
Origin Ireland
Size ♀ large
Fur wavy
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
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