Trunk,Car,Vehicle,Vehicle door,Auto part,Family car,Car seat,Canidae,Compact mpv,Companion dog, Dog Husbandry Tips 07.06.2021

Spain Road Trip with Dog - How to make it relaxed!

If you're planning a holiday through Spain with a dog, then you need to consider these tips.

Spain Road Trip with Dog - How to make it relaxed!

You are sun worshippers - then Spain is the right holiday destination for you and your dog! Because the Iberian Peninsula has many faces: imposing mountain ranges, wonderful miles of sandy beaches, including numerous dog beaches, fertile valleys as far as the eye can see and a variety of pet-friendly accommodations.

Look for quiet places to rest

Of course, it is very important that you cover the approximately 2,500 kilometres to the holiday destination Spain in a relaxed manner. For this purpose, it is essential to take enough breaks. In general, you should make a stop every two to three hours and make sure that you can stretch your legs and paws for a longer period of time.

Your furry friend should also travel comfortably. A long car journey is exhausting and can quickly lead to boredom. We recommend an estate car with a partition grid, in which your best friend has enough freedom of movement with a long safety leash in the boot and does not have to spend the long journey in a box. You can also let him ride in the back seat, but then he must always be secured with a harness and belt. It may be advisable to drive at night, then your four-legged friend may sleep for several hours and you can shorten the travel time. Especially in the hot summer months, you will certainly do your dog some good.

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Furthermore, he should have his own luggage with him. This includes:

  • Sufficient drinking water and a space-saving collapsible bowl as well as food and food bowls, treats and chewing materials to keep him occupied.
  • Leash, collar, own blanket, towels and, if applicable, your dog's own basket and favorite toys.
  • Poop disposal bags.

As we all know, on road trips you drive from place to place, so you should consider staying a few days longer in one place - keep in mind that a daily change of place is much more exhausting for dogs than for you.

Costa Brava: discover the proud coast of Catalonia with a dog

Ideally, you'll move your road trip to the north of Spain, so that you don't have to add thousands of kilometres of driving time to the Iberian Peninsula for your four-legged friend. This way you can drive directly from Perpignan to the Costa Brava. At the wild coast you can experience a lot. In addition, there are numerous officially designated dog beaches for an extensive and leash-free romp. One of them is Playa de la Rubina, in the Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Natural Park. It is located next to the Castell Mar campsite. The fine sandy and wide bay is off-leash and the shallow water is perfect for smaller dogs to enjoy a relaxing swim with other dogs.

Campsite for four-legged guests

You can also stay at the campsite for a few days and start exciting day trips through Catalonia. Worthwhile destinations are charming villages like Prades, which lies in the middle of spectacular surroundings. An ideal starting point for hikes for man and beast in the mountain massif of the same name Montañas de Prades. Or Pals, a picturesque village with a Gothic old town perched on the top of a hill. Those who prefer to feel the sea air around their nose and snout can make excursions to Tossa de Mar, Tortosa or the artist town of Cadaqués.

Mild climate

If you have more time and would like to make further road trips in Spain, you can simply drive further south along the coast. You will discover the Costa Dorada with the important cities of Sitges and Tarragona, later you will reach the Gulf of Valencia via the Costa del Azahar and then the Costa Blanca, one of the most popular coastal regions of Spain. Here, even in the winter months, you can undertake numerous activities in a thoroughly pleasant climate. Even in December the thermometer can show around 20 degrees Celsius. Well, if that's not a reason for a road trip to Spain?

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Banner: Shutterstock / absolutimages
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