Hybrid Breed

Basset Hound + Shih Tzu


Tzu Basset (Basset Hound and Shih Tzu mix)

The Tzu Basset is a cross between a Basset Hound and a Shih Tzu. The Basset Hound is an ancient breed that originated in France and is known for its excellent hunting skills. The Shih Tzu, on the other hand, originated in Tibet and China and was bred to keep the royal palaces company. This mix breed combines the best qualities of both parent breeds.

Suitability and attitude

Tzu Bassets fit well with many types of homes and lifestyles, as they are adaptable and flexible . They get along well with other pets and children and make excellent family dogs. While they are active, they do not require as much exercise as other active breeds. A few short walks a day and some playtime should be sufficient.

Alternate Name -
Origin France - Tibet
Life expectancy 10 - 16 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

The Tzu Basset is known for its friendly and loving personality. They inherit the intelligence and loyalty of the Shih Tzu and the patience and composure of the Basset Hound. They are usually good family dogs that get along well with children and other pets. Like the Basset Hound, they have a keen sense of smell and can be stubborn at times, which can make training challenging.

Overall, the Tzu Basset is a loving and adaptable hybrid breed that fits well into many different households. With their friendly nature and handsome appearance, they can make great companions for families and individuals alike.

Grooming and health

Tzu Bassets require a moderate to high amount of grooming, mainly due to their long, thick coats that require regular brushing to prevent matting and skin problems. They can be prone to some of the health problems that affect their parent breeds, such as hip dysplasia, eye problems and skin allergies. However, with good care and regular veterinary checkups, Tzu Bassets have an average life expectancy of 10 to 15 years.

As a mixed breed dog, the Tzu Basset's appearance can vary, but typically they take on characteristics from both parents. They tend to be medium-sized, with the long ears and build of the Basset Hound and the thick, wavy coat of the Shih Tzu. Their coat colors can vary greatly, including white, black, brown, cream, and combinations thereof.

Fur length short - medium
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail short - rolled up
Anatomy massive, hefty, rugged
Size ♀ 20 - 36 cm
Weight ♀ 4 - 27 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 38 cm
Weight ♂ 4 - 29 kg
Suitable For -
  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • Breathing problems

    Dogs with shortened muzzles can often experience respiratory problems.

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • Knee injuries

    Some breeds, unfortunately, especially suffer from knee injuries of various kinds.

  • A Tzu Basset is a unique hybrid breed that has both the head and body of a Basset Hound and the curly coat of a Shih Tzu. It is intelligent, friendly, affectionate and usually harbors no aggression towards other animals or humans.

  • This mix usually becomes medium sized when full grown.

  • Since these mixed breeds are full of energy, they should get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. To keep them fit, it is important that their owner offers them long walks, runs or plays every day.

  • It is very important to give a Tzu Basset regular training with lots of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement such as treats or praise should be used to help them learn new tricks and behaviors.

  • Yes, the Tzu Basset is a great hybrid breed for families. This mix is loving, affectionate, intelligent and energetic. They make a great pet and are a good match for young children.

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