Wirehaired Husky

Wirehaired Husky:German Wirehaired Pointer and Siberian Husky Mix

Hybrid Breed

German Wirehaired Pointer + Siberian Husky


German Wirehair and Siberian Husky Mix - a hybrid breed

The German Drahthaar and Siberian Husky are a very popular mixed breed. These two breeds have different character traits, but they have one thing in common - they are both energetic and very affectionate. The German Wirehaired is a very intelligent and talented guard dog that is very good at search and retriever training and makes an excellent companion. The Siberian Husky, on the other hand, is a quiet and large dog that has a strong need for freedom. He is a good walker and a great companion. The mix of these two breeds makes for an intelligent, lovable and friendly dog that is very active and affectionate. They can be kept indoors or outdoors, although it is important that they get plenty of exercise. With the right training, they can be very well socialized.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky mixes are an active and intelligent breed. They have an athletic body with well-muscled legs. Their coat is usually long, thick and harsh with many color patterns seen. They have medium sized ears that point forward and a broad, elongated face. The muzzle area is relatively flat and the nose is usually black. An average German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky mix should weigh 28-45 kg and have a shoulder height of 54-69 cm.

Banner: Angelika Toigo
Blume,Hund,Schrank,Pflanze,Fleischfresser,Blütenblatt,Hunderasse,Begleithund,Gras,Einjährige Pflanze, Hund,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Arbeitstier,Begleithund,Schnauze,Schnurrhaare,Sportliche Gruppe,Fell,Borador,
Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - USA
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky Mix - Such is probably his nature.

The hybrid between a German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky is a bright and lively pet. This mixed breed, also referred to as a Wirehaired Husky, is usually described as intelligent, loyal and affectionate.

Since this breed has remarkable intelligence, they are very easy to train. They tend to love their owner and they try to please them. Even though they need a lot of motivation, they respond to rewards and praise. However, a consistent training method is required to avoid behavior problems.

Since the German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky are descended from two strong running dogs, they tend to be very energetic. Therefore, they should have at least an hour of exercise daily to help with the excess energy drain. Some good outdoor exercise will also help them to follow their natural hunting instincts.

The German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky is often described as a family-friendly dog, as they enjoy hanging out with their family. However, they can also be shy around people and environments they do not know well. Therefore, it is important to socialize and train them early on so they can build trust and confidence.

The hybrid has a unique personality and is a loyal companion that builds a close bond with its owner. With proper exercise and training, social interaction and good nutrition, this intelligent and affectionate dog can be well characterized and kept happy.

What diseases can occur in Wirehaired Husky.

The German Wirehaired Pointer Siberian Husky mix (DWHS) is a popular dog in many households. This mix is described as robust and active, and is known for its energy and desire to participate in action.

However, the breed is prone to several diseases. Many of these diseases are associated with their breed and can occur throughout the dog's life.

One of the most common diseases that occur in DWHS is canine progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). This disease causes irreversible visual impairment. It occurs slowly and affects the dog's retina, making it unable to see colors. PRA can usually be diagnosed by a blood test.

Another disease that is often observed is the so-called allergic dermatitis. This disease affects the dog's skin and can be extremely itchy. Symptoms can include irritation of the skin, redness and swelling. To treat Allergic Dermatitis, the cause must be determined, usually through allergy testing.

Hip dysplasia is another condition that occurs with DWHS. In this condition, there is instability or irregularity in the dog's hip joint. This stability can be diagnosed by radiographic examination. Surgery may be necessary to improve the dog's condition.

Other conditions seen in DWHS include epilepsy, anemia, and eye problems such as cataracts.

Since all of these conditions can have serious consequences, you should have your DWHS examined by a veterinarian on a regular basis and monitor him closely for early signs of disease. With proper care and regular maintenance, your dog can have a happy and healthy life.

Hund,Auge,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Arbeitstier,Begleithund,Schnurrhaare,Schnauze,Sportliche Gruppe,Leber,

A Wirehaired Husky has a densely curled and thicker coat, which is also very durable. This coat is mixed in color in most cases. The base color of most of these dogs is a nice warm gray, but they can also have various other shades such as browns, reds and blacks. Under the coat there are large white or red patches, sometimes black patches. It is important that the coat is groomed regularly and thoroughly to maintain the health and appearance of the dog.

Fur length short - medium
Fur rough-haired - flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail short - fanned out
Anatomy sporty, rugged, strong, sporty
Size ♀ 50 - 64 cm
Weight ♀ 16 - 32 kg
Size ♂ 54 - 68 cm
Weight ♂ 20 - 32 kg
Suitable For -
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • A German Wirehaired Pointers and Siberian Husky mix is a mixed breed created by crossing the German Wirehaired Pointers with the Siberian Husky.

  • The German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky mix has a short but dense coat, prominent ears and eyes, a slender build and a spirited character.

  • A German Wirehair and Siberian Husky mix usually reaches a height of 44 to 57 cm and a weight of 15 to 25 kg.

  • The German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky mix has a very distinctive behavior. They tend to be active, easy to train and listen well to commands and instructions.

  • Yes - as long as they are acclimated to other pets early enough, it should be no problem for the German Wirehaired and Siberian Husky mix to make friends with other pets.

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