Nose,Snout,Puppy,Canidae,Hand,Carnivore,Fawn,Paw,Ear,Nail, Dog guide 05.03.2021

Dog breeder in Vienna

These are breeders for dogs from Vienna. And what breed they breed.

Serious dog breeders in Vienna

Most dog owners buy their four-legged friends from a breeder. This is a person who pairs purebred dogs with each other over generations in the hope that the dogs' offspring will inherit certain traits from their ancestors. The Austrian capital Vienna also has a number of dog breeders who enjoy an excellent reputation.

Beagle - a British classic in Vienna

One of the best known breeding sites in Vienna for Beagles is the Brigittenauer Forst. There, the married couple Georg and Maria Jakisch have been breeding the extremely popular dog breed Beagle from Great Britain for years. They put a lot of love and heart blood into this activity and explain to you on their homepage very exactly what they attach importance to, what makes a good breeder and what you should think about before you decide to adopt a puppy. Acquiring a living creature should not be done on a spur of the moment whim. It is important that you think about it carefully beforehand. After all, the little dog should live a happy life with you.

Shibu Inu - a sensitive creature as a family member

The Japanese-born Tomomi Makino and her partner Fritz are the owners of the kennel Sakuramomiji. With them everything revolves around the Japanese breed Shiba Inu. If you have always been fascinated by the beautiful four-legged friends with the thick fur and the curled tail and if you can imagine taking a sensitive creature into your family, you should definitely contact this kennel and make an appointment for a visit.

Beagle breeder in Vienna

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - an uncomplicated contemporary as a friend for life

Cavaliere von der Kleeblattwiese is the name of Jasmin Löffler's kennel, which specializes in the British dog breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. If you are looking for a happy and fun-loving dog who can easily fit into the life of his people, you have come to the right place. He is one of the breeds that is ideal for beginners and gets along just as well with children as with adults. The breeder attaches great importance to the fact that the animals are healthy and have a great nature.

Maelas Labradors - Kennel in Wiener Neustadt

In Wiener Neustadt is Maelas Labradors, a kennel under the management of Pamela Wagner-Baumgartner. Here the Labrador, one of the most popular dog breeds, is bred. The breeder lives with her family in an area with an abundance of meadows, green spaces, walking trails and a lake. In 2016, she decided to breed and has since been able to earn an excellent reputation among numerous dog lovers. If you have a desire for an active family member who will enjoy working with you and prove to be a loyal companion, be sure to contact Pamela Wagner-Baumgartner.

Golden Retriever - a beauty with a strong bond to people

Healthy, active, strong-willed and family-friendly dogs are bred in the Golden Retriever Pawesome's kennel. The Viennese Susanne Prager attaches great importance to the fact that the fur noses come into contact with children, adults, other dogs and other animals. Noises from household appliances are also familiar to them. One of the big highlights are the excursions into the countryside. After all, the little ones should get to know as much of the world as possible before they move into their home. After the new owners have picked them up, the breeder is looking forward to further contact. After all, she is very interested in how the little ones are doing with you and how the dogs are developing.

Golden Retriever Breeder in Vienna
Banner: Shutterstock / thirawatana phaisalratana
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