Vizsla pin:Magyar Vizsla and Dwarf Pinscher Mix

Hybrid Breed

Magyar Vizsla + Dwarf Pinscher


Profile: Vizsla Pin (Magyar Vizsla and Dwarf Pinscher mix)

The Vizsla Pin is where Hungarian hunting traditions meet German alertness. This cross between Magyar Vizsla and Miniature Pinscher offers a fascinating blend of character and appearance.

Origin and history

The Vizsla Pin combines two remarkable dog breeds:

  • Magyar Vizsla: A Hungarian pointing dog known for its excellent hunting skills and friendly nature.
  • Dwarf Pinscher: A small but courageous guard and companion dog from Germany.
Alternate Name -
Origin Hungary - Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high - high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

Several character traits come together in the Vizsla Pin:

  • Active and energetic: Thanks to the Vizsla in their ancestry, these dogs love activities and games.
  • Alert: The Dwarf Pinscher gives them a watchful eye and an alert mind.
  • Devotedand Loyal: Both parent breeds are known for their loyalty.
  • Intelligent and adaptive: With the right guidance, they can learn new commands quickly.

Suitability and attitude

The Vizsla Pin suits many different lifestyles. They need regular exercise and mental stimulation, but as long as enough of it is provided, they can adapt well to different environments.

With proper training and enough time investment, the Vizsla Pin is suitable for both first-time owners and experienced people.

Care and health

Some points should be considered to keep the Vizsla Pin healthy and happy:

  • Coat care: they usually have a short haired coat that should be brushed weekly.
  • Ears and eyes: regular checkups and cleanings are important to prevent infections.
  • Diet: A balanced diet helps maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise: Daily walks and playtime are a must.

The Vizsla Pin can have a number of characteristics of both parent breeds: They are medium-sized in many cases, although some may be closer in size to the Miniature Pinscher.

Their coat is usually short, but can vary in color and texture, and their color depends on the parents, but often ranges in tones from red to brown.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy sporty, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 25 - 61 cm
Weight ♀ 4 - 25 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 61 cm
Weight ♂ 4 - 29 kg
Suitable For -
  • Nervousness

    Very often, unfortunately, small and thin breed suffering from permanent nervousness.

  • Permanent tremor

    Persistent tremors can be very common in small breeds, and are often psychological.

  • This mixed breed has a friendly, good-natured and affectionate temperament. They are very lively and energetic, intelligent and affectionate. They are very affectionate and like to spend time with their humans.

  • This dog - if healthy - can usually walk and run without problems.

  • Yes, this mixed breed would make a fantastic family dog. The Vizsla Pin adapts well to any lifestyle and is equally good with children and adults.

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