Curly dogs: discover the most beautiful breeds with curls

Discover the fascinating world of curly dogs. Get to know the most beautiful curly breeds, learn more about their special traits and get valuable care and training tips to enrich the life with your curly four-legged friend. Curly dogs are often considered hypoallergenic and are therefore particularly popular.

Curly fur noses - Charming family members with special fur.

Dogs come in many different sizes, colors and coat types. Particularly striking are dogs with curly fur, which are often appreciated for their charming appearance and special charisma. But what advantages and disadvantages does a dog with curly coat bring to family life?

Some of the most famous dog breeds with curly fur are:

  1. Poodle
  2. Portuguese Water Dog
  3. Irish Water Spaniel
  4. Curly-Coated Retriever
  5. Lagotto Romagnolo
  6. Barbet
  7. Bichon Frisé
  8. Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel-Poodle mix)
  9. Labradoodle (Labrador-Poodle-Mix)
  10. Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever-Poodle mix)

Advantages of having a dog with curls often include:

  1. Allergy-friendly: many dogs with curly coats shed less or lose very little hair, making them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

  2. Easier to maintain around the house: because curly coats shed less hair, living spaces stay cleaner and require less cleaning.

  3. Fancy look: The curly coat gives these dogs a special and charming appearance that many people find appealing.

  4. Versatility: Dogs with curly coats come in different sizes and breeds, so there can be a dog for every taste and need.

Things to consider as a dog owner if you have a dog with curly hair in your household:

  1. Coat care: curly coats tend to mat more easily. Regular brushing and clipping, if necessary, are necessary to keep the coat healthy and well-maintained.

  2. Grooming Costs: Professional grooming, such as shearing or trimming, can be costly in the long run, as it should be done regularly.

  3. Temperature Vulnerability: the dense, curly coat can cause the dog to overheat more quickly in high temperatures. It is important to make sure the dog has plenty of shade and water on hot days and is not over-exercised.

  4. Limited selection: Although there are many different breeds with curly coats, they are less common overall than dogs with smooth coats. This can limit selection and availability.

Bottom Line:

Curly-coated dogs can be an adorable and practical addition to family life, especially if family members suffer from allergies. However, before choosing a curly-coated dog, weigh the pros and cons and make sure you're prepared to provide the necessary coat care.

Hund, Säugetier, Wirbeltier, Canidae, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, spanischer Wasserhund, brauner Irish Water Spaniel steht im Feld Shutterstock / Julie Morrish

Dogs with curly coat

Breed description of a Maltese dog, small white dog with slightly curly coat Poodle breed description 1234
Maltipoo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ small
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Havanese breed description Poodle breed description 1234
Havapoo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ small
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Pumi dog from Hungary, breed description
Origin Hungary
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Herding Dog, Family Dog
Breed description King Poodle
Royal Poodle
Origin Germany
Size ♀ large
Fur curly
Fur length short
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog, Therapy Dog
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Australian collie,Dog breed,Canidae,Australian shepherd,Carnivore,Companion dog,Miniature australian shepherd, Poodle breed description 1234
Aussiedoodle Hybrid Breed
Origin Australia
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length long
Usage Watchdog, Companion Dog, Herding Dog
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Temperament and Breed Description
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Origin USA
Size ♀ large
Fur curly
Fur length short
Usage Watchdog, Hunting Dog, Searchdog
Irish Water Spaniel breed description and character, rat tail in dog, dog with tail like rat, non hairy tail in male, Irish water dog with curls all over head except on muzzle, big brown dog with curls, curly coat, dog that is good for retrieving work, guard dog, family dog, companion dog, hunting dog from Ireland, Irish dog breed, funny dog
Irish Water Spaniel
Origin Ireland
Size ♀ large
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Watchdog, Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Carnivore,Irish setter,Companion dog,Snout,Dachshund, Dwarf poodle profile picture
Doxiepoo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Bouvier des Flandres, breed description therapy dog, pedigree dog, dog with curls
Bouvier des Flandres
Origin Belgium
Size ♀ large
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Watchdog, Herding Dog, Working Dog
Portuguese Water Dog breed description, black and white dog with curls
Portuguese Water Dog
Origin Portugal
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
Race description Barbet, blond dog with curls, French breed, temperament.
Origin France
Size ♀ large
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Lagotto Romagnolo Italian Water Dog Breed Description
Lagotto Romagnolo
Origin Italy
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length short
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face
Kerry Blue Terrier
Origin Ireland
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length long
Usage Family Dog
Dwarf poodle profile picture
Miniature Poodle
Origin Germany
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Bernese mountain dog,Carnivore,Greater swiss mountain dog,Appenzeller sennenhund,Giant dog breed, Poodle breed description 1234
Bernedoodle Hybrid Breed
Origin Switzerland
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
Springer Spaniel Breed Description
Springer Spaniel
Origin UK
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Watchdog
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Shih tzu,Chinese imperial dog,Löwchen,Companion dog,Carnivore, Dwarf poodle profile picture
Shih-Poo Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ small
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
Breed description of a white small dog named Bichon Frise
Bichon Frisé
Origin France
Size ♀ small
Fur curly
Fur length short
Usage Family Dog
Breed description King Poodle Vertebrate,Mammal,Scottish terrier,Dog breed,Dog,Canidae,Giant schnauzer,Carnivore,Snout,Terrier,
Schnoodle Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Poodle breed description 1234
Origin Germany
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
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