Border Collie Pyrenees:Border collie and Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mix

Hybrid Breed

Border collie + Pyrenean Mountain Dog


The Border Collie Pyrenees - a hybrid breed.

The hybrid breed of Border Collie and Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a wonderful and unique cross. These two dog breeds complement each other perfectly and can be the ideal companion for families. The Border Collie is an intelligent, work-oriented and lively dog that is active and alert. Its education requires a lot of time and patience. The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is a calm and affectionate dog with a very adaptable nature. He is a strong protector who is affectionate and playful. This crossbreed is described as energetic, but also obedient. With proper training, they can grow up to be loyal and faithful companions.

Alternate Name -
Origin UK - France
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Border Collie Pyrenees.

There are many mixed breeds, but one of the most popular is the Border Collie Pyrenees. This breed is considered to be very intelligent and loyal, with a bright, friendly temperament.

Border Collies are known for their energy and eagerness, which will continue to be true in the mixed breed. They love to play and learn, which makes them ideal companion dogs. However, their eagerness and intelligence mean that they need plenty of activity and training to keep their minds busy. They love to play games, learn, and exercise, making them suitable for owners who have plenty of time to care for them. This mix is also an excellent watchdog and usually stays by their owner's side in the house.

The Pyrenean Mountain Dog breed, on the other hand, is known for its protective nature. This intuitive need for protection is also reflected in the mix. Although considered friendly and hospitable to visitors, the mixed breed will protect its owner if it thinks there is danger.

Overall, this breed carries a gentle temperament, but they also tend to be stubborn if not trained regularly. They need to be properly trained to build respect and a trusting relationship with their owner. Therefore, it is important that owners who choose this breed invest the necessary time and patience to give the best education possible and create a real bond with their dog.

A Border Collie and Pyrenean Mountain Dog mix is a playful, intelligent and loving animal that requires a lot of affection and responsibility. They are very energetic, love to learn and need regular activity to be happy. The willingness to adopt such an animal should not be underestimated, but they can make a loyal, friendly companion.

Breed diseases of the Border Collie Pyrenees

Border Collie Pyrenean Mountain Dog (BCPMD) mixed breeds are a popular breed that is increasingly being gained as pets in households. Although they are hardy and long-lived, they can also suffer from certain diseases. This article will cover some of the most common diseases of BCPMD mixed breeds.

The first is hip dysplasia. This condition occurs when there is abnormal development of the hip joints. It can cause the joints to wear out and cause painful arthritis. To prevent this condition, you should have an x-ray taken when you purchase a puppy.

Another disease that can occur in BCPMD mixes is an eye disease called Progressive Retinal Atrophy. This is a disease in which the retina of the eye is gradually destroyed, causing vision to deteriorate. This disease cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated with medication.

Otitis externa is another condition that can occur in BCPMD mixes. It is an inflammation of the external ear canal caused by bacteria or fungus. To prevent otitis externa, you should clean your dog's ear canal regularly by removing excess ear wax and washing it with a special ear cleaner.

Respiratory diseases can also occur in BCPMD mixes. These diseases can be caused by allergies or develop from a bacterial infection. To prevent respiratory diseases, you should regularly check the condition of your dog's respiratory system and take him to the vet if necessary.

Finally, BCPMD mixes can suffer from autoimmune diseases. These diseases can be caused by heredity or stress. It is important to have your dog checked regularly to detect any signs or symptoms of an autoimmune problem.

In terms of health, you should always be cautious with BCPMD mixes. Many of the conditions such animals suffer from can be diagnosed and treated, but some can cause serious complications. By performing regular veterinary examinations and providing the dog with a healthy lifestyle, problems can be detected and treated in time.

This mixed breed is a medium sized dog with a lot of energy. He reaches about 39 cm in shoulder height and weighs about 18 kg. His dense, smoothing and slightly curly coat is black white, gray white or tricolor. These special color patterns make him a unique dog. His head is strong and angular, his ears are medium sized and stand erect. His eyes are brown and almond shaped and his gait is springy with a strong urge to romp.

What does this mixed breed look like?

The coat color of a Border Collie and Pyrenean Mountain Dog mixed breed varies depending on the mix of dog breeds. However, several different coat colors may appear, such as black, cream, or even brindle. The coat of these mixed breeds is usually dense and lush, and most of these dogs have a long mane around their head, which makes them even more attractive. Some also have a long tail, which is usually quite wavy and can be trimmed into a nice curl. These dogs tend to have a thicker undercoat than other breeds, which gives them a warming coat in cold winters. However, they also need regular brushing to prevent matting.

Fur length medium
Fur flat coated -
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy slim, sporty, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 46 - 74 cm
Weight ♀ 12 - 41 kg
Size ♂ 48 - 82 cm
Weight ♂ 14 - 54 kg
Suitable For -
  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • A Border Collie Pyrenees is intelligent, alert, playful, loyal and affectionate.

  • This mix reaches a weight of about 18 to 36 kilograms.

  • A Border Collie Pyrenees has a life expectancy of about 12 to 16 years.

  • Yes, this mixed breed can be kept as a pet, but it is important that owners invest time and love on a regular basis to train and socialize their dog.

  • Yes, a Border Collie Pyrenees needs regular brushing, regular daily exercise and regular training sessions to develop well.

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