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5 tips for hiking with your dog in Tyrol

So hiking in Tyrol is also fun with a dog.

5 tips: Hiking in Tyrol

The breathtaking landscapes in Tyrol are not only enticing for us humans, dogs also get their money's worth in this magnificent nature. The region is considered a true natural gem by many passionate hikers. Since it is hard to imagine many families without their animal companions nowadays, there are also numerous beautiful hiking routes with dogs in Tyrol.

Hiking with a dog

What used to be considered almost impossible is nowadays easy to put into practice: a holiday with a dog. A few years ago it was still difficult to find a suitable holiday destination for humans and four-legged friends alike, but today much has changed. In the meantime, numerous hotels and accommodations have become pet-friendly and man's best friend is just as welcome. In many households the dog counts meanwhile as a full member of the family - for this reason it may not be missing naturally also with the common vacation with the family. Especially the extremely active and exercise-loving four-legged friends can really let off steam in the varied mountain regions of Tyrol. In addition to bright green alpine meadows and bubbling mountain streams, which are a welcome refreshing break, there are a variety of hiking trails that are suitable for humans and dogs.

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On the way with a dog

In order to make your hiking holiday with your dog in Tyrol a wonderful experience, you should inform yourself well in advance. It is very important to consider the leash obligation in Tyrol. Basically, this regulation is the responsibility of the individual communities in Austria. Therefore you have to inform yourself where you are going on holiday. A leash is especially recommended near pastures, for example, as cows graze there and could feel threatened by free-roaming dogs. You should also think about your equipment. Provisions for your animal companion are dry food and treats for in between. If you don't also want to carry an extra water bottle for your dog, look for hiking trails that run alongside a stream or lake.

Five tips: Hiking routes with a dog

Relaxing walking trails, cool lakes, expansive meadows and dog-friendly places to stop for a bite to eat: In Tyrol, there are many hiking routes that can be completed perfectly well with a dog. The Austrian region is a true Eldorado for four-legged friends and their owners.

1. lake Walchsee

The circular route around the Walchsee lake is particularly beautiful. It lies at the foot of the imposing Kaiser Mountains and is the warmest bathing lake in the entire region. Here the water temperature rises to 26°C degrees in the summer months. At the bathing area on the eastern shore your four-legged friend has its very own bathing area and can really let off steam in the (cool) water. The six-kilometre circular trail around the lake starts in the village of the same name and is a pleasant hike for everyone.

2. olperer hut

The ascent to the Olpererhütte at an altitude of over 2,300 metres is also worthwhile. The hike begins at the beautiful Schlegeis reservoir and leads through forest, over serpentines along a stream briskly to the top. The tour is suitable for dogs, as the path is not extremely steep and there is enough water to drink in the upper third. As you can see, mountain hiking with a dog in Tyrol is also possible.

3rd Söller Gold Round

Once around the most beautiful flower village in Europe: Söller Goldrunde (also called Dorfrunde) is an approximately one and a half hour hike along centuries-old farms, past the Ahornsee to the rocky cap in the Kaisergebirge. This tour is ideal with a dog - you will pass green alpine meadows and a dog playground, which offer enough space to run around, and have a great panorama of the Kitzbühel Alps.

4. pillersee: the most beautiful lake for hiking with your dog in tyrol

In the middle of the Kitzbühel Alps lies the Pillersee, which you can explore more closely with the help of a circular trail. The hike - with dog! - would take about two hours. Special advantage: Not only people are allowed to swim in the Pillersee in summer, but your four-legged friends can also let off steam in the water.

5. wolf gorge

The Wolfsklamm is considered to be the most beautiful gorge in the whole of Tyrol and leads up to the St. Josef monastery, which is the oldest place of pilgrimage in the region. This is a great hike, especially in the summer, as the 350 meter ascent is mostly through the cool gorge. Also absolutely doable for dogs!

Banner: Shutterstock / manushot
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