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Holland trip with dog - these are the most beautiful places

These are the most important things you need to know when you travel to the Netherlands with your dog.

Holland trip with dog - these are the most beautiful places

Holland - a perfect destination for you and your dogs

If you want to go on holiday with your dog, then the Netherlands is a great choice. The Dutch are a dog-friendly people, many Dutch people own one or more dogs themselves. This dog-friendliness is also reflected in the fact that you can take your four-legged friend almost everywhere. At many dog beaches your dogs are allowed to run around freely. At some of them there are even special dog toilets. In restaurants, too, dogs are usually welcome guests and are given a bowl of water. Dogs are allowed on public transport if they are leashed. They do not have to wear a muzzle. And very important: even so-called fighting dogs are welcome in the Netherlands. To bring your dog to Holland, all you need is an EU pet passport with proof of rabies vaccination. The animals must be chipped and registered, then nothing more stands in the way of the Holland trip with your dog.

The most beautiful places for a trip to Holland with your dog are

  • Zeeland
  • Flevoland
  • Gelderland
  • Zaanse Schans
  • Amsterdam
Dog, Mammal, Vertebrate, Dog Breed, Canidae, Brown White Kooikerhondje, Carnivore, Companion Dog, Sporting Group, Breed Similar to Welsh Springer Spaniel,


With more than 120 dog beaches, the province of Zeeland is the leader in the Netherlands. And very few other regions in Europe will match this record. A special highlight is the Banjaard beach. It is up to 500 metres wide and offers plenty of space to play and romp around. But Zeeland has even more to offer for you and your dogs. Many hiking trails lead through the varied nature. Boswachterij Westerschouwen in Burg-Haamstede, for example, is a large wooded area with a free-walking zone for your dog.


Holland and tulips, they go together like peas and carrots - or like you and your dog. With around 2,000 hectares, Flevoland is the largest tulip-growing area in the Netherlands. Countless hiking trails lead through it and if you love flowers, a hike is almost a must. Your four-legged friend will certainly enjoy accompanying you. The Tulip Route is a designated walking route and starts in De Kalverschuur. The route is about nine kilometres long and is a nice walk for you and your dog. The Horsterwold in Zeewolde is the largest deciduous forest in Western Europe. Flevoland also has a particularly beautiful dog beach. At the Erkemede dog beach your dog can feel completely at home.


If you don't necessarily want to go on a beach holiday with your dog, then Gelderland is the best choice. The province borders directly on Germany and you can reach your destination quickly. This is also an advantage if your dog does not like driving. Gelderland has many hiking trails through a heath landscape. Especially well known is the National Park De Hoge Veluwe. A big advantage of Gelderland is undoubtedly that the province is not yet as touristy overrun as many provinces on the North Sea. You can walk your dog without meeting any tourists.

Zaanse Schans

The Zaanse Schans, not far from Amsterdam, is the most famous open-air museum in the Netherlands. Here you can take your dog for a walk and see houses and windmills from earlier times. Old crafts are also demonstrated in the open-air museum. There is a cheese dairy and a clog maker, a spice mill and a windmill that drives a sawmill.


Admittedly, a holiday with a dog in a big city is not the ideal solution. But a trip to Amsterdam is well worth it. There are special canal rides where dogs are allowed, so you can admire the city from the water with your four-legged friend. Dogs are also welcome in many of the city's parks, such as Vondelpark and Rembrandt Park. The Vondelpark is the second largest park in Amsterdam and many beautiful paths invite you to walk with your dog.

Dog, mammal, vertebrate, breed of dog, Canidae, Bernese mountain dog, carnivore, companion dog, muzzle, working dog, Bernese mountain dog lies with head in degree
Banner: Shutterstock / Yellowdaffs
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