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60 Russian dog names, for female and male dogs

That's 30 female and 30 male Russian dog names.

Borscht, Balalaika and Borzoi: 60 Russian dog names for your new companion.

So you've got a new furry friend in your life and you're looking for the perfect name that reflects his heritage, personality, or maybe even his breed. Russia is a country with a rich history, an impressive culture, and a variety of dog breeds that originate from there. You might consider giving your dog a Russian name that highlights these aspects.

In this blog post, I will introduce you to 60 Russian dog names, both male and female, along with matching dog breeds. You may find just the name that perfectly describes your four-legged friend and tells your shared story in a unique way. So, grab your matryoshka and let's dive into the world of Russian dog names!

Hund, Fleischfresser, Himmel, Baum, Hunderasse, Baumstamm, Holz, Puli, Wasserhund, Begleithund, Depositphotos / wirestock_creators

Russian male dog names

  1. Boris
  2. Misha
  3. Sasha
  4. Ivan
  5. Yuri
  6. Igor
  7. Andrei
  8. Dimitri
  9. Pavel
  10. Anton
  11. Alexei
  12. Nikolai
  13. Ilya
  14. Leonid
  15. Grigory
  16. Sergei
  17. Viktor
  18. Vladimir
  19. Anatoly
  20. Oleg
  21. Maxim
  22. Yaroslav
  23. Mikhail
  24. Vasili
  25. Rodion
  26. Stanislav
  27. Yevgeni
  28. Constantine
  29. Pyotr
  30. Fyodor
Holz, Fleischfresser, Ast, Pflanze, Hunderasse, Stamm, Baum, Zweig, Rehkitz, Himmel, Depositphotos / averyanova

Female dog names

  1. Katja
  2. Anastasia
  3. Natalia
  4. Olga
  5. Tatiana
  6. Elena
  7. Irina
  8. Svetlana
  9. Marina
  10. Nadezhda
  11. Yulia
  12. Valentina
  13. Ekaterina
  14. Maria
  15. Ksenia
  16. Anna
  17. Alina
  18. Daria
  19. Galina
  20. Polina
  21. Elizaveta
  22. Ludmila
  23. Vera
  24. Zoya
  25. Taisiya
  26. Oksana
  27. Yelena
  28. Natalya
  29. Viktoria
  30. Sofia
Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Begleithund,Spielzeughund,Leber,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Canidae,Terrier, Depositphotos / karegg

No matter what name you finally decide on, it is important that it fits your dog and underlines his personality. A name is more than just a call sign. It is an expression of the bond between you and your pet, a sign of affection and respect. Each of these Russian names carries a part of Russia's rich culture and history. So may one of these names accompany your furry friend on his journey.

Banner: Depositphotos / uchsammy
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