Unusual dog names for the female dog
Unlike in breeding, there are no fixed rules for private naming. Nevertheless, the choice of the name is probably the most difficult question at all. After all, the name should meet a number of different criteria. There is, for example, the accuracy of fit to dog breed, personality and gender.
But first of all you should like the name yourself.
To inspire you in the choice of name, we have compiled some suggestions.
Unusual dog names by appearance and personality
Dog names have always been based on the characteristics of the dog. Whether it was peculiarities in appearance, any fields of activity as well as hunting functions, or conspicuousness in the personality profile, with the name the owner refers to these aspects.
Example names, in reference to the outer appearance:
- Blacky
- Honey
- Mini
- Mocha
- Silver
Names that refer to the character
- Aura
- Elana
- Grace
- Lazy
- Naima
Dog names don't have to be related to the dog's characteristics at all, instead they can be related to the dog's owner. They can be an expression of a hobby, an idol, or the favorite brand of car.
Dog names that draw a connection to humans:
- Amaretto
- Coffee
- Madonna
- Romy
- Senna
Timeless names for the female dog
The classics among the dog names are less fancy and yet always current. As a contrary movement to the multitude of foreign names, they have a rarity value and represent our culture.
Old German names:
- Alma
- Traudl
- Walli
- Liesl
- Zita
Modern dog names
Many dog owners want a special name for their dog. Modern dog names are as unusual and extravagant as possible. In addition, there are clear parallels to human naming. Some dog names do not allow direct conclusions about the animal, but come from our human world.
- Bonnie
- Camilla
- Lotte
- Milka
- Scarlett
Female dog names from all over the world
In times of globalization, German names are increasingly being displaced by international ones. Foreign names have a great sound, stand out from the crowd and evoke pleasant holiday associations.
Popular dog names, sorted by country of origin:
English names:
- Daisy
- Ebby
- Mable
- Molly
- Tiffany
French names:
- Bijou
- Chloé
- Estelle
- Milou
- Fleur
Spanish names:
- Benita
- Gala
- Lola
- Luciá
- Samba
Swedish names:
- Caja
- Elvy
- Liska
- Maja
- Pippa
Turkish names:
- Amina
- Ela
- Gülden
- Sari
- Zilli
Funny dog names for females
Funny dog names are totally on trend. While there are set eligibility criteria for human names (including: no fancy names and no expressions of ridiculousness), anything goes in the animal world. Many dog owners therefore use their dog's name to show humour and be creative.
Our top 20 funny dog names:
- Bean
- Bounty
- Cherry
- Crispy
- Lint
- Foot horn
- Poison Dwarf
- Sneezy
- Bumblebee
- Burdock
- Dumpling
- Toad
- Miracoli
- Peanut
- Purzel
- Schnitzel
- Specky
- Taxi
- Tutnix
- Wauzi
Short and striking: Names for female dogs
A one-syllable dog name is easy to learn, cross-cultural, and memorable. In training, a short name often has a better effect. In addition to the practical benefits, a short name suits small dog breeds particularly well.
The best five:
- Amy
- Ava
- Fly
- Joy
- Zoe
We also have unusual names for males.