Cava-lon:Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Papillon Mix

Hybrid Breed

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Papillon


What is a Cava-lon?

The Cava-lon is a charming hybrid breed, also known as a mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Papillon. These dogs impress with their friendliness, high intelligence and playful character.

Origin and history

The ancestors of this mixed breed come from England (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) and France (Papillon). Both breeds were very popular among nobles and the high aristocracy in Europe, which explains their affectionate and sociable characteristics. Over the years, breeders have mixed these breeds to create a smaller, family-friendly dog that is both intelligent and adaptable.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - France
Life expectancy 9 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level low - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Suitability and personality

Although exact personality traits may vary, Cava-lons are usually characterized by their affectionate and friendly nature. They love to be with their family members and can get along well with other pets and children. Their intelligence and desire to please make them easy companions to train.

They make excellent companion and social dogs. They are intelligent, eager to learn and love the company of people. They love to play and adapt effortlessly to different environments.

Need for exercise and activity

Despite their small size, these dogs need an appropriate balance of exercise and mental stimulation. Regular walks and playtime are essential for these active dogs to keep them physically fit and mentally healthy.

The Cava-lon is an ideal companion for families looking for an affectionate, intelligent and active dog that they can challenge both physically and mentally.

Care of the Cava-lon

The care is quite simple. Their coat must be brushed regularly to keep it shiny and healthy. In addition, their teeth, claws, eyes and ears also need to be checked regularly.

They also need moderate exercise, which means daily walks and playtime should be on the agenda.

Health of the Cava-lon

Like all dog breeds, Cava-lons can be susceptible to certain health problems. These include heart disease, patellar luxations, and eye disease, for example. However, a reputable breeder should be able to provide health certifications to eliminate these concerns.

Breeding the Cava-lon

When breeding Cava-lons, the welfare of the dogs should always come first. It is important to buy from breeders who can trace the breeding lines of their dogs and perform health examinations and genetic testing to ensure the best possible health of the puppies.

The Cava-lon is a generally small hybrid breed with a toy-like appearance that comes from its Cavalier King part.

The distinguishing "butterfly" aspect of the Papillon is highlighted in the striking and large ears of the mixed breed. The coat should be long, dense and either wavy or smooth.

Fur length medium - long
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Standing Ears
Tail fanned out - rolled up
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 20 - 33 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 33 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 8 kg
Suitable For -
  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • valvular insufficiency

    Heart valve diseases in dogs are among the most common heart diseases. Most often it is an acquired change in a heart valve.

  • Mitral Valve Diseas (MVD)

    Mitral valve disease in animals and dogs, respectively

  • Curly Coat Dry Eye

    Eye disease in dogs.

  • Tartar

    If dogs don't get a good food or sugary food, tartar can quickly appear.

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • These mixed breeds are active, social and intelligent dogs that love to play and like lots of petting. They make a good family dog and have a low aggression potential.

  • The coat color of the Cava-lon may vary within the limits of its parent breeds.

  • The Cava-lon needs consistent but loving training by its owner.

  • The ideal exercise for this hybrid breed consists of at least half an hour daily in the fresh air.

  • The average life expectancy is 12 to 15 years.

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