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15 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds: Non hairy breeds for allergy sufferers

Discover hypoallergenic dog breeds that are ideal for allergy sufferers. Find your perfect non-hairy four-legged friend!

What are hypoallergenic dog breeds?

Hypoallergenic dog breeds are of great importance to many people, especially those who suffer from dog allergies but still want to enjoy the company and friendship of a four-legged companion. Allergies to dogs are usually triggered by allergens such as dander, saliva and hair. Hypoallergenic dog breeds have characteristics that help reduce these allergens and make living together more comfortable for allergy sufferers.

Some factors that distinguish hypoallergenic dog breeds are:

  • Not sheddingor barely shedding: Hypoallergenic dogs shed less hair, which reduces the amount of allergens in the environment.
  • Lower dander production: Hypoallergenic breeds produce less dander, which can also trigger allergies.
  • Special coat textures: many hypoallergenic breeds have a special coat texture, such as curly or silky hair, which releases fewer allergens.

It is important to emphasize that no dog breed is completely allergen-free. Reaction to hypoallergenic dog breeds can vary from person to person. Some people with dog allergies can live with certain breeds without problems, while others still experience allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to consider individual sensitivities and spend time with the potential dog before deciding on a breed.

Top 15 Allergy Dogs

Explore the variety of allergy-friendly dogs and find the right companion for individual needs and circumstances. Below are our top 15.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Rasse ähnlich Maltepoo, Welpe, Fleischfresser, Rasse ähnlich Cavachon, Gras, braun weißer Havaneser Hund Shutterstock / Dorottya Mathe


Havanese is a charming and hypoallergenic dog breed, perfect for allergy sufferers. A member of the Bichon family, this small companion dog is characterized by its silky coat and loving character. Thanks to the low hair loss and curly texture of the coat, allergens remain better bound and are less likely to enter the environment.

Havanese are known for their adaptability and intelligence, which makes them great family dogs and companions for people of all ages. With their friendly and outgoing nature, they are also well suited for novice dog owners. Havanese grooming requires regular brushing to prevent matting, but the joy this breed brings to their owners' lives more than makes up for the effort.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Maltepoo oder Malteser, Welpe, Fleischfresser, kleiner weißer Malteser, Rasse ähnlich Havaneser, Hund mit Locken Shutterstock / Gustavo Escribano Delgado


The Maltese is a hypoallergenic dog breed that is perfect for allergy sufferers with its non-hairy coat. These small, charming dogs shed very little hair and produce less dander, minimizing the risk of allergies.

Their silky-soft coats require regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain their hypoallergenic properties. Maltese are known for their affectionate and loving nature, which makes them ideal companion dogs for people of all ages. Their friendly nature and adaptability make them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers looking for a loyal companion.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Shih tzu, Hund ähnlich chinesischer kaiserlicher Hund, Fleischfresser, Rasse ähnlich Yorkshire Terrier, Leber, Shutterstock / Suponev Vladimir

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a popular hypoallergenic dog breed that stands out for its dense, non-hairy coat, which makes it particularly attractive to allergy sufferers. Since they shed very little hair, the release of allergens into the environment is reduced.

Regular grooming of the coat is important to prevent matting and maintain the hypoallergenic properties. Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and playful personality, making them ideal companion dogs for families and individuals. Their small size and adaptability make them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers looking for a loving and loyal companion.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Yorkshire Terrier Welpe, Fleischfresser, Terrier, Gras, kleiner brauner Hund mit gelocktem Fell, Anfängerhund Shutterstock / Steve Bruckmann

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is an attractive hypoallergenic dog breed characterized by its fine, silky coat, which is particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers. Unlike many other breeds, they shed very little hair, which means allergens are better bound and less likely to be released into the environment.

Regular grooming of the coat is essential to prevent matting and maintain the hypoallergenic properties. Yorkshire Terriers are known for their lively and bold personality, which makes them great companions for people of all ages. Their compact size and adaptability make them an ideal choice for allergy sufferers looking for a loyal and energetic companion.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Zwergpudel, Rasse ähnlich Maltepoo, Pudel, brauner kleiner Hund mit lockigem Fell, Fleischfresser, Shutterstock / Lim Tiaw Leong


The Poodle is an extremely versatile and hypoallergenic dog breed that is characterized by its curly, non-hairy coat. This makes them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers, as they shed less hair, minimizing the release of allergens.

Poodles come in a variety of sizes, from Toy to Standard, to fit different lifestyles. They are known for their intelligence and ability to learn, making them easily trainable and adaptable companions. Poodles are ideal companions for allergy sufferers looking for a smart and loyal dog.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Fleischfresser, Riesenschnauzer frisch geschoren, Gerade vom Hundefriseur zurückgekommen, Schnauzer mit Frisur, grauer Schnauzer Hund liegt im Herbst am Blätterboden Shutterstock / Maxim Gutsal


The Schnauzer is a charming and hypoallergenic dog breed characterized by its rough, dense coat that sheds less hair, making it ideal for allergy sufferers.

Schnauzers come in a variety of sizes, including standard, giant, and dwarf, adapting to different lifestyles. They are known for their intelligence and alertness, making them excellent watchdogs and companions. Regular grooming of their coats is important to prevent matting and maintain their hypoallergenic properties.

Bichon Frise mit frisch geschnitterem Fell, Schur beim Hund, kleiner weißer Hund, Begleithund Shutterstock / Eudyptula

Bichon Frisé

The Bichon Frisé is a hypoallergenic dog breed with a soft, curly coat that is beneficial for allergy sufferers. Since they shed little hair and have no undercoat, the release of allergens is minimized.

Regular coat care is necessary to prevent matting and maintain hypoallergenic properties. Bichon Frisés are known for their lively and playful personalities, making them wonderful companion dogs for families and individuals.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hund ähnlich spanischer Wasserhund, Hunderasse, brauner Lagotto romagnolo, Rasse ähnlich portugiesischer Wasserhund, Fleischfresser, Sporting Group, italienischer Hund der für die Trüffelsuche eingesetzt wird Shutterstock / Jne Valokuvaus

Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a rare and hypoallergenic breed of dog characterized by their curly, water-repellent coat that is suitable for allergy sufferers.

They are intelligent, adaptable and eager to work, which makes them great companions and working dogs. Their coats require regular grooming to keep them free of tangles and maintain their hypoallergenic qualities.

Lagotto Romagnolo are ideal for allergy sufferers looking for an active and loving dog that adapts well to different lifestyles.

Portugiesischer Wasserhund schwarz weiß, Hund ähnlich Pudel, hypoallergene Hunderasse Shutterstock / Brook Robinson

Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is a hardy and active hypoallergenic dog breed that is ideal for allergy sufferers. This breed has a curly coat texture that sheds less allergenic hair than other dogs. Coat care is still important to maintain coat health and minimize allergic reactions.

Portuguese Water Dogs are intelligent, friendly and very affectionate. They love to play and swim in the water, making them a popular choice for active families and water sports enthusiasts. This breed is very teachable and is well suited for obedience and hunting training.

Basenji Hund braun weiß und Welpe in braun weiß, Hund mit großen Stehohren sitzt auf grüner wiese Shutterstock / Verbitskaya Juliya


The Basenji is an ancient African dog breed and another hypoallergenic option for dog allergy sufferers. This breed has a short, smooth, and fine coat, which means they shed less hair and produce less allergenic dander.

Basenjis are known to be extremely independent and can be considered headstrong, which can make them a better choice for experienced dog parents. If you're looking for a hypoallergenic dog that is active, intelligent and independent, the Basenji could be the right choice.

Cairn Terrier mit braun schwarzem Fell, rauhaariger Hund, Stehohren beim kleinen Hund der im Wald steht Shutterstock / everydoghasastory

Cairn Terrier

The Cairn Terr ier is a hypoallergenic dog breed with a coarse, dense coat that sheds less hair. This breed also has low shedding, which can help minimize allergic reactions.

The Cairn Terrier is a small dog with lots of energy and a lively personality. They are known for their loyalty and can be an excellent choice for families. Although this breed is small, they need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Hund, Säugetier, chinesischer Schopfhund, Wirbeltier, Hunderasse, Canidae, Fleischfresser, Begleithund, Schnauze, Terrier, Nackthund, hässlicher Hund, hässliche Hunderasse, nackte Hunderassen, weißer Chinesischer Schopfhund, schwarz weißer und grauer Chinesischer Schopfhund mit Stehohren behaart Shutterstock / Anna_Bondarenko

Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested Dog is a hypoallergenic dog breed with an unusual appearance and a very allergy-friendly coat. This breed has no hair, but a fine, soft wool that releases fewer allergens.

The Chinese Crested Dog is a small dog with a lot of energy and a distinct character. They are very affectionate and loving towards their owners. However, this breed is known for its independence and can be headstrong in some situations.

Xolo Nackhund liegt, Hund ohne Haare, Hund ohne Fell, Stehohren bei kleinem braunen Hund Shutterstock / Katamount


The Xoloitzcuintle (Xolo for short), also known as the Mexican Naked Dog, is a rare and hypoallergenic dog breed that is ideal for allergy sufferers. This breed has no hair, but has a smooth and soft skin that produces less allergenic dandruff.

The Xoloitzcuintle is an intelligent and loyal dog with a calm nature and a lot of love for his family. This breed requires little maintenance and is known for its longevity and health.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Oberkörper Shutterstock / Kate Grishakova

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terr ier is a hypoallergenic dog breed with a soft, silky coat that sheds less allergenic hair. This breed also has low shedding, which can help minimize allergic reactions.

The Wheaten Terrier is an intelligent, active and friendly dog that builds a close relationship with its owners. This breed is well suited for families with children and can also be used as a therapy or companion dog.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Sportgruppe, Terrier, weißer Bedlington Terrier steht auf Wiese Shutterstock / Joseph Gaul

Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terr ier is a hypoallergenic dog breed with a short, curly, soft coat that sheds less allergenic hair. This breed also has low shedding, which can help minimize allergic reactions.

The Bedlington Terrier is a friendly, intelligent and active dog that builds a close relationship with its owners. This breed is known for its gentleness and ability to get along well with children. The Bedlington Terrier requires regular exercise and grooming to stay happy and healthy.

Banner: Shutterstock / Anna_Bondarenko
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