Black and Tan Coonhound

Black and Tan Coonhound Breed description: Character & Co

Black and Tan Coonhound

Life expectancy
12 - 10

Black and Tan Coonhound - Breed description

Origin of the Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan originates from North America, namely from the US southern states. He is a descendant of one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, the so-called Bloodhounds. But also the American Foxhound and the Kerry Beagle play a role in his development. Coonhounds are classic North American hunting dogs, which were especially often used to hunt raccoons. Their name comes from the English word raccoon, or raccoon. But they also hunt any other prey with enthusiasm, are very track-loud and can pick up tracks for a week thanks to their exceptionally good nose. Coonhounds are somewhat similar in stature and type to the more familiar Bracken in Germany. There are several Coonhound breeds, the Black and Tan Coonhound is the largest. It has been recognized as an independent breed since 1945. In Europe the breed is little known and in Germany there are only very few breeders for the Black and Tan, who mostly have to fall back on US-American or Canadian breeding lines.

The breed characteristics of the Black and Tan Coonhound

The breed has the typical long hanging ears of the Bloodhound, but is smaller and lighter. It also lacks the skin folds on the head typical of the Bloodhound. The physique is slender, yet muscular and strong. All purebred representatives are, as the name suggests, jet black with tan markings. Other breed characteristics are the extremely good sense of smell and the endurance with which these dogs track prey. Another characteristic is the rather loud and frequent barking when hunting. In the house, however, they are rather quiet, as guard dogs they are not optimal.

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Alternate Name -
Origin USA
Life expectancy 12 - 10 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group Hound Group
KC group Scenthound Group

Black and Tan Coonhound mixes


The typical character traits of the Black and Tan

He is a very intelligent, eager to learn and courageous dog, who remembers commands very quickly and follows them very well with appropriate training. As a hunting dog and companion dog he is very well suited, but also as a mantrailer and as a tracking dog. However, he is also quite independent and an unswerving hunter. Therefore, he belongs in the hands of people who appreciate his positive qualities, but who can also give him appropriate tasks and exercise him. A well-behaved Black and Tan can also make a great family dog, as he is very compatible, peaceful and totally social. He likes company and is playful and gentle. Nevertheless, he is also very big, an absolute running dog and a passionate hunter. In addition, he can also react stubbornly and obstinate, if his humans do not keep him busy enough, if they bully him too much or even treat him with harshness.

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What are typical diseases of the Black Tan?

Typical breed diseases are not known. In general, the Black Tan is a robust and not overbred dog. However, due to the size of the animals, there is a risk of hip dysplasia at an advanced age. However, this risk can be reduced by prudent husbandry and diet.

What should be considered when breeding the breed, what does a purebred Black Tan cost?

If you want to buy a purebred Black Tan or another Coonhound in Germany and you can't contact an American breeder directly, you will need patience in any case, because there are very few serious breeders of these breeds here so far. Also about the asking prices for a puppy is practically nothing known, they are a matter of negotiation. However, everyone who wants this special dog should use the waiting time to exchange information with other owners of this breed. This is the only way to be sure whether the Black Tan is really the right dog breed.

Black and Tan Coonhound, hunter dog, hunting dog, black and tan dog breed from America, American dog with long floppy ears, dog similar to Bracke, large dog breed, coon hunting dog

The breed has short smooth dense fur that is relatively easy to groom.

How tall does the breed grow?

The breed standard is a shoulder height of 58 to 70 cm.

How heavy does the breed grow?

The average weight of an adult Black and Tan is between 28 and 38 kg.

How old does the breed live?

The average age is around 12 years.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 28 - 38 kg
Size ♂ 58 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 28 - 49 kg
Suitable For -


Black and Tan Coonhound full body, anxious dog pulls tail in, pull tail in dog, hunter dog, hunting dog, black and tan dog breed from America, American dog with long floppy ears, dog similar to Bracke, large dog breed, coon hunting dog
Black and Tan Coonhound info graphic, everything you need to know about the breed, american dog breed with very long floppy ears, droopy ears in dogs, black dog breed with brown, black and tan as color pattern in hunting dogs, dog for hunting raccoons in America
A black and tan coonhound on a sandy beach
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

Sources and relevant links


Accessed on 13.02.2024


Accessed on 13.02.2024

FCI-Rassestandard (Deutsch)

Accessed on 13.02.2024

Hans Räber (2014). Enzyklopädie der Rassehunde, Band 2. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

American Kennel Club (2023). New Complete Dog Book, The, 23rd Edition. Fox Chapel Publishing.

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