French dog breeds

  1. 1. Berger Picard dog in winter field with long hair
    Berger de Picardy Companion Dog, Herding Dog, Family Dog
  2. 2. Big Blue Gascon Dog
    Great Blue Gascon Running Dog Hunting Dog
  3. 3. Ariegeois breed description
    Ariégeois Working Dog, Hunting Dog
  4. 4. Phalene or Continental Toy Spaniel
    Phalène Watchdog, Companion Dog, Family Dog
  5. 5. briard dog
    Briard Herding Dog
  6. 6. Braque d`Auvergne breed description, temperament and appearance of the french pointing dog, black and white hunting dog, hunting dog breed from France
    Auvergne Pointer Hunting Dog
  7. 7. Long haired Pyrenean Shepherd portrait photo
    Long haired Pyrenean Shepherd Dog Herding Dog, Sheepdog
  8. 8. Billy dog breed description, large white dog with long ears, dog with floppy ears and short fur, dog similar to beagle in large
    Billy Companion Dog, Hunting Dog
  9. 9. Cursinu, French dog breed, brindle dog breed, dog with tiger color and white mark, herding dog from Corsica, dog breed from France
    Cursinu Herding Dog, Hunting Dog
  10. 10. Pyrenean shepherd dog standing
    Pyrenean herding dog with short hair face Herding Dog, Sheepdog
  11. 11. Bretan Spaniel, brown white dog with floppy ears and very short tail, no tail at birth, dog with stubby tail, French dog breed, Brittany dog
    Epagneul Breton Hunting Dog
  12. 12. Large Anglo French Tricolor Running Dog Head
    Large Anglo French Tricolored Running Dog Hunting Dog
  13. 13. Pont Audemer Spaniel dog, portrait of an adult
    Pont-Audemer Spaniel Companion Dog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
  14. 14. Beauceron profile picture breed description
    Beauceron Herding Dog
  15. 15. Breed description of a white small dog named Bichon Frise
    Bichon Frisé Family Dog
  16. 16. Lioness breed description
    Löwchen Companion Dog, Family Dog
  17. 17. Toy poodle puppy close-up portrait on a white background
    Toy poodle Companion Dog, Family Dog
  18. 18. Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées, Patou Breed description
    Pyrenean Mountain Dog Herding Dog
  19. 19. Porcelaine dog from France, red and white dog, slender breed, French dog, big hunting dog, dog with very long floppy ears, Chien de Franche-Comté, white dog breed big, breed description
    Porcelaine Hunting Dog
  20. 20. Portrait of a blue Picardy Spaniel
    Blue Picardy Spaniel Hunting Dog, Family Dog
    Anglo-Français de petite vénerie Hunting Dog
  22. 22. The portrait of Blue Gascony Basset in the fall garden
    Basset bleu de Gascogne Companion Dog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
  23. 23. Braque Saint-Germain Portrait
    Braque Saint-Germain Companion Dog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
  24. 24. French Spaniel, espagneul Francais, brown white dog with hairy ears
    French Spaniel Hunting Dog
  25. 25. Norman Artesian Basset at the age of six years
    Basset artésien normand Hunting Dog
  26. 26. large griffon vendeen
    Great Griffon Vendeen Hunting Dog
  27. 27. Close-up of a Basset Fauve de Bretagne, 1 year old, against a white background
    Basset fauve de Bretagne Companion Dog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
  28. 28. Little Gascon Saintongeois, male standing on grass
    Petit Gascon Saintongeois Companion Dog, Hunting Dog
  29. 29. Young Beagle Harrier in front of a white background
    Beagle-Harrier Hunting Dog
  30. 30. Close-up portrait of an obedient little gray poodle with a red leather collar on a gray background
    Small poodle Companion Dog, Family Dog
  31. 31. Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,French bulldog,Snout,Companion dog,Carnivore,Bulldog,
    French Bulldog Companion Dog, Family Dog
  32. 32. Coton de Tulear white, dog similar to Bolognese and Havanese, dog also called cotton dog, allergy dog, dog breed for allergic people, allergy to dog hair can be eliminated with this breed, dog similar to Bichon Frise, white small dog breed for beginners, dog for children, children dog breed, family dog, dog combed for a dog show, smoothed coat on dog, breed description and character,
    Coton de Tuléar Companion Dog, Family Dog
  33. 33. Artois Hound, portrait of a dog
    Chien d'Artois Hunting Dog
  34. 34. Basset Griffon Vendeen, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, medium sized dog breed with floppy ears, tricoloured dog breed from France, French dog for hunting, hunting dog, rough haired dog, dog with rough coat
    Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Hunting Dog
  35. 35. Small blue Gascon dog, portrait of a dog
    Small blue Gascony hound Hunting Dog
  36. 36. braque du bourbonnais Breed description
    Braque du Bourbonnais Watchdog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
    Large Anglo French White Black Running Dog Hunting Dog
  38. 38. Dog,Canidae,Dog breed,Carnivore,Snout,Sporting Group,Airedale terrier,Bosnian coarse-haired hound,Welsh terrier,Terrier,
    Griffon Nivernais Hunting Dog, Wild Boar Hunting dog
  39. 39. Griffon Korthals, Griffon d'arrêt à poil dur, rough haired pointer, dog similar to German Rauhaar, large dog breed from France, breed description of hunting dog, hunting dog breed
    Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Hunting Dog
  40. 40. Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog
    Fawn Brittany Griffon Working Dog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
  41. 41. Portrait of blue Gascony Griffon dog
    Blue Gascony Griffon Working Dog, Police Dog, Searchdog
  42. 42. Large Anglo French White and Orange Dog
    Large Anglo French White Orange Running Dog Hunting Dog
  43. 43. Papillon dog breed description
    Papillon Companion Dog
  44. 44. Race description Barbet, blond dog with curls, French breed, temperament.
    Barbet Hunting Dog, Family Dog
  45. 45. Portrait of a typical scenthound poitevin in a spring meadow
    Poitevin Hunting Dog
  46. 46. Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Dogue de bordeaux,Carnivore,Working dog,Molosser,Guard dog,
    Dogue de Bordeaux Watchdog
  47. 47. Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Basset hound,Dog breed,Carnivore,Basset artésien normand,Schweizer laufhund,Snout,
    Basset Hound
  48. 48. French Pointing Dog Pyrenean type Head picture
    French Pointing Dog (Pyrenean type) Hunting Dog, Family Dog
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