
Cockalier:Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Cocker Spaniel Mix

Hybrid Breed

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Cocker Spaniel


Origin and history

The Cockalier, also known as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Cocker Spaniel mix, is a cross between two prized breeds from England. Both parent breeds have a long history.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was bred in the 17th century in the British royal court and the Cocker Spaniel was used for hunting in the 19th century. The mix of these two breeds combines their best qualities and results in an intelligent, loving and lively family dog.

Banner: Depositphotos / katrinaelena
A Cockalier Spaniel dog (half Cocker Spaniel and half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) is lying and looking up. Taken in studio against isolated white background.
Alternate Name -
Origin England
Life expectancy 9 - 17 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level low - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character and nature

This charming spaniel mongrel is known for its balanced personality and active lifestyle. They love long walks, playing games and interacting with their humans. They do not like to be left alone for long and prefer the company of others. The Cockalier is a family dog through and through. He loves children and is gentle and patient with them.

By getting along well with other dogs or pets, he is a true team player. It is important to mention that these dogs are very intelligent and easy to train. They respond well to positive reinforcement and love to please their owners.

Suitability and attitude

The Cockalier is great for families, singles, and seniors as well. With his friendly and playful nature, he makes a great companion. He is also intelligent, which makes training easier. However, he can be a bit stubborn, so it is important to implement consistent training.

Although he adapts well to apartments, this dog needs plenty of exercise each day to keep his energy levels up, so regular walks and playtime are essential.

Care of the Cockalier

The dense, wavy coat requires regular grooming. It is recommended that it be brushed at least two to three times a week to prevent matting and mats.

Regular ear checks are essential as both parent breeds tend to have ear problems. Teeth brushing should be part of routine grooming to prevent dental problems and bad breath.

Health and Diseases

Like all mixed breed dogs, the Cockalier can inherit genetic health concerns from its parent breeds. Potential health problems include heart disease, eye problems, and hip dysplasia.

Regular vet visits and precautionary health checks can help identify and treat these conditions early.

Breeding the Cockalier

When breeding, it is important to use only healthy parents with good character. Both parent breeds should be tested for the health concerns mentioned above. Responsible breeding also involves socializing the puppies so that they grow up to be well-balanced and friendly dogs.

Dog,Dog breed,Carnivore,Companion dog,Snout,Working animal,Sporting group,Canidae,Bored,Toy,

This Spaniel mix is a small to medium sized dog breed. The Cockalier often has a medium-length, wavy to curly coat that comes in many different colors, including black, brown, white, and any mix of the aforementioned colors. They are known for their heart-shaped faces, sweet eyes and drooping ears that give an endearing , friendly expression.

Fur length medium
Fur flat coated - wavy
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 30 - 41 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 15 kg
Size ♂ 30 - 43 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 16 kg
Suitable For -
  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • valvular insufficiency

    Heart valve diseases in dogs are among the most common heart diseases. Most often it is an acquired change in a heart valve.

  • Mitral Valve Diseas (MVD)

    Mitral valve disease in animals and dogs, respectively

  • Curly Coat Dry Eye

    Eye disease in dogs.

  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • This mixed breed has a friendly and gentle nature, is very affectionate and intelligent and needs daily exercise and additional mental stimulation.

  • Yes, since this hybrid breed has a double coat, it requires regular and thorough care.

  • This hybrid breed requires at least one hour of exercise and plenty of exercise every day.

  • Yes, this mixed breed is very affectionate and loves children and other pets.

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