Biewer Terrier

Biewer Terrier Breed description: Character & Co


The Biewer Terrier or Biewer Yorkshire Terrier originated from one particular small Yorkie.

The origin of the Biewer Terrier

The basis of the Biewer breed was more or less an "accident". In 1984, a litter of purebred Yorkshire Terriers was born to the Biewer family in Hirschfeld, Germany. One of the little dogs had a white spotted coat. Normally, the breed standard for Yorkshire Terriers excludes white markings. The dog would not have been accepted into the pedigree book and would have been excluded from breeding.

However, the Biewer family found this colour fault so beautiful and interesting that they founded a new breeding line with this dog. The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier was born. Because of the problems with the recognition of the new breed, the dog was later only called Biewer Terrier. In the beginning the Biewer family wanted to use the more pompous name "Biewer Yorkshire à la Pom-Pon".

Banner: Shutterstock / Eric Isselee
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Yorkshire terrier,Puppy,Biewer terrier,Carnivore,Companion dog, tri-coloured Yorkshire Terrier, Biewer Terrier with white spot, dog that is small and hypoallergenic, hypoallergenic breed, small dog breed with long coat, cute dog for beginners Biewer Terrier puppy, Yorkshire Terrier Biewer version, Yorkshire Terrier with white spot as own breed, small hypoallergenic breeds special dog breed, Biewer Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, dog that looks like Yorkshire Terrier, Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, white brown small dog with prick ears and long coat, white dog breed for beginners, small dog breed that has little hair because it has no undercoat
Alternate Name Biewer Yorkshire Terrier
Origin Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

The typical character traits of the Biewer Terrier

Again, the Biewer is very similar to the Yorkies. They are happy and cuddly little animals. How temperament and character develop depends on how they are handled. Pampered as lap or purse dogs, they can quickly turn into difficult princes and princesses.

Yet these terriers are so much more. If you raise a Biewer Terrier as a "dog" from the beginning, they will act like one. They are very intelligent and should be kept busy. Little tricks, rolling or carrying things would be perfect for these cute dogs.

Regular walks, meeting conspecifics and a normal dog life should be a must even for the smallest pedigree!

  1. sweet and cuddly
  2. should not only be pampered
  3. intelligent and able to learn
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier prepared for show with mesh in hair, dog with long coat that needs regular grooming and shearing, dog with brown white black coat, tri-coloured dog, small dog breed, energetic dogs, dog breed for allergy sufferers, dog for old people Biewer Terrier dog breed shorn, brown white dog with black spots, Biewer Yorkshire Terrier needs regular grooming, dog that has been to the hairdresser, dog with tipped ears as a puppy and prick ears as an adult, small white dog that does not shed, small dog breed for allergy sufferers, dog for old people, city dog Beautiful Biewer Terrier puppy

Typical diseases of the breed

Correspond to those of the Yorshire Terrier.

  • Distichiasis causes problematic hair growth on the eyes
  • various problems with the eyes themselves
  • patellar luxation

Biewer Terrier Breeding

The keeping of the Biewer is uncomplicated and possible for almost everyone. Even if you only have a small apartment, this mini dog will fit well in it. However, you should have enough time for him. Small terriers bond closely with their humans and suffer when they feel neglected.

Although the breed is not recognized in our country, these dogs come at a price. A dewormed and vaccinated puppy can cost between 800 and 1600 euros.

Biewer Terrier breeding takes place today in German-speaking countries as well as in the USA.

Biewer Terrier breed description, character, small dog breed for seniors, dog for old people, small breed, hypoallergenic breed

A Biewer Terrier looks like a tri-colored Yorkshire Terrier. The white has been further established by breeding selection, so that the dogs carry beautiful and evenly distributed color markings.

Neither the FCI nor the German Terrier Club have recognized the breed to date. In the USA, however, these dogs will most likely be officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in the coming years.

  • Yorkshire Terrier with white markings
  • goes back to a parent dog with "color defects
  • in Europe no recognized dog breed

Appearance and coat of the Biewer Terrier

His coat is his trademark! Besides the beautiful tricolor markings, the Biewer Terrier has a very long coat that needs a lot of care. Brushing and trimming these dogs are usually happy to put up with.

The build is petite, compact, yet solid. If the dog has sufficient exercise, it certainly develops strength. The legs are short and very sturdy. Typical are the cute beady eyes and the small black snub nose.

  • long tricolor coat
  • coat in need of care
  • small and compact built

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Biewer Terrier

The Biewer is 22 cm tall. The weight is 1.8 to 3.6 kg.

  • Shoulder height males and females around 22 cm
  • weight males and females 1,8 to 3,6 kg
  • Life expectancy 12 to 15 years
Fur length medium
Fur wavy
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail short
Anatomy slim
Size ♀ 18 - 22 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 3 kg
Size ♂ 18 - 22 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 4 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Beginner, Seniors


Biewer Yorkshire Terrier prepared for show with mesh in hair, dog with long coat that needs regular grooming and shearing, dog with brown white black coat, tri-coloured dog, small dog breed, energetic dogs, dog breed for allergy sufferers, dog for old people
Biewer Terrier dog breed shorn, brown white dog with black spots, Biewer Yorkshire Terrier needs regular grooming, dog that has been to the hairdresser, dog with tipped ears as a puppy and prick ears as an adult, small white dog that does not shed, small dog breed for allergy sufferers, dog for old people, city dog
Beautiful Biewer Terrier puppy
  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

Sources and relevant links

The Premier Biewer Terrier Club

Accessed on 15.05.2023

Internationaler Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Club

Accessed on 15.05.2023

American Kennel Club

Accessed on 15.05.2023

Eva-Maria Krämer (2017). Der KOSMOS-Hundeführer. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

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