Kerry Wheaten:Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and Kerry Blue Terrier Mix

Hybrid Breed

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier + Kerry Blue Terrier


Origin and history

This particular mixed breed, the Kerry Wheaten, has its roots in Ireland and is a cross between the Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terr ier and Kerry Blue Terrier dog breeds. Both breeds are known for their hunting abilities, and so the Kerry Wheaten is also originally a hunting dog.

Suitability and Husbandry

While the Kerry Wheaten can be an excellent hunting dog under the right management, it is also suitable for family life. The Kerry Wheaten is a loyal, playful and active dog. He needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.

With proper training and socialization, he gets along well with children and other pets. A cross between these two terrier breeds, the Kerry Wheaten has both the spirited, lively nature of the Wheaten Terrier and the determined and courageous nature of the Kerry Blue Terrier.

Alternate Name -
Origin Ireland
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits of the Kerry Wheaten

As with all dog breeds, individual variations are possible in the Kerry Wheaten, but basically these mixed breed dogs are characterized by the following traits:

  • Temperament: they are lively, but not hyperactive, and need the right mix of physical and mental exertion.
  • Intelligence: they are intelligent, adaptive and capable of learning.
  • Gregariousness: they love interaction and need lots of human companionship.

Despite their hardiness, Kerry Wheatens can do well in both apartments and houses with gardens. It is important that they get enough exercise and mental stimulation.

Care of the Kerry Wheaten

The Kerry Wheaten requires punctual and balanced grooming. His coat is of medium length, wavy and soft to the touch. Therefore, it must be brushed weekly to prevent tangles and hair loss. In addition, the ears should be checked and cleaned regularly, the teeth brushed and the claws trimmed.

Health of the Kerry Wheaten

Kerry Wheatens are generally healthy dogs, but are prone to certain health problems due to their genetic makeup. These include hip dysplasia, eye problems, and skin conditions. Therefore, regular vet visits are essential for this breed to detect and treat potential health problems early on.

Breeding the Kerry Wheaten

Breeding Kerry Wheatens requires a great deal of experience and knowledge of both parent breeds. It is important to choose healthy parents with good hereditary health to reduce the likelihood of health problems in the puppies. A responsible breeder puts the health and well-being of the animals first and makes sure that the puppies are well socialized and prepared for their future life in a family.

The Kerry Wheaten is a fascinating combination of these two charismatic Irish breeds. He presents himself in a compact, robust build that exudes both strength and agility.

His appearance is strongly defined by his distinctive coat, a blend of the silky soft hair of the Wheaten Terrier and the denser, wavier coat of the Kerry Blue. The coat color can vary, for example from light gray to almost black, here a variety of colors is possible.

Fur length medium - long
Fur curly
Ear shape Tilt-ear
Tail short
Anatomy rugged, square
Size ♀ 43 - 48 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 17 kg
Size ♂ 45 - 49 cm
Weight ♂ 15 - 18 kg
Suitable For -
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • He has characteristics from both breeds, but in general they are intelligent and lively, love to play and get along well with other pets and children.

  • A Kerry Wheaten can usually live between 13 and 17 years.

  • Hybrid breeds usually reach a size within the limits of its parent breeds.

  • Kerry Wheatens have a long, dense and soft coat that is usually smooth or slightly wavy.

  • All dogs should be fed a diet that is appropriate for their activity level, size and age.

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