Maspyr:Bullmastiff and Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mix

Hybrid Breed

Bullmastiff + Pyrenean Mountain Dog


Maspyr - Pyrenean Mountain Dog and Bullmastiff Mix

The Maspyr is a cross between the Pyrenean Mountain Dog and the Bullmastiff. These two breeds each have an interesting origin. The Pyrenean Mountain Dog originated in the Pyrenees, a mountainous region between France and Spain, where it was used as a herding dog. The Bullmastiff, on the other hand, was bred in Great Britain and served as a guard and protection dog. The combination of these breeds results in the Maspyr, which combines the best qualities of both breeds.

Both the Pyrenean Mountain Dog and the Bullmastiff have a long history, dating back to the 19th century. The Pyrenean Mountain Dog was bred by shepherds in the Pyrenees to protect their herds from predators. The Bullmastiff, on the other hand, was bred specifically to guard estates and livestock from poachers. Crossing these breeds creates the Maspyr, which brings a combination of protective instincts, alertness, and loyalty.

Suitability and Use

The Maspyr is a versatile dog that works well as a guard dog and family companion. Because of his guard dog background, he is usually alert, bold, and territorial. He is loyal to his family and will defend them resolutely. However, the Maspyr can also be a gentle and loving companion, especially if well socialized and trained. It is important to channel his natural instincts and provide him with clear guidance.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - France
Life expectancy 8 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Maspyr

A cross between a Pyrenean Mountain Dog and a Bullmastiff, the Maspyr is an impressive and versatile dog. With its imposing appearance and natural guard dog traits, it can serve as both a watchdog and a loving family companion. The health and care of the Maspyr are critical to ensuring a happy and healthy life for this special four-legged friend.

Health and care

The health of the Maspyr is of great importance, as he can be prone to certain health problems. For example, due to his size and weight, he may suffer from joint problems such as hip dysplasia. Regular veterinary examinations and a balanced diet are important to maintain his health. Grooming your Maspyr requires regular brushing, especially during coat changes, to remove loose hair and prevent matting. It is also important to check and clean his ears regularly.

The Maspyr is an imposing dog with a powerful stature and a stately size. He often inherits the size of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog and the muscular stature of the Bullmastiff. His coat is usually dense, long, and white or cream in color, similar to the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. The head shape is typically massive with strong jaws, similar to the Bullmastiff.

Fur length short - medium
Fur flat coated -
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Triangle
Tail lang - fanned out
Anatomy square, hefty, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 61 - 74 cm
Weight ♀ 36 - 54 kg
Size ♂ 64 - 82 cm
Weight ♂ 50 - 59 kg
Suitable For -
  • rolled Eyelid

    A rolled eyelid (entropion) is an eyelid malposition in dogs

  • Teat Tumors

    Tumours of the mammary gland, also known as mammary tumours, are among the most common cancers in dogs.

  • This mixed breed can have different sizes, but usually they reach a height at withers of about 63 to 71 cm and weigh between 27 and 50 kg.

  • This hybrid breed has a dense and soft-haired coat. It is usually medium length or long and comes in colors such as brown, black and beige.

  • These dogs are intelligent, playful and loyal. They need daily exercise and exercise, but are usually calm and relaxed when they get enough exercise.

  • Bullmastiff Pyrenean Mountain Dog mixes can be prone to certain health problems. Possible problems may include: Allergies, ear infections, knee problems and hip dysplasia.

  • The life expectancy of this hybrid breed is between 10 and 16 years.

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