
Origin and history of the Elo

The Elo has been trademarked so that only licensed breeders and only licensed breeding dogs are authorized to breed the Elo.

Elo is a young dog breed that originated in Lower Saxony. In Dedelstorf, the Szobries couple originally bred Eurasiers and Bobtails. At some point, they had the idea to develop a new breed that would be especially child-friendly and also would not have a hunting instinct. They envisioned an animal that would accompany its owners without showing nervousness or even aggression.

They finally started breeding such a breed in 1987, when the first puppies were born under the name of Eloschaboro. Since the breeders did not find a suitable Eurasier male at the beginning, they switched to the Chow-Chow, which was similar to him. The name Eloschoboro comes from the original breeds Old English Sheepdog(Bobtail), Eurasier and Chow-Chow.

In 1995, the desire arose to breed a smaller companion dog with the same positive characteristics as the Elo. For this reason Japan Spitz, Pekinese and Small Spitz were crossed with it.

Suitability and attitude

The Elo is excellent as a family, social, and companion dog. This also makes him a great beginner dog, who also likes to learn a trick or two.

Banner: Shutterstock / Dora Zett
Elo puppies brown white and Elo black in a basket on the floor, small dogs with long coat, family dog, mixed breed, not yet recognized breed FCI, popular breed, beginner dog red Elo dog on leash walks with owners on the beach, dog suitable for families and beginners brown white black Elo puppy in side view, dog with standing ears white Elo with brown spots sits in a forest and looks into the camera, dog similar to Spitz, dog breed for families and beginners
Alternate Name Eloschaboro
Origin Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Typical character traits of the Elo

The character of the Elo can be described in a few words: The breeding goal, namely to create a companion suitable for families, has succeeded all around. If you have children, they will be delighted with this good-natured playmate. The Elo adapts to any housing condition and feels comfortable both in the countryside and in the city. Since he has no hunting instinct, you can safely let him run off leash wherever it is allowed. Even in dog exercise areas you will have no problems with this four-legged friend, because he does not show any dominance or aggression towards other dogs.

Education and occupation

Although the Elo likes to orient itself to its owners, consistent education is required, as with all breeds. Then the Elo submits willingly and you can take him to restaurants, on vacation and even to work. If you get him used to it from an early age, he can also stay alone. Even though the Elo is quiet at home, there is a certain urge to move around, as with any dog. He needs daily exercise - in all weathers. As soon as he is fully grown (at around one year of age), he will gladly accompany you on jogs and bike rides. The clever animal also likes to learn tricks and makes a good figure at dog dancing or agility.

Elo puppy lies on a meadow and yawns, small brown white dog with long snout and tilt ears Elo dog on the water, dog similar to Wolfsspitz, dog similar to Eurasia, dog with long muzzle and prick ears, family dog with little hunting instinct, mix on Eurasia, not recognized dog breed Picture of a cute Elohund going for a walk in the meadow

Breed diseases of the Elo

Since the breeder couple Szobries put health in the foreground from the beginning, typical breed diseases are less of a problem. Breeding animals are even prescribed a health examination, especially in connection with:

  • Hip joint dysplasia
  • eye diseases such as glaucoma
  • Problems with the patella and elbow joints

Only inbreeding depression due to the small population size can be a problem, which can lead to an accumulation of hereditary diseases (e.g. distichiasis). In addition, sebadenitis is known to occur in the Elo.

Elo breeding and purchase

Although the Elo is not a recognized dog breed, 17914 Elo® dogs have been born as of September 2022. There are 160 active Elo® breeders in the EZFG e.V. (as of September 2022) in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic and Switzerland.

The breed is under trademark protection, which prescribes certain requirements for breeding animals. This ensures that you end up with a reputable breeder. Elo puppies can be purchased from a breeder who is listed in the Elo Breeding and Research Association. This maintains, among other things, a database for the registration of hereditary diseases and excludes pre-existing animals from breeding.

yellow Elo dog

Although the Elo is not recognized by the International Canine Federation (FCI), it is becoming increasingly popular. There are the Elo in different sizes, all animals have their strong head and the short muzzle in common. Characteristic are also the tapering ears. The Elo carries its bushy tail curled over its back.

Coat of the Elo

Since so many breeds of dogs are involved in the Elo, the animals vary as far as coat color is concerned. Breeders deliberately chose parents based on character and health, and only secondarily on appearance. If you want to buy an Elo, you can choose between smooth-haired and rough-haired animals. All representatives of the breed are characterized by a coat of medium length. Generally all colors are allowed, mostly the base color is white. Black, red, brown or gray patches provide an appealing color contrast. To prevent the dense coat with the underlying undercoat from becoming matted, it is better to brush the coat several times a week. Especially during the coat change in spring and autumn it is worthwhile to remove dead hairs daily.

Size and weight

Small Elos reach a shoulder height of 35 to 45 centimeters, the large breed representatives 46 to 60 centimeters.

There is also a distinction in weight between small (10 to 15 kilograms) and large (22 to 35 kilograms) Elo.

Breeding specimens

In order for an Elo to be used for breeding, an inspection is required. Here he is evaluated after a standard and character test, in which among other things a high stimulus threshold and playfulness are tested, according to given points.

Also a health examination is necessary to be able to breed qualified: Special emphasis is placed on hip dysplasia. Only specimens with grade A or B may be used for breeding, and the latter may usually be mated only with Hd grade A. In small elo breeding, HD-B x HD-B matings are permitted as exceptions, but must be approved in writing by the management. A veterinary examination of the eyes and patella also mandatory.

Fur length medium
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail fanned out
Anatomy hefty
Size ♀ 35 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 10 - 35 kg
Size ♂ 35 - 60 cm
Weight ♂ 10 - 35 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Children


many many
Elo puppy lies on a meadow and yawns, small brown white dog with long snout and tilt ears
Elo dog on the water, dog similar to Wolfsspitz, dog similar to Eurasia, dog with long muzzle and prick ears, family dog with little hunting instinct, mix on Eurasia, not recognized dog breed
Picture of a cute Elohund going for a walk in the meadow
  • Since Elo breeding is very rare, you can ask the prices only directly from the breeder. Estimated puppies are about 2000 euros.

  • An Elo can stay well up to 5 hours alone with enough training.

  • The Elo can live between 12 and 14 years.

  • No, the Elo is not an officially recognized breed by the FCI.

  • The Elo is the perfect family dog. He is bred exactly for the requirements that are placed on a companion dog.

  • To buy an Elo, it is best to check with the EZFG. There you will also find information about qualified breeders.

  • No, the Elo has been trademarked. Therefore you need a permission.

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