Canidae,Sporting Group,Child,Dog breed,Play, Dog food 26.04.2020

Real Nature dog food - experience review and is it really that good?

Here you can read our personal opinion about Real Nature dog food. We have tested the dry food and wet food. Not sponsored!

Proper nutrition for your four-legged friend with Real Nature dog food?

The right nutrition for your dog is very important. Therefore, the dog food should contain the following:

  • Nutrients
  • vitamins
  • important fatty acids
  • minerals

An incorrect diet can lead to deficiency symptoms and even diseases. Therefore, it is important that you find the right food for your dog and that it is optimally adapted to its needs.

Dog food from Real Nature

Real Nature Wilderness is a dog food that is based on the diet of the wolf. Wolves feed mainly on meat in the wild. They supplement their diet with grass and certain fruits that can be found in the forest, for example certain berries. Like wolves, dogs do not need grains or other additives and preservatives in their diet, which unfortunately are nevertheless added to dog food by many manufacturers. A food that consists mainly of grain is of course much cheaper than a food with a high meat content and no grain at all. The Real Nature Wilderness food varieties are precisely tailored to this and are therefore also in the upper price range. The different types have a meat content of approx. 60-70%. The remaining part is made up of fruit and vegetables. Grains, flavour enhancers, preservatives and sugar are completely avoided. This benefits your dog. He is optimally supplied. However, with a price per kilo of approx. 7 Euros, the food is considerably more expensive than the average dog food from the discounter.

Testimonial Real Nature dry food

When my dog moved in with me, I thought about the right food a long time in advance. However, it was clear to me that he should be fed exclusively with dry food. The dental hygiene and the uncomplicated feeding are only some advantages of dry food. After a short research on the internet and numerous good reviews of the dry food of Real Nature Wilderness I decided to buy and test this food. The dry food is offered in the Fressnapf. I was also convinced by the wide range of different varieties:

  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Horse
  • Chicken
  • Duck
  • Game
  • Reindeer
  • Ostrich
Real Nature dog food experience report

The meat content is supplemented with different fruits and vegetables.

Real Nature dry food is available in three sizes (1.6 kg, 4 kg, 10 kg). The packaging is resealable and the food stays fresh and crisp.

My dog was also immediately thrilled. So far we have tried the varieties salmon, beef and goat. The grains vary in size, but are generally a good size for dogs to eat. My pelt nose has liked all the varieties very much and the bowl is always emptied in a few seconds. The daily food ration by weight is shown in a table on the corresponding food. I feed this to my dog exactly and he maintains his slim weight very well. With the purchase there is a measuring cup for free. In addition to tasting great, my dog has not had any digestive issues or other intolerances with any variety. My dog comes from a shelter and I was not aware of any pre-existing conditions. The Real Nature dry food convinced us from the beginning. There were no problems with the change of food and the digestion is very regular. Since my dog likes the food so much, he also gets it as a treat in between meals. We can only recommend the dry food from Real Nature and are completely satisfied. (Not Sponsored - just a testimonial!)

Banner: Shutterstock / antioniodiaz
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