Kangal Shepherd Dog

Kangal Shepherd Dog Breed description: Character & Co


What is a Kangal?

Self-confident and imposing: the Kangal is one of the most impressive dog breeds in the world. Its robust stature and powerful appearance make it the ideal guardian and protector. Known for its enormous strength and intelligence, the Kangal is a loyal companion and excellent guard dog. Its dense, short-haired coat and characteristic facial features give it a striking presence. With its strong protective instinct and calm composure, it protects its family and territory from danger. Discover the fascination of this majestic animal, which has been demonstrating its impressive characteristics for centuries.

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Kangal sheepdog lying in the grass Kangal sheepdog standing on a meado Turkish shepherd dog Kangal as a guard dog Kangal Shepherd Dog in front of a white background
Alternate Name Kangal
Origin Turkey
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group Molossian type
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Kangal Shepherd Dog mixes


Typical character traits

The Kangal impresses with its unique character traits: it is extremely loyal to its family and shows a pronounced protective instinct. Its calmness and composure make it a reliable companion in all situations. Thanks to its intelligence and independence, the Kangal is able to make independent decisions. Its dominance and determination are particularly evident in the defense of its territory. This dog breed is not only powerful, but also sensitive in its dealings with its caregivers. Discover the fascinating personality of the Kangal and its unique characteristics that make it so special.

A dog in nature. Turkish shepherd dog, Kangal The portrait of the Kangal Sheepdog

Health and care

The health of the Kangal is characterized by a robust character and a good life expectancy. This dog breed is known for its strength and resistance to many diseases. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential to support the Kangal's health. Typical health problems that Kangals may face are hip dysplasia and eye problems. Early visits to the vet and regular examinations help to identify potential problems in good time. With proper care and attention, Kangals can lead a healthy and active life.

Anatolian shepherd dog (Kangal, Karabash), sitting lonely and sad against the background of the city

The Kangal impresses with its imposing appearance. It has a strong stature and muscular build, which makes it an impressive dog. Its dense, short-haired coat is usually light to sand-colored and gives it a robust character. With its massive head and strong jaws, it radiates strength and self-confidence. The eyes of the Kangal are usually dark and expressive, but at the same time emphasize its calm nature. Its ears are medium-sized and hang down to the side of the head. This striking appearance makes the Kangal an imposing and fascinating dog breed.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 63 - 75 cm
Weight ♀ 40 - 50 kg
Size ♂ 70 - 80 cm
Weight ♂ 48 - 60 kg
Suitable For -
Kangal Shepherd Dog in front of a white background
A dog in nature. Turkish shepherd dog, Kangal
The portrait of the Kangal Sheepdog

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