Tibetan Mastiff Shepherd

Tibetan Mastiff Shepherd:German Shepherd and Do Khyi Mix

Hybrid Breed

German Shepherd + Do Khyi


Do Khyi and German Shepherd mix - a hybrid breed

The Do Khyi is a very popular and recognized breed that was created by crossing a Mastiff with a Tibetan Mastiff. The breed has a beautiful appearance and many positive characteristics, including loyalty, intelligence and a peaceful nature. They are easily used as guard dogs, which is why they are often referred to as the "Tibetan Mastiff".

Another popular mixed breed is the German Shepherd. This combination of German Shepherd and another European dog breed is also known for its loyalty. German Shepherds also make good guard dogs as they are extremely intelligent, loyal and courageous. In addition, their strong and sturdy build makes them a strong choice as a family dog.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

A Tibetan Mastiff and German Shepherd mixed breed is a medium-sized dog with a compact and muscular build. It has a broad chest, long legs and a slightly rounded head. The shoulder height is 45 to 50 cm and its weight is 25 to 35 kg. The body is usually black spotted or pied and the coat is dark brown or black. The face is usually hairless, but the ears and tail are often bushy.

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Hund,Hunderasse,Schnee,Fleischfresser,Hundebedarf,Rehkitz,Begleithund,Schnauze,Baum,Gefrieren, Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Kitz,Hütehund,Schnauze,Begleithund,Alter Deutscher Schäferhund,Deutscher Schäferhund,Canidae, Hund,Schnee,Auge,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Pflanze,Baum,Rehkitz,Schnurrhaare,Schnauze,
Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - Tibet
Life expectancy 9 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Do Khyi and German Shepherd mix - This is probably its nature

The Do Khyi and German Shepherd mix is a unique dog breed that combines both the gentle charm of the Do Khyi and the intelligence of the German Shepherd. The Tibetan Mastiff is often described as very affectionate and loyal. They are very lively and like to move around and learn new things. They are generally very friendly towards people (in the presence of their owners) but can be very wary.

As they are a strong watchdog by nature, it is advisable to give them consistent training so that they behave appropriately. They need plenty of exercise and variety to keep them as healthy and happy as possible. Due to their high intelligence, they are very easy to train and learn commands very quickly.

Tibetan Mastiff mixed breeds have a bright and cheerful attitude that can infect other animals and people. Along with the German Shepherd they carry, they have a strong protective instinct that makes them an ideal family member. They can live well with other animals as long as they are properly socialized.

In general, the Do Khyi mixed breed fall into a specific group of so-called Molosser dogs. They exhibit some of the characteristics of this group, such as a robust build, and have a high level of intelligence and a strong bond with their owner. With the right upbringing and training, these beautiful dogs can be a loving playmate and a loyal companion that is both protective and playful.

What diseases can occur in Tibetan Mastiff and German Shepherd mixes

Do Khyi German Shepherd mix dogs are a popular cross between a German Shepherd and a Do Khyi, an ancient Nepalese dog breed. Although this crossbreed is usually robust and long-lived, they do have certain diseases that owners should be aware of.

One of the most common diseases in Do Khyi German Shepherd crossbreeds is Hip Dysplasia. It is a congenital disease caused by irregularities in the joint of the hip joint. It can involve both genetics and environmental influences, and symptoms range from mild lameness to severe movement disorders. If detected early enough, hip dysplasia can be treated with surgery and targeted therapies.

Another potentially serious condition that can occur in Do Khyi German Shepherd mixes is total loss of hearing. This is very upsetting and cannot be treated, but preventative measures such as ear cleaning and regular veterinary check-ups can help minimize the chances of such serious conditions occurring.

Due to their mixed ancestry, Do Khyi German Shepherd mix dogs may also be prone to developing metabolic problems. Owners should therefore take care to provide their pet with a diet of healthy nutrients and consider giving them vitamins and minerals on a regular basis. Immune deficiencies, allergies and autoimmune diseases can also be common in Do Khyi German Shepherd mix dogs and should be diagnosed and treated early.

Finally, owners should remember that Do Khyi German Shepherd mix dogs are just as susceptible to parasites and infections as other breeds. Therefore, owners should regularly check their pet for parasites and ensure that they are vaccinated on time. With good care and regular veterinary check-ups, Do Khyi German Shepherd mix dogs can live a long and healthy life.

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Kitz,Deutscher Schäferhund,Hütehund,Schnauze,Alter Deutscher Schäferhund,Sportliche Gruppe,Begleithund,

A Tibetan Mastiff and German Shepherd mixed breed usually has a thick, long-haired coat. It is usually black and brown, although the colors can vary from dark brown to light brown. Some reach a creamy shade or even white. The coat has a thick undercoat that helps them stay warm on cooler days, but they need to be brushed regularly to avoid matting. Other coat features that some of these dogs possess include a tail that is often curly, as well as bushy ears and eyebrows. This breed has a robust body, is very active and has a very strong instinct, which makes them loyal and loving companions.

Fur length long
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - rolled up
Anatomy massive, strong, hefty
Size ♀ 55 - 71 cm
Weight ♀ 22 - 54 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 76 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 73 kg
Suitable For -
  • A Do Khyi and German Shepherd mixed breed can be available in different shades of brown or black, depending on the parent breeds.

  • The size and weight of the Tibetan Mastiff and German Shepherd crossbreed depend on which parent passes on the most genes to the baby. In general, the weight is 45-90 kilograms and the height 50-70 cm, depending on the size.

  • Tibetan Mastiff and German Shepherd crossbreeds are intelligent, lively and fearless dogs that are easy to train due to their intelligence. They are very loyal and affectionate to their owners and faithful companions.

  • Yes, Do Khyi and German Shepherd mixes can live outside and adapt to changing weather conditions as long as they have a warm, safe shelter.

  • No, on the contrary. As they are very intelligent, they accept instructions quickly and react positively to praise and confirmation.

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