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Dog license

In Austria, the dog license is also called a certificate of competence. Here you can find out what you need to know as an owner.

The Dog Licence: A Comparison between Germany and Austria

The introduction

A dog license is a proof of knowledge and skills for dog owners to handle their animals safely and responsibly. While the dog license is mandatory in some countries, it is only voluntary in others. This article will take a look at the dog driving licenses in Germany and Austria and highlight their differences as well as the costs.

The cost of the dog license

In Germany, the cost of a dog license generally ranges from 60 to 150 euros, depending on the state and the provider. This price usually includes the training costs and the examination fee.

In Austria, on the other hand, the dog license, also called "Sachkundenachweis", usually costs between 100 and 200 euros.

However, it must be stressed that the actual cost can vary, depending on the type of course, the length of training, the trainer and other factors.

Differences between Germany and Austria

The dog license in Germany

In Germany, the dog license is not yet mandatory nationwide, but is regulated at the state level. In some states, such as Lower Saxony and Berlin, the dog license is mandatory for all new dog owners. Other states, such as Bavaria, require the dog license only for certain breeds that may be considered dangerous.

The dog license exam in Germany usually consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, knowledge about dogs and their needs is tested. In the practical part, the handling and upbringing of the dog is assessed.

The dog license in Austria

In contrast to Germany, in Austria the dog license is mandatory for all dog owners. This is also called Sachkundenachweis and must be completed before acquiring a dog. This includes a theoretical course in which knowledge about keeping, care and behavior of dogs are taught.

In Austria, the completion of the examination is mandatory and is regulated by the state. This means that the contents and standards of the exam are uniform throughout Austria.

The conclusion

It is important that dog owners realize their responsibility towards their animals and society. Whether or not a dog license is required by law, it helps to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to properly train and manage a dog.

Make dog license Shutterstock / Lucky Business

    Documents for the certificate of competence in Austria

    In Austria, the certificate of competence for dog owners is required by law. To obtain it, the following documents are generally required:

    1. Identity card: a valid identity card is generally required in order to register for the examination.

    2. Confirmation of training attendance: proof that the theoretical portion of the training has been completed is often required before the exam can be taken.

    3. Registration form: A completed and signed registration form is usually required to take the exam.

    Documents for the dog license in Germany

    The requirements for the dog license vary depending on the state in Germany. However, the following documents are generally required:

    1. ID card: similar to Austria, you will need a valid ID card to register for the exam in Germany.

    2. Proof of liability insurance: In some states, proof of existing liability insurance for the dog is required.

    3. Proof oftraining: Proof of participation in training, similar to the Sachkundenachweis in Austria, is often required.

    4. Proof ofthe dog's health: In some cases, proof that the dog is healthy and has received all necessary vaccinations may be required.

    Please note that the exact requirements may vary depending on the federal state in Germany and the provider in Austria. It is therefore advisable to inquire directly with the responsible authority or provider about the exact requirements.

    Procedure for the certificate of competence in Austria

    The certificate of competence in Austria is a mandatory certificate for all dog owners* and is carried out in three steps:

    1. Registration: Interested dog owners first register at an approved training center. The submission of the required documents is an essential part of the registration process.

    2. Theoretical training: The theoretical units cover various topics related to dog ownership. These include dog behavior and needs, dog ownership laws and regulations, dog first aid, and more. The training usually ends with a theoretical exam.

    3. Exam: After the theoretical training is completed, the exam is taken. The exam consists only of a theoretical part and covers the knowledge learned during the training. After passing the exam, the certificate of competence is issued.

    Procedure of the dog driving license in Germany

    The procedure for the dog license in Germany varies depending on the federal state, but it usually includes the following steps:

    1. Registration: Interested dog owners register with a recognized dog school or trainer for the dog driving license. The required documents are submitted.

    2. Theoretical and practical training: During the training, dog owners are informed about various aspects of dog ownership, dog behavior and needs, laws and regulations, first aid and much more. Parallel to the theory, there is a practical course where dog owners learn how to handle and lead their dog.

    3. Exam: The exam consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical exam, the dog owner's knowledge is tested. In the practical exam, the behavior of the owner and the dog in various everyday situations is assessed.

    4. Issuance of the dog license: After passing the test, the dog license is issued.

    Both procedures aim to ensure that dog owners* have the necessary knowledge and skills to lead their dogs responsibly and safely.

    What do I have to be able to do for the certificate of competence or the dog license?

    For the dog license in Germany as well as the certificate of competence in Austria, dog owners must learn a wide range of knowledge required for responsible and safe dog ownership. The exact content may vary depending on the provider and the state (in Germany), but generally includes the following areas:

    1. Dog behavior: Here, dog owners learn to better understand and respond appropriately to their dogs' behavior. This includes understanding dog body language.

    2. Dog training: dog owners learn various training methods and techniques to effectively train and educate their dogs.

    3. Laws and Regulations: It is important for dog owners to know and comply with the laws and regulations regarding dog ownership. This may include leash requirements, muzzle requirements, dog taxes, and other specific regulations.

    4. Dog health and nutrition: This section includes knowledge about proper dog nutrition, disease prevention, emergency first aid, and general grooming tips.

    5. Breed science: this is knowledge about different breeds of dogs, their specific characteristics, needs, and potential health problems.

    6. Social Behavior and Socialization: dog owners learn how to properly socialize their dogs and how to handle various situations where the dog must interact with other dogs, people or animals.

    In both cases, for the dog license in Germany as well as for the certificate of competence in Austria, it is advisable to find out in advance about the exact requirements and the learning material from the responsible training center or authority.

    Can anyone take a dog license?

    Basically, anyone who is interested can take a dog license, regardless of whether they already own a dog or plan to get one. However, there are some factors that should be considered:

    1. Age: Most training facilities require a minimum age to take the test. This age varies by provider and state or country. In many cases, the minimum age is 18, although teens can sometimes participate with the consent of a parent or guardian.

    2. Health status: it may be necessary for the dog owner to be in good physical and mental health, as walking a dog is both physically and mentally demanding.

    3. Criminal record: in some cases, people who have been convicted of certain crimes (e.g. animal cruelty) may be disqualified from participating in the test.

    It should be noted that exact requirements may vary by provider and country. Therefore, it is always advisable to obtain information directly from the relevant authority or training center in advance.

    Can I get a dog license despite having a criminal record?

    Whether someone with a criminal record can take a dog license depends on the nature of the criminal record and the specific rules of the country or state in question.

    In general, people with criminal records that are not directly related to the handling or keeping of animals can get a dog license. However, for criminal records that relate to animal abuse or cruelty, it may be different. In some cases, such a criminal record may result in the person's permit to keep animals, including dogs, being revoked.

    However, it is important to note that this depends on the specific laws and regulations of each country or state. In Germany, for example, it is decided at the state level who can and who cannot obtain a dog license. In Austria, the certificate of competence applies nationwide and here, too, previous convictions can influence the permission to keep dogs.

    In case of ambiguity or uncertainty, it is advisable to seek information or legal advice from the relevant authority.

    Banner: Shutterstock / knelson20
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