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Vacation with the dog at the sea: Is salt water dangerous for my treasure?

Is salt water good or even dangerous for dogs?

Holiday with the dog

Summer, sun, holidays and vacation time - what could be better than traveling with your dog? A trip to the sea is just the thing! There are now dog beaches almost everywhere on the North Sea and Baltic Sea, and while masters and mistresses lie lazily in the sun, the four-legged friend can dig in the sand to his heart's content, play with other dogs and romp through the cool water. It's also fun to retrieve a ball or stick from the tide, and many a dog suddenly becomes a"seal" and discovers his passion for swimming or even diving.

And if my dog drinks salt water?

Of course, all that running around makes you thirsty! It can quickly happen that your four-legged friend drinks salt water. Most dogs don't like it, and they notice very quickly that they can't use the sea water as drinking water. But even a small amount, sometimes even just a single sip, can cause stomach problems with vomiting and diarrhea in very sensitive dogs. Just by romping in the water or grabbing the toy, even small amounts of salt water get into the dog's digestive tract. It is therefore very important that you have enough cool drinking water and a clean bowl for your dog for the day at the beach! Keep in mind that the salt water will increase thirst, and sand will also make your dog's throat dry!

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Can my dog get poisoned by the salt water?

If the dog has ingested a lot of salt water, poisoning can indeed occur and must be treated immediately by a veterinarian. Due to the amount of salt in the body, there is an increased release of water from the body's cells in an attempt to compensate for the salt content in the system. In extreme cases, this can lead to seizures, kidney problems, dehydration, and in the worst cases, even death of the dog. The vet's treatment will attempt to slowly restore your four-legged friend's water and electrolyte balance back to normal. To do this, the dog may need to be put on a drip for a while. So if you have the feeling that your dog is behaving strangely, is vomiting or has diarrhoea when you are at the beach or after an extensive stay at the beach, you should not wait long, but visit the vet quickly.

What else do I need to consider?

Even though most dogs enjoy a holiday at the seaside and the days at the beach without getting seriously ill straight away, you should always remember these things:

  • Always take enough fresh and cool drinking water with you.
  • Also think of the drinking bowl
  • Let the dog lie down in the shade every now and then
  • Do not let the dog constantly in the water
  • Dogs can get sunburn too!
  • After a day at the beach, rinse the dog with lukewarm tap water to remove salt and sand from the coat and especially from between the toes.

If you follow these points, nothing will stand in the way of a great holiday at the seaside with your four-legged friend, and you will certainly have a lot of fun together!

Banner: Shutterstock / SITTICHAI PONGPAEW
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