Basset bleu de Gascogne

Basset bleu de Gascogne Breed description: Character & Co

Basset bleu de Gascogne


Origin and history

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne, a characteristic hunting dog from France, has a rich history and unique origins.

  • Origin: This breed has its roots in the Gascogne region of France. It is known for its long tradition as a hunting dog.
  • Development: The Basset Bleu de Gascogne originated from the crossing of the old hunting dogs of Gascony. It was originally bred for hunting in the dense forests and rough terrain of the region.
  • Historical significance: Formerly used mainly for hunting small game such as rabbits and foxes, this breed was very popular with hunters due to its stamina, keen sense of smell and ability to work in difficult terrain.

Suitability and use

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is not only an experienced hunter, but also a versatile and adaptable companion.

  • Hunting abilities: With its excellent sense of smell and stamina, it is ideal for tracking and hunting in various types of terrain.
  • Family dog: In addition to its role as a hunting dog, the Basset Bleu de Gascogne is also known for its friendly and sociable nature, which makes it an excellent family dog.
  • Adaptability: This breed adapts well to life in the city or in the countryside. It is a pleasant companion in active households and can also cope well in quieter lifestyles.


The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is a versatile and robust dog breed, ideal for hunting activities and as a loving family companion. Its adaptability to different living conditions and its friendly nature make it a valuable member of any household. When acquiring a Basset Bleu de Gascogne, its need for regular exercise and mental challenge should be taken into account to ensure its health and well-being.

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Gascony Blue Basset or Basset Bleu de Gascogne dog, puppy standing on grass The portrait of Blue Gascony Basset in the fall garden The portrait of Blue Gascony Basset in the garden GASCONY BLUE BASSET OR BASSET BLEU DE GASCOGNE, ADULT, STANDING IN THE GRASS
Alternate Name Blue Basset de Gascogne
Origin France
Life expectancy 12 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits of the Basset Bleu de Gascogne

  • Pronounced hunting instinct: This breed is characterized by a strong hunting instinct. The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is passionate about hunting, particularly adept at tracking and shows stamina when pursuing game.
  • Friendly and sociable nature: Despite its hunting instinct, the Basset Bleu de Gascogne is known for its friendly and sociable nature. It has a positive approach to people and other animals and is a pleasant family companion.
  • Intelligent and adaptive: It is an intelligent dog that responds well to training. Consistent and positive training methods are most effective for his education.

Temperament and social behavior

  • Loyalty and bond: This dog breed develops a strong bond with its owners and shows deep loyalty to its family.
  • Calm and even temperament: The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is known for its calm and even temperament, making it an ideal pet for families with children.
  • Adaptability: It adapts well to different living conditions, whether in an apartment or a house with a garden.


The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is a versatile, friendly and loyal dog, ideal for families and as a companion. Its even-tempered nature and adaptability make it a valued member of any household. However, it is important to consider its needs for regular exercise and mental stimulation to ensure a happy and healthy life.

Gascony Blue Basset or Basset Bleu de Gascogne dog, mother with puppy standing on grass Gascony Blue Basset or Basset Bleu de Gascogne, puppy, a French breed GASCONY BLUE BASSET OR BASSET BLEU DE GASCOGNE, FEMALE WITH PUPPY STANDING IN FRONT OF THE FORCING ENTRANCE Blue Basset or Basset Bleu de Gascogne, dog standing on grass

Care of the Basset Bleu de Gascogne

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne, an elegant and hardy hunting dog, requires specific care to ensure its well-being.

  • Grooming: The coat of this breed is short and dense, which makes grooming easier. Regular brushing, at least once a week, is necessary to keep the coat clean and well-groomed and to remove loose hairs.
  • Bathing: Frequent bathing is not necessary. A bath every few months or when needed with a mild dog shampoo is sufficient.
  • Ear and claw care: Due to their long ears, these should be regularly checked for signs of infection and cleaned. Claws should be trimmed when necessary to promote healthy paws.

Health aspects

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is generally robust, but some health aspects should be taken into account.

  • Regular veterinary check-ups: Regular visits to the vet are important to monitor the dog's health and react early to any potential problems.
  • Balanced diet and exercise: A balanced diet and sufficient exercise are crucial to maintaining the dog's ideal weight and overall health.

Breeding and selection

Care should be taken when purchasing a Basset Bleu de Gascogne.

  • Responsible breeders: Choose a reputable breeder who provides transparent information about the health and pedigree of the puppies.
  • Health tests: Find out whether the breeder carries out necessary health tests to rule out hereditary diseases.
  • Puppy selection: Pay attention to the puppy's temperament and health as well as the behavior of its parents.


The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is an easy-care, healthy dog with a strong character, ideal for hunting and as a loyal family companion. Conscious breeding and careful selection are crucial to ensure a healthy and happy life for this special breed.

The portrait of Blue Gascony Basset in the fall garden

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne, known for its unique appearance, is a hunting dog full of character with a distinctive coat.

  • Coat type: The coat of the Basset Bleu de Gascogne is short, dense and smooth, which makes it relatively easy to care for.
  • Coloring: Characteristic of this breed is the dark blue, almost black coat with characteristic ticking patches and the typical black and light tan markings. This coloring gives the dog its unmistakable appearance.

Visual characteristics

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne impresses with its characteristic appearance and build.

  • Build: It has an elongated but robust build and short legs, which is typical of Basset breeds.
  • Head shape: The head is long and noble with a pronounced stop and large, low-set ears that can reach the tip of the nose.

Size and weight

The physical dimensions of the Basset Bleu de Gascogne are decisive for its agility and hunting ability.

  • Height: The average shoulder height of the Basset Bleu de Gascogne is around 34 cm to 42 cm, making it a medium-sized dog.
  • Weight: The average weight varies between 16 kg and 20 kg, depending on gender and individual constitution.


The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is a medium-sized hunting dog with a characteristic, easy-care coat and striking coloring. Its size and weight make it an ideal companion for hunting trips and a loving member of the family. When caring for the Basset Bleu de Gascogne, attention should be paid to regular brushing and a balanced diet to promote its health and vitality.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy sporty
Size ♀ 34 - 38 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 18 kg
Size ♂ 34 - 38 cm
Weight ♂ 14 - 18 kg
Suitable For Children, Seniors
Gascony Blue Basset or Basset Bleu de Gascogne, puppy, a French breed
Blue Basset or Basset Bleu de Gascogne, dog standing on grass

Other medium dogs

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