Dog,Canidae,Dog breed,Leg,Companion dog,Great dane,Sporting Group,Carnivore,Fawn,Physical fitness, Dog Husbandry Tips 01.03.2021

Dog shows on TV - Our favourites

These are the shows with dogs we love.

Dog Shows

Dogs, they are the most loyal, faithful creatures known to man on this planet. Dogs don't follow stereotypes, they don't have prejudices and they aren't moody. Our dogs earn the nickname "Man's Best Friend" every day. This is one of the many reasons why we love our furry friends so much. In the following we would like to introduce you to shows in which the dogs are the center of attention. The shows are about the welfare of the animals and also about understanding them, giving them what they deserve.

Cesar Millan the dog whisperer

Cesar is one of the best known and most popular dog trainers in the world. He is originally from Mexico and emigrated to America. There he has established himself with his expertise and is now the master of several dog shows. In them, he helps desperate dog owners who misunderstand their dog and thus have a dysfunctional relationship with him. Cesar trains in this sense not only the dogs but also the humans and encourages them in their pack leader behavior. Cesar goes into the behaviour of the dog and tries to show the people why the dog behaves the way it does in certain situations. He explains, if the behavior is undesirable, how the human can intervene and thus impress the four-legged friend. The human being must embody the pack leader at all times. The dog needs this shoulder to lean on. Otherwise nervousness, aggressive behavior and a disturbed dog-human relationship can be the result. The show is highly recommended, as it also shows tips and tricks for private use.(We are not showing attitude here, just some very popular and well-known dog shows - we are neither advocates of Cesar Milan's techniques, nor do we completely reject them! - Form your own opinions and consult with your dog trainer about which methods are best and most skillful for your dog!)

Dog, Mammal, Vertebrate, Dog breed, Canidae, Carnivore, Sporting group, Companion dog, Golden Retriever, Rare breed (dog), Labrador and Husky mix, Labrador mix, White large dog with long coat and Labrador ears

Brandon McMillan - Lucky Dogs

This gentleman also has a heart for dogs. The American dog trainer rescues dogs from the animal shelter, trains them with love and passion. Afterwards he mediates them to selected people, so the short version. Brandon is a kind-hearted person, that becomes clear while watching the show. He gets calls from various shelters when a new case comes up there. He takes on the dogs, often with handicaps, and first looks at what the dogs have already learned in their lives. Then he shows them the missing or all seven basic commands. He inquires in his environment after a suitable home for the furry four-legged friend. He talks extensively with the persons concerned and explains to them what is important. Once the dog has gone through his various stations and internalized all the commands he is ready to meet his new home. Brandon often trains dogs for people with disabilities or companion dogs for various facilities. An impressive person who dedicates his life completely to dogs and people. It is definitely worth taking a look at the show, you will fall in love immediately!

Martin Rütter

He is also a predestined trainer who is very popular, especially in the German-speaking countries. Martin Rütter runs various shows on RTL and teaches people what is important in dog training. Funny and exciting at the same time! Varied entertainment is guaranteed by the versatility!

Further entertaining program suggestions

  • The puppy trainer
  • My dog, your dog
  • The dog professional
  • the puppies are coming
  • Dog, cat, mouse
Banner: Shutterstock / Yuttana Jaowattana
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