Hybrid Breed

Cocker Spaniel + Lhasa Apso


Origin and history of the Lha-Cocker

The Lha-Cocker is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Lhasa Apso. This charming dog breed originated as a cross between two popular companion dog breeds. The Cocker Spaniel originated in England, while the Lhasa Apso is native to Tibet. The combination of these two breeds results in the unique Lha-Cocker. At the same time, this also means the following: The information given regarding appearance, character and health are general characteristics and may vary from individual to individual.

Suitability and use

The Lha-Cocker is a versatile dog that can do well in a variety of environments. Thanks to his loving nature, he makes an excellent companion dog and enjoys being around his family. He loves spending time outdoors and is often active and playful. Due to his moderate energy level, he requires regular exercise, but not excessive physical exertion.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - Tibet
Life expectancy 10 - 17 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level average - low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Lha-Cocker

The Lha-Cocker combines the best traits of both parent breeds. He is usually affectionate, playful and loyal. Because of his cocker spaniel heritage, he may have an even and friendly temperament, while from the Lhasa Apso he inherits his independence and alertness. The Lha-Cocker is usually a good family dog and is well suited for households with children and other pets.

Overall, the Lha-Cocker is a lovable companion dog that combines the best qualities of the Cocker Spaniel and the Lhasa Apso. With its friendly nature, adaptability and attractive appearance, it brings joy to the lives of its owners.

Health and care

As with all mixed breed dogs, the health of the Lha-Cocker may depend on the parent breeds . However, there are some potential health issues that should be watched for, such as eye problems, hip dysplasia, and ear infections due to drooping ears. Regular vet visits, a balanced diet and proper grooming, including regular brushing and ear cleaning, are important to maintain the health and well-being of the Lha-Cocker.

The Lha-Cocker is a medium-sized dog with a varied appearance . Its coat can be long or medium in length and comes in a variety of colors, including black, brown, gold, or a combination of colors. The ears are often droopy like the Cocker Spaniel and the face has features of the Lhasa Apso, such as the characteristic beard and dark eyes.

Fur length medium - long
Fur wavy
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - rolled up
Anatomy dainty, slim
Size ♀ 20 - 41 cm
Weight ♀ 5 - 15 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 43 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 16 kg
Suitable For -
  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • The Lha-Cocker is a popular medium-sized hybrid dog breed that is a combination of the two breeds.

  • In adulthood they can be 37-45 cm tall.

  • These hybrids usually have a long and densely feathered coat, sometimes with a wavy pattern.

  • They can be available in different colors such as gold, black, brown, white, cream and gray.

  • Yes, they are very intelligent and capable of learning. But they also require consistent training and regular exercise.

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