Vertebrate,Dog,Mammal,Canidae,Dog breed,Puppy,Puppy love,Carnivore,Companion dog,Fawn, Dog Husbandry Tips 02.08.2021

Dog licence: Baden-Württemberg introduces compulsory dog licence

The state of Baden-Württemberg introduces a mandatory dog license. More about this in the blogpost.

The black-green coalition has recently decided that dog owners from Baden-Württemberg must have a dog license in the future. But what rules go along with it?

An examination leads to the driving licence

In other federal states it is already common that you as a dog owner must have a certificate of competence. The Greens and the CDU now want to introduce this in Baden-Württemberg as well. This means that you have to pass a written test and a practical examination and experts evaluate the results. The dog owners are supposed to prove that they know something about the social behaviour of the four-legged friends and that they can apply the knowledge practically. InLower Saxony the examination costs 40 euros. The bottom line is that passers-by are to be protected from bites by aggressive dogs and animal cruelty by not species-appropriate attitude is to be avoided.

All dogs can bite

Dog bites usually happen in one's own household or in the neighbourhood. It does not necessarily have to be "fighting dogs", even typical family dogs can be biting. Up to now, the certificate of competence only applied to owners of fighting dogs, but this is now to come to an end. In future, the certificate of competence will be required regardless of the breed, size or weight of the dog, because potentially every dog can be dangerous.

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Animal welfare activists welcome the idea

Dog schools and animal welfare activists welcome the government's decision. You can get a dog relatively easily, but not everyone can handle it. You need to teach your dog how to behave towards people and other dogs. Many dogs have never learned this and are behaviorally challenged as a result. Wrongly kept dogs end up in shelters after a few years because the owners can't handle them anymore. Usually the wrong attitude is to blame for it.

Dog boom thanks to Corona

The Corona crisis has led to more people buying a dog. Animal welfare activists fear that interest in the little companions could soon wane and the animals would then end up in animal shelters. It is not known how many dogs are currently living in Baden-Württemberg. However, due to the increasing income from the dog tax, an increase can be seen.

Like in driving school

In the dog driving licence, three theory units of two and a half hours each are initially on the programme. The main focus is on keeping and caring for the animals in a manner appropriate to their species. In five practical units of 90 minutes each, experienced trainers then show you how everything can look in practice. Including the examination for the course depending upon dog school about 200 euro might result. The certificate of competence should come not only for dogs, but also for other dangerous animal species.

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Banner: Shutterstock / HASPhotos
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