Border Sheepdog:Border collie and Shetland Sheepdog Mix

Hybrid Breed

Border collie + Shetland Sheepdog


Border Sheepdog - The dynamic mix of Border Collie and Shetland Sheepdog

The Border Sheepdog is an exciting cross between the Border Collie and the Shetland Sheepdog. Both parent breeds are known for their abilities as working dogs and their close bonds with their owners. This mix combines the best qualities of both breeds and is becoming increasingly popular as a companion and working dog.

Suitability and attitude

The Border Sheepdog is an extremely versatile dog and is suitable for a variety of purposes. Here are some areas where he can show his strengths:

  • Working Dog: Because of its eagerness to work and its abilities, the Border Sheepdog is excellent as a herding dog or for other demanding tasks.
  • Active families: The Border Sheepdog is well suited to active families who enjoy spending time outdoors and can provide him with sufficient exercise and mental challenges.
  • Dog Sports: With its intelligence and energy, the Border Sheepdog is a good choice for various dog sports such as agility, obedience training and flyball.
Alternate Name -
Origin UK - Scotland
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Border Sheepdog

The Border Sheepdog often inherits the remarkable character traits of both parent breeds. Here are some traits he may likely have:

  • Intelligent: The Border Sheepdog is extremely intelligent and is considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds. He is quick to learn and easy to train.
  • Energetic: Due to the Border Collie influence, the Border Sheepdog has a high energy level and needs regular exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Eager to Work: The Border Sheepdog has a strong eagerness to work and a strong herding instinct. He likes to be kept busy and enjoys tasks that challenge him mentally and physically.
  • Affectionate: The Border Sheepdog develops a close bond with his owners and is often loyal and affectionate. However, he may also show some independence.

The Border Sheepdog is a fascinating blend of the intelligent Border Collie and the charming Shetland Sheepdog. With its working spirit, intelligence and loving nature, it can become a wonderful companion for active families and dog sports enthusiasts. With proper care and attention, the Border Sheepdog will become a valued family member and partner.

Health and care

The Border Sheepdog is generally a healthy dog, but may inherit some genetic health problems from its parent breeds. Regular vet visits, a balanced diet, and adequate physical activity are important to maintain its health. Coat care requires regular brushing, especially during coat changes.

The Border Sheepdog usually has an attractive and charming appearance. Here are some typical characteristics that he might probably have:

  • Size: the Border Sheepdog is usually of medium height and has an athletic build.
  • Coat: The coat can vary and is often dense, medium length and comes in a variety of colors.
  • Color: The coat color can have several variations, including black, white, brown and merle.
Fur length medium - long
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Tilt-ear
Tail fanned out
Anatomy slim, sporty, sporty
Size ♀ 33 - 53 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 19 kg
Size ♂ 33 - 56 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 20 kg
Suitable For -
  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • MDR1 defect

    The MDR1 defect is a defect in the MDR1 gene that can occur in some breeds of dogs and in humans. This results in the deficient or absent synthesis of a certain protein which is an important component of the blood-brain barrier, leading to hypersensitivity to some drugs.

  • This mixed breed has energetic, bright and intelligent characteristics. They are loyal and have a strong work ethic.

  • It is usually between 33 and 51 cm high and weighs between 16 and 23 kg.

  • It usually has a coat of medium length and close fitting. It can either be straight or appear slightly wavy, and in most cases is black and white.

  • Yes, he is a robust mix between two friendly guard dog breeds and he is an ideal family dog.

  • Yes, he is a very energetic dog who needs regular runs and exercise to stay happy and healthy.

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