Greyster:German Shorthaired Pointer and Greyhound Mix

Hybrid Breed

German Shorthaired Pointer + Greyhound


What is a Greyster?

The Greyster is a sled dog breed bred specifically for sled dog racing, especially for dryland disciplines such as canicross and bikejoring. The Greyster is a cross between the Greyhound and the German Shorthaired Pointer. It owes its endurance and enthusiasm to the German Shorthaired Pointer and its speed to the Greyhound.

History and origin

After the Second World War, skijoring and pulkastyle sled dog races rapidly gained popularity in Norway and other Scandinavian countries. These races required fast, small teams of dogs running on short, hilly courses of between 15 and 30 kilometers. The Norwegian Sled Dog Racing Association required that only purebred dogs be used, and the German Shorthaired Pointer soon became the preferred breed. In the early 1970s, the"sled pointer" was bred, a pointing dog specifically for sledding, not hunting.

In the 1970s, interest in "Nome-style" sled racing began to grow, inspired by the big, long-distance North American races. In 1974, the first race of this style took place near Oslo. For these competitions, Norwegian mushers imported Alaskan huskies after the breed restrictions were dropped in 1985. This change also allowed mushers to breed the best dogs regardless of their breed, which led to the creation of the Greyster, a mix of Greyhound and German Shorthair. These crosses became popular in Europe and later in North America, especially with the increasing popularity of dryland mushing such as bikejoring and canicross.

Where does the name come from?

The name "Greyster" is a portmanteau of Greyhound and Pointer.

Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - UK
Life expectancy 10 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

Often favored for their heat resistance, sprint racing Greysters are especially popular in dryland races in Central Europe, where warmer temperatures affect other sled dog breeds. Greysters typically run 5-8 kilometers with an average speed of 30 kilometers per hour and a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

They are often popular in small kennels, where their friendly nature makes them excellent companions. Like all sled dogs, they require intense physical activity; however, Greysters are often known to be quiet and relaxed at home.


Health problems and diseases

The health of the Greyster is generally considered to be good, mainly due to the emphasis placed on working characteristics and health when breeding. Particularly important are a strong cardiovascular system and high endurance, which predestines them for intensive sprint races. However, such dogs require regular and intensive physical activity. The specific selection of parent animals, especially German Shorthairs and Greyhounds, also attempts to minimize genetic problems. However, it is important to monitor potential health problems through regular veterinary ex aminations in order to maintain the typical quality of life of this active breed.

Rather than breeding similar looking dogs to create a new breed with a uniform appearance, Greysters are bred specifically for the working characteristics and health aspects required for short, intense sprint races. These include a strong cardiovascular system, high endurance and good cognitive function.

They are usually based on German Shorthairs (and English Pointers), other pointing dogs, Greyhounds and sometimes Salukis from closely bred sprint lines. Genetic studies show that Greysters are usually 75% German Shorthair and 25% Greyhound .

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear -
Tail short - lang
Anatomy sporty, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 53 - 71 cm
Weight ♀ 20 - 34 kg
Size ♂ 58 - 76 cm
Weight ♂ 25 - 40 kg
Suitable For -

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