Selected focus on syringe woman gives medicine to chihuahua dog with syringe Dog Health 09.08.2023

Sucrabest for dogs: a comprehensive guide

Here's what you need to know about the drug and its uses.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. A veterinarian should be consulted if there are any health questions or complaints from the dog.

What is Sucrabest?

Sucrabest is a medication that was developed for humans. With its active ingredient sucralfate, it is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Is it allowed to give Sucrabest to a dog?

Yes, Sucrabest may be given to dogs. Insome cases, the use of this medication is even necessary .

However, a veterinarian should always be consulted. This person can decide whether and to what extent Sucrabest should be used and informabout possible side effects, especially with regard to individual needs.

Effect of Sucrabest

Sucralfate, the active ingredient in Sucrabest, is known for its cell-protective effect on the gastric mucosa and induces the formation of prostaglandins in the mucosa. It also has a mild neutralizing effect.

Sucrabest as a whole forms a viscous mucus that covers the entire gastric mucosa. This protects against irritating compounds such as hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes or bile. Existing inflammations and ulcers heal faster as a result.

Fields of application and side effects

The active ingredient of Sucrabest, sucralfate, is used to treat stomach or intestinal ulcers. It can be administered both for acute treatment and prophylactically.

Despite its general tolerability, sucrabest may cause constipation.

When should sucrabest not be administered?

Although sucrabest is generally well tolerated, there are situations in which its use should be well considered. If a dog is known to be sensitive to the ingredients or has kidney problems, it may be best to switch to another medication. Caution should also be exercised when using other medications at the same time.

Pregnant bitches, dogs with constipation or decreased bowel motility should not be given Sucrabest.

Golden Retriever Hund erkältet sich im Bett erholend Depositphotos / edu1971

Dosage and form of use of Sucrabest: tablets and suspension.

Sucrabest can be administered either in tablet form or as a suspension . Individual needs are critical when deciding between these two options. Since dosages may vary, a veterinarian should always be consulted.

The granules for the suspension are carefully dissolved in water. It can then be given directly into the dog's mouth with a syringe .

How often and how long should Sucrabest be administered?

The duration of use and dosage level are determined by the veterinarian and may vary depending on the dog's health.

For the active ingredient sucralfate, it is best given several times a day.

Sucrabest: Only on an empty stomach?

It makes sense that it should be given on an empty stomach and should therefore be administered before feeding (at least 30-60 minutes). A full stomach may impair the effect of Sucrabest.

Sources and relevant links


Accessed on 16.08.2023

Apotheken Umschau

Accessed on 16.08.2023


Accessed on 16.08.2023

Nadja Sigrist (2020). Notfallmedizin für Hund und Katze. Hrsg. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Thieme.

Martin Kessler Kleintieronkologie (2022). Hrsg. 4., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Thieme.

Banner: Depositphotos / Bignai
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