Miniature American Shepherd and Silken Windsprite Mix:Miniature American Shepherd and Silken Windsprite Mix

Hybrid Breed

Miniature American Shepherd + Silken Windsprite


What is Miniature American Shepherd and Silken Windsprite Mix?

Miniature American Shepherd and Silken Windsprite Mix is a mixture of charming and intelligent dog breeds that is gaining popularity.

History and origin

Miniature American Shepherds, originally known as Mini Australian Shepherds, were bred in the United States in the 1960s and are basically smaller versions of the Australian Shepherd.

Silken Windsprites, formerly known as Longhaired Whippets, date back to the 1970s and are a mix of Whippet, Shetland Sheepdog and Borzoi.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level high - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Suitability and personality

This mix inherits the intelligence, liveliness and friendly nature of its parent breeds. They are known for their tremendous drive and willingness to please their humans. They love activities and can be excellent companions for hikes and other outdoor adventures.

  • Active and playful: These mixed breed dogs have lots of energy and need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.
  • Intelligent and adaptive: With the right training, they can learn a variety of commands and are often seen in dog sports like agility and obedience.
  • Sociable and friendly: They usually get along well with people and other animals and make good family pets.

However, it is not suitable for everyone. Their high energy level and need for mental stimulation can be overwhelming for some owners. They are best suited to active families or individuals who are willing to meet their needs.

Loyalty and sociality

Despite their independence and energy, dogs of this hybrid breed are exceptionally loyal and affectionate. They build a strong bond with their family and are usually very compatible with children and other pets.

Care and health

Grooming is relatively straightforward and requires regular cleaning of ears and teeth, as well as grooming of the coat. Since both parent breeds tend to have low to moderate hair loss, the coat of the mixed breed should be brushed at least once a week to prevent matting and skin irritation.

As with any crossbreed, these mixed breeds can have health problems that are common in the parent breeds. Most notably, these include hip dysplasia, eye disease, and MDR1 (a type of drug intolerance).

Regular vet visits and precautionary health checks are therefore essential.

Breeding of this hybrid breed

Breeding requires a thorough understanding of the character traits and temperaments of both parent breeds.

Breeders should strive to produce puppies that not only meet the physical standards of the breed, but are also healthy and temperamentally sound. Genetic testing and health checks of the parent breeds are therefore essential.

Raising the puppies

Already in the first days of life the puppies should be treated affectionately and socialized. A species-appropriate rearing is just as important as a careful socialization and habituation to different environmental stimuli.

The Miniature American Shepherd and Silken Windsprite mix can inherit the elegant shape and smooth movement of the Silken Windsprite and the compact structure and alertness of the Miniature American Shepherd.

Coat color can vary, from classic Shepherd shades like Blue Merle or Black and White, to the more exotic Windsprite colors like Cream or Red.

In size, they tend to be closer to the Miniature American Shepherd, making them a good choice for those who want a smaller, but still active and playful dog.

Fur length long - medium
Fur wavy - flat coated
Ear shape Triangle - Tilt-ear
Tail fanned out
Anatomy strong, sporty, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 33 - 53 cm
Weight ♀ 9 - 13 kg
Size ♂ 35 - 56 cm
Weight ♂ 10 - 14 kg
Suitable For -
  • MDR1 defect

    The MDR1 defect is a defect in the MDR1 gene that can occur in some breeds of dogs and in humans. This results in the deficient or absent synthesis of a certain protein which is an important component of the blood-brain barrier, leading to hypersensitivity to some drugs.

  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA)

    Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) is a hereditary disease of various breeds of dogs from the Collie family.

  • Yes, this mixed breed is a very affectionate and loyal family dog.

  • The Silken Windsprite and Miniature American Shepherd mix has an average life expectancy of 9 to 14 years.

  • This mixed breed is intelligent, playful, affectionate, loving and lively.

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