Great Wirehaired Gryfenees:Wirehaired Pointing Griffon and Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mix

Hybrid Breed

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon + Pyrenean Mountain Dog


Origin and provenance

The Great Wirehaired Gryfenees, also known as Griffon Korthals and Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mix, is a special cross of two extremely charismatic dog breeds - The French Griffon Korthals and the majestic Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Both breeds have a bloodline that dates back centuries and is prized by hunters and shepherds in rural France.

The Griffon Korthals was developed in the early 19th century by a Dutch hunter named Eduard Korthals, who was looking for an exceptional all-around hunting dog. In contrast, the history of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog is much older, dating back at least to the Middle Ages, when the breed was developed to protect sheep against wolves and bears.

Alternate Name -
Origin France
Life expectancy 9 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

More Wirehaired Pointing Griffon mixes


Characteristics of the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees

The Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is extremely adaptable and intelligent. His training and socialization is usually unproblematic, thanks to his intelligent nature and his will to please his human. He makes an excellent watchdog, as he is naturally wary of strangers and has a strong bond with his family.

  • High Energy: Thanks to its hunting and herding ancestors, the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is an active dog that requires a lot of exercise.
  • Loyal and Protective: With its strong protective instincts, this hybrid makes an excellent watchdog for the family.
  • Balanced Temperament: Despite its energy and alertness, the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is known for its calmness and friendliness.

Need for exercise.

This breed requires daily exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. The Great Wirehaired Gryfenees loves to be outside and is happiest when going on adventures and exploring new territory.

The Great Wirehaired Gryfenees has inherited the robust energy of the Griffon Korthals and the gentle spirit of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. As such, this hybrid is perfect for active families who have enough time to accommodate this dog's high activity level.

Care of the Great Wirehaired Gryfenee

The Great Wirehaired Gryfenee's wiry coat is famous for its ease of care. Its coat is thick and hard, which provides it with protection in inclement weather. Since the coat is not prone to felting, regular brushing is sufficient to keep it clean and healthy. Normally, trimming is not required unless the coat becomes unmanageable.

Ear care is also important to reduce the risk of infection. Check the dog's ears weekly and clean them as needed.

Health and Diseases

The Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is generally a hardy animal. However, he may be prone to health problems common in both parent breeds, such as hip dysplasia, heart problems and eye problems.

  • Regular health monitoring and vaccinations are recommended.
  • Due to its large build, it can be prone to joint problems.

Breeding of the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees

As a mixed breed, the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees have no specific breeding standards. Safety and health should be the main focus when breeding. Any breeding should only be done after the parents have been tested for common health problems. It is important to select a responsible breeder who has the welfare of the animals in mind.

Still the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is quite a rare hybrid breed, but thanks to its amiable character and robust build it is gaining more and more popularity.

In appearance, the Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is a formidable presence with a strong build and large stature inherited from his Pyrenean Mountain Dog parent. His coat is harsh and wire-like, a characteristic he inherited from his Griffon Korthals parent.

The Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is often referred to as a gentle giant because of his loving and calm nature despite his size and strength.

Fur length medium
Fur rough-haired -
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Triangle
Tail short - fanned out
Anatomy slim, sporty, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 50 - 74 cm
Weight ♀ 23 - 41 kg
Size ♂ 55 - 82 cm
Weight ♂ 23 - 54 kg
Suitable For -
  • A Great Wirehaired Gryfenees is a cross between a Griffon Korthals and Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

  • As a hybrid breed, appearance can often vary and is difficult to predict.

  • He has a friendly, affectionate and loyal character. He is a happy dog who likes to play and protect his family.

  • First, make sure you have the time and space this dog needs.

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