All Magyar Vizsla crossbreeds at a glance

Shorthaired Magyar Vizsla mixes can be a fascinating crossbreed that perfectly combines elegance and adaptability. Here you will find detailed information about this special breed mix and its unique characteristics.

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Magyar Vizsla


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Why mixed breeds with Magyar Vizsla are special

The Magyar Vizsla is an athletic, intelligent and people-oriented hunting dog that is known for its stamina, short, shiny coat and close bond with people. Originally bred as a bird and retrieving dog, today it is a versatile companion dog with a great love of learning.

A mix of hunting dog and family dog

Crossbreeding with other breeds produces dogs that can be active and eager to work as well as loyal and adaptable. Many crossbreeds retain the elegance and eagerness of the Vizslas, complemented by special characteristics of their second breed.

Who are these crossbreeds suitable for?

Mongrels with a Magyar Vizsla are ideal for sporty people who are looking for a dog that enjoys exercise but is also attentive and affectionate. They need plenty of exercise, clear leadership and mental challenges to keep them balanced.

What crossbreeds are there?

In this article, you can find out more about exciting mixed breeds with Magyar Vizsla, their special characteristics and their character.

Rhodesian Vizsla

Pflanze, Hund, Fleischfresser, Hunderasse, Leber, Baum, Kitz, Arbeitstier, Wald, Holz, Carmen Melzer

The Rhodesian Vizsla is an athletic, intelligent and enduring hybrid of Rhodesian Ridgeback and Magyar Vizsla. They combine the hunting skills and speed of both breeds with a great love of learning and a strong bond with their humans. These dogs are full of energy, need lots of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal companions, ideal for active and experienced owners.


Hund,Hunderasse,Leber,Fleischfresser,Halsband,Arbeitstier,Kitz,Haustierbedarf,Hundehalsband,Begleithund, Stephanie Schatz

The Vizslamann is an intelligent, athletic and loyal hybrid of Magyar Vizsla and Dobermann. It combines the elegance and stamina of the Vizsla with the alertness and strength of the Doberman. These dogs are eager to learn, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal companions, ideal for active and experienced dog owners.

German Vizsla Pointer

Hund,Schnee,Fleischfresser,Pflanze,Halsband,Leber,Kitz,Hundehalsband,Hunderasse,Arbeitstier, Silvia Jungwirth

The German Vizsla Pointer is an intelligent, persistent and hard-working hybrid of Magyar Vizsla and German Shorthaired Pointer. It combines the hunting skills, speed and friendly nature of both breeds. These dogs are eager to learn, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal companions, ideal for active hunters or sporty dog owners.

Springer Spaniel - Vizsla Mix

Hund,Kabinett,Leber,Halsband,Arbeitstier,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Rehbraun,Schublade,Begleithund, Rahel Frei

The Springer Spaniel Vizsla Mix is an intelligent, energetic and friendly dog. It combines the Magyar Vizsla 's love of work and stamina with the Springer Spaniel's playfulness and passion for hunting. These dogs are capable of learning and need plenty of exercise and mental exercise. With consistent training, they are loyal family dogs and ideal companions for active people.

English Vizsla Pointer

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Arbeitstier,Begleithund,Kitz,Schnauze,Zimmerpflanze,Leber,Blumentopf, Anja Sander

The (English) Vizsla Pointer is an intelligent, persistent and hard-working hybrid of Magyar Vizsla and English Pointer. It combines the hunting passion, speed and friendly nature of both breeds. These dogs are eager to learn, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal companions, ideal for active hunters or sporty dog owners.

Bernese Vizsla

Pflanze, Hund, Blume, Sonnenlicht, Gras, Rehkitz, Fleischfresser, Hunderasse, Menschen in der Natur, Strauch, Ingrid Hummel

The Bernese Vizsla is a friendly, loyal and persevering crossbreed of Magyar Vizsla and Bernese Mountain Dog. It combines the working spirit and speed of the Vizsla with the gentleness and calmness of the Bernese Mountain Dog. These dogs are intelligent, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal family dogs.

Vizslador (Labralas)

Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Begleithund,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Landtier,Komfort,Arbeitshund,Teilen, Sandra Koch

The Vizslador (also known as "Labralas") is an intelligent, friendly and energetic hybrid of Magyar Vizsla and Labrador Retriever. It combines the willingness to work and affection of both breeds with a high learning ability and stamina. These dogs are athletic, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal family dogs, ideal for active households and dog sports.


Blume, Pflanze, Hund, Pflanzengemeinschaft, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Halsband, Himmel, Kitz, Gras, Klaus Haas

The Vizslawart is an intelligent, loyal and protective mixed breed of Magyar Vizsla and Hovawart. It combines the working spirit and speed of the Vizsla with the alertness and robustness of the Hovawart. These dogs are eager to learn, need plenty of exercise and consistent training. With the right leadership, they are loyal family and guard dogs, ideal for active and experienced owners.

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