New Moon:Neapolitan Mastiff and Keeshond Mix

Hybrid Breed

Neapolitan Mastiff + Keeshond


Origin and history

The Neahond, also known as the Mastino Napoletano and Wolfsspitz mix, is a hybrid dog that comes from two established breeds: the Mastino Napoletano from Italy and the Wolfsspitz from Germany. The exact origin of this breed is unclear, as it is the result of a purposeful crossing of these two breeds.

Suitability and attitude

With a combination of loyal temperament and strong alertness, the Neahond is particularly well suited as a family dog and watchdog. It often has the sturdy build of the Mastino Napoletano and the watchful eyes of the Wolfspitz. Neahonds are extremely loyal and protective of their family.

A Neahond requires regular exercise that is not intensely athletic, making it well suited for active families who love long walks.

Alternate Name -
Origin Italy - Germany
Life expectancy 8 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level average - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character of the Neahond

Characterized by the strength of the Mastino Napoletano and the composure of the Wolfhead, the Neahond is characterized by high intelligence, alertness and loyalty. They are very loyal companions with a strong protective instinct, making for a safe and lively home atmosphere.

As active dogs, Neahonds require adequate daily exercise to maintain their mental and physical health. Their lively nature requires a patient and consistent training ethic.

They are loving family dogs that get along well with children and other pets. However, they do require consistent leadership and clear boundaries.

Care and health

As with all dog breeds, the health and care of this hybrid is paramount. Regular physical activity is essential for the New Moon, as both parent breeds are naturally very active dogs. Walks and playtime are necessary daily to satisfy their urge to exercise. It should be noted that the Neahond is prone to common health problems due to its size, including hip dysplasia and arthritis, so regular vet visits are essential.

Grooming of the pelt is also important. The New Moon often inherits the dense undercoat of the Wolfspitz, which means it needs more intensive brushing during shedding seasons. Regular grooming is important to avoid skin problems and infections.

Breeding the Neahound

Breeding a Neahound is no easy task and requires a deep understanding of both parent breeds. Because this is such a mixed dog, it is difficult to guarantee certain traits. A Neahond may inherit more traits from one parent breed than the other, and therefore, accurately predicting the appearance or temperament of each litter is impossible.

Breeders need to be aware of potential health problems and make sure the parents have been tested for the most common diseases. It is equally important to take care of the social imprinting of the puppies. This begins at a young age and involves introducing them to different people, environments and experiences in order to breed a well-adjusted dog.

Given the size of its parents, it is not surprising that the Neahond has an impressive stature.

A prominent feature of the Neahound is its coat. This varies between the shorter, dense coat of the Mastino and the longer, lush coat of the Wolfsspitz. The result is usually a medium length, dense coat that requires regular grooming.

Fur length short - long
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Standing Ears
Tail lang - rolled up
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 43 - 70 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 60 kg
Size ♂ 43 - 77 cm
Weight ♂ 14 - 70 kg
Suitable For -
  • The New Moon has a similar coat to its parents and varies in range from them.

  • This hybrid breed is not necessarily known for barking a lot. However, since it is a rare hybrid breed, there are few testimonials.

  • One should choose food that is designed to meet the nutritional needs of the dog.

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