Shepnees:German Shepherd and Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mix

Hybrid Breed

German Shepherd + Pyrenean Mountain Dog


Shepnees - a hybrid breed.

The German Shepherd and the Pyrenean Mountain Dog are popular breeds that serve as beloved pets to many. The resulting hybrid breed, the Shepnees, is a beautiful, strong and friendly animal that is very loyal and affectionate. They also have a very high intelligence level and are very easy to train. They are playful and loving and are a great choice for families with children. They are very active and love to exercise and go out. If kept properly, this dog will be a great friend and protector.

Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - France
Life expectancy 9 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Shepnees - Such is probably his nature.

The Shepnees is a very friendly dog breed with a great personality. They are good natured, obedient and attentive, making them a very pleasant companion.

They have a natural tendency to be even-tempered and require little training. However, they do require regular training for good social interaction. They quickly understand what they are taught and are sociable and empathetic. This makes them an excellent family dog.

These mixed breeds are also very energetic, making them better suited for active people. They can enjoy long walks, jogging, biking and other surface activities. They also tolerate water very well, so they are also suitable for dog sports like water rescue and slalom running. Overall, the breed needs plenty of physical exercise to stay healthy and happy.

The Shepnees also has a very strong protective instinct. For this reason, they are a good choice for owners who like to have dogs that watch over their homes. Many of these mixed breeds proved to be excellent guard dogs.

Because of the mixed heritage of different breeds, these dogs have different temperament traits. Some are very affectionate, some are very shy, and some tend to stand on their own. The mixed breed may make it a little more difficult for them to adapt to new situations, which may require more training from owners. To avoid this, owners should always make sure to spend time with their dog and teach them the basics of training on a regular basis to help them adapt to new environments.

Overall, the Shepnees is a loyal and caring dog that can be easily integrated into families. They are alert, obedient and intelligent, making them a great companion and an excellent family dog.

What diseases can occur in the Shepnees?

These mixed breeds are a popular dog breed that is a valuable addition to many families due to their size and energy. However, these mixed breeds also have typical diseases that should be considered before choosing such a dog.

One of the most common diseases in mixed breeds is dysplasia of the elbow joint. This disorder can be a congenital deformation of the joint, which can lead to pain, lameness and functional limitations. Regular examination of the animal's elbows by a veterinarian is therefore important for early diagnosis and treatment.

Another common condition in shepnees is atopy. This is an allergic reaction of the body to certain allergenic substances in the environment. Symptoms can range from skin and ear infections to severe respiratory problems. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to monitor the pet's environment and monitor symptoms to get the necessary treatment.

Epilepsy is also a common condition in which animals have seizures. These seizures can be as mild as tremors or so severe that animals injure themselves. If an animal is suffering from epilepsy, it is important that it be examined regularly to find the right treatment method.

Finally, some dogs of this breed also suffer from heart disease. Often, the cause is genetic and may require treatment with the help of medication or surgery. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to have their dog undergo regular veterinary examinations to detect possible heart disease at an early stage.

While this hybrid breed is susceptible to various diseases, good care and attention can help reduce the risk of such conditions. Therefore, it is important that pet owners remember to have regular veterinary checkups and always respond immediately to any signs of weakness or pain.

This mixed breed has a long, dense, shiny coat. The coat is long and straight to slightly wavy and can contain several shades of color. Common colors are black, gray or brown, but other colors such as red or cream can occur. Some have white markings on the chest or chin, which is a distinct characteristic of this breed. The undercoat of the coat is thick and fluffy and suits the often very cold climates. The head portion of the coat can be a lighter shade than the body, giving the animal a striking appearance. This breed has a very good hair structure and an excellent immune system.

What are breed characteristics of this mixed breed?

The Shepnees is a medium-sized dog with an average height of 50-55 cm and a weight of 20-30 kg. It has an athletically built body with prominent muscles. The head is a little longer than wide and the muzzle is about as long as the skull. The eyes are either dark brown or black, the ears are slightly splayed and stand high. The body is compactly built, the tail is straight and slightly rounded. The coat is of medium length and smooth, the color is predominantly black and brown, but other shades may be present.

Fur length long - medium
Fur flat coated -
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy massive, strong, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 55 - 74 cm
Weight ♀ 22 - 41 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 82 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 54 kg
Suitable For -
  • A Shepnees can grow between 45-80 cm tall and weigh 23-42 kg.

  • The Shepnees is intelligent, eager to learn and loyal. They have a lot of stamina and energy and love to play and learn.

  • This mongrel has a coat of medium length, dense and close-fitting. It is mostly quite smooth and soft to the touch.

  • The German Shepherd and Pyrenean Mountain Dog mix should be trained with positive reinforcement, patience and consistency. This breed is very intelligent and can quickly learn and understand the meaning of behavior rules and follow them.

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