Hybrid Breed

Chihuahua + Dalmatian


Origin and history of the Chimation

The Chimation is a fascinating hybrid breed created by crossing a Chihuahua with a Dalmatian. This unique blend combines the characteristic traits of both breeds and enjoys great popularity as an outgoing and playful companion dog.

Suitability and use

The Chimation is a lively and adaptable dog that fits well in a variety of living environments. Due to his small size, he is also suitable for apartments and city dwellings. He loves spending time with his family and is an alert and attentive companion.

Alternate Name -
Origin Mexico - Croatia
Life expectancy 10 - 20 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level low - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Chimation

The Chimation is known for his lively and playful nature. He is affectionate, loving and eager to please his owners. Despite its small size, it often exhibits bold and confident behavior. The Chimation is usually friendly towards family members and other pets. With consistent and loving training, he can grow up to be a well-mannered and obedient companion dog.

The Chimation is a lovable dog that takes the hearts of his owners by storm. With his unique appearance and friendly nature, he is a wonderful companion for families and individuals looking for a small and fun dog.

Health and care

As with most hybrid breeds, the Chimation can benefit from genetic diversity. However, certain health problems may occur that are known to occur in the parent breeds. Regular veterinary examinations, a balanced diet, and adequate exercise are important to maintain the Chimation's health.

Grooming of the Chimation is usually uncomplicated. His short to medium length coat requires regular brushing to remove loose hair and promote coat health. It is important to check and clean the ears regularly to prevent infection. Claws should be trimmed as needed and teeth should be cleaned regularly to maintain oral health.

The Chimation may have physical characteristics of both parent breeds. It usually has a small to medium stature with an athletic build. The coat may be short or slightly medium in length and often features a speckled or spotted coloration, similar to the Dalmatian. Shoulder height is typically between 15 and 30 cm, and weight varies between 2 and 9 kg.

Fur length medium - short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 15 - 58 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 24 kg
Size ♂ 15 - 61 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 24 kg
Suitable For -
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Hypoglycemia

    If an insulin dose was overdosed or accidentally administered twice, the dog may experience hypoglycemia.

  • Tartar

    If dogs don't get a good food or sugary food, tartar can quickly appear.

  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • Allergies

    Can occur in a number of breeds, regardless of genetic makeup.

  • Numbness

    Often occurs in old age.

  • A Chihuahua-Dalmatian mix (also called a "Chi-Dalmation" or "Chimation") is a mix of a Chihuahua and a Dalmatian. This breed can be very affectionate, smart and alert.

  • These dogs are quite small with long ears, a slightly rounded head and a long tail. The coat is mostly cream and black spotted, although the coloring may vary from dog to dog.

  • These dogs are usually very compact dogs and usually do not grow taller than 28 to 30 cm.

  • They should be brushed and bathed regularly. It is also important that they are regularly exercised and kept busy to keep them physically and mentally healthy.

  • Yes, Chimations can be very sociable and affectionate. They are usually very good with children and other animals, whereas they can be rather reserved with strange people and pets they do not know.

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